Hej vet ni om vem var den här mycket vackert Christina som är född ungefär 1780. Acerbi skrev om han i sin bok om resan till
lappland 1789-1790. Också Klerck och Brooke skrev hon som mycket vackert kvinna senare på 1820-21.
Släkten ägde Kolarin saari men det är inte släkten Simu som det handlar om ävet det skrevs så i tidningen Lapin kansa år 2005.
http://lapinkavijat.rovaniemi.fi/acerbi/kolari.html Mr. Klerck, who had not been at Kollare for a considerable time, on his arrival made inquiries respecting a person, whom he had probably been an admirer. This was Christine of Kollare, and old acquaintance of his in his younger days, when he used to make frequent journeys in the winter season to Torneå.
Christine was the daughter of a Finland peasant, and remarkable for her personal attractions, being exceedingly tall, and of a fine countenance and figure. She possessed, in addition to these, considerable humour, and vivacity of disposition. With all these attractions it is not to be wondered that, twenty years ago, when she was in the flower of her youth, she should have been celebrated by the few travellers who visited these distant parts of the north; or that M. Klerck, who speaks the language of the Finlanders equally well with that of the Laplanders, should have been a warm admirer of this young Northern blossom, who has been already celebrated by more than one traveller.
His feelings may be well imagined by those who have been similarly circumstanced, when, being on the point of preparing some little present for her, he was informed that she had lately died, after having been married some time to a respectable peasant of the wealthier class.