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Meddelanden - Anna Marie Payne

Sidor: [1]
Ramdala / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2002-11-15
« skrivet: 2002-09-12, 01:35 »
Hus, First I must thank you for your post. It has taken me some time to figure out how to post on here. I didn't understand the words below, but now I have found some instructions in English. Swedish research is new to me, even though I did try a couple of years ago. I had to put it aside for a while. You have given me the names of 4 of my father's siblings, that I knew nothing about. Now I must keep searching, and learning.  
Tack så mycket
Anna Marie Payne

Ramdala / Äldre inlägg (arkiv) till 2002-11-15
« skrivet: 2002-08-08, 23:35 »
This is a research query submitted for the SwedGenTour 2002. Anybody is welcome to contribute with additional data. If you post your comment before August 17, please also send an email with the info to . Write the research query number in the subject field. More info about  SwedGenTour at !
Anna Marie Payne
10112 Woodpark Drive, Santee, CA 92071
Research query
Nils Gustav Andersson, b May 6, 1906 in Blekinge.
Emigrated 1923 or 1924 from Malmö to New York.
Father: Nils Petter Andersson, b Sep 21 1858 unknown place.
Mother: Anna Maria Andersdotter, b Feb 3, 1866 in Fabbemåla, Ramdala.
She wants to find Swedish relatives.
According to DISBYT the father may be born in Augerum.

Sidor: [1]