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Författare Ämne: Johansson, Anton f1875 Gällinge. Död Chicago 1907 ?  (läst 3780 gånger)

2015-07-29, 10:20
läst 3780 gånger

Utloggad Torbjörn Adolfsson

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  • Antal inlägg: 13
  • Senast inloggad: 2021-12-22, 17:24
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Hej! Jag skulle bli väldigt tacksam om jag kunde få hjälp med hur jag skall gå vidare med denna dödsattesten. Hur kan jag hitta mer information om personen i fråga? Jag har skapat själv två släktträd på ancestry, Johansson släktträd och Adolfsson släktträd, där jag har gissat vem han är. Jag är väldigt osäker på om jag är rätt ute.
Med vänlig hälsning Torbjörn

2015-07-30, 01:01
Svar #1

Utloggad Monica E Nilsson

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Hejsan Torbjörn!
Vad är det du vill veta? Vet du exakt vad mannen heter, i Sverige, och vad mannen
heter i USA? Vad är det du har gissat?  
Det står att han är 31 år när han avlider, den 5 september, 1907. Begravningen är den  
8 september, 1907. Fadern och modern är födda i Sverige.
Han kan vara född omkring 1876. Tyvärr ser jag inte vad han heter i förnamn, efternamnet
tolkar jag som Johnson, förmodligen Johansson i Sverige.
Jag får inte in dina två träd via ancestry.
Hälsningar Monica Nilsson

2015-07-30, 07:16
Svar #2

Utloggad Christina Helmby

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2015-07-30, 07:30
Svar #3

Utloggad Karen Van Etten

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Hej Torbjörn - The death certificate states Anton was an ice man.  In Chicago, that
usually meant someone who drives door-to-door, delivering ice to the homes - by wagon in early
years; by truck in later years. The certificate also indicates Anton Johnson was married.
The 1900 Census shows an Anton Johnson and wife Hilda living at 195 Hobbie Street.  That address
was located in Chicago neighborhood Near North Side.  What is interesting, is that Anton's 1900
occupation is given as Peddler ice, i.e., he was an ice man.  The other Johnson in the household is
also a peddler ice - could be brothers.  It shows they both immigrated in 1893.  
The Swedes coming into Chicago 1870s tended to settle in the Near North Side neighborhood - known
as Swede town.  But, by late 1880s and into 1890s, they either moved further north, or they moved
further south of Chicago's main business district.  The death certificate shows Anton lived at 1232 Roscoe.  
Roscoe St. is further north, in neighborhood called Lake View.  Your Anton was buried at Rosehill
Cemetery - in 1907 this was about 20 minutes drive north of Lake View neighborhood (probably takes much
longer now, with traffic). It is not surprising, that Anton might have moved - the Swedes in the Chicago
area moved a lot - especially as their economic situations improved.  
Some people listed on Ancestry also show 1910 Census for Anton Johnson and Hilda.  Can't be - if one
looks closely, that 1910 Hilda has only been married for 7 years, i.e., about 1903.  Was it her second
marriage ?  to another Anton Johnson ?  Obviously not the same Anton.  
The foregoing does not prove the 1900 Anton and the 1907 Anton are the same, but there does seem to be
some similarities.  Who or what brought you to this particular death certificate ?  It might help.
Karen V.

2015-07-30, 10:13
Svar #4

Utloggad Kristina Rylander

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In your family tree on ancestry you have a Johan Anton Johansson born February 20th 1875 in Gällinge. His parents are listed as Johan Berndt Larsson and Johanna Christina Andreasdotter. Your Johan Anton emigrated March 3rd 1893.
I guess that you would like to confirm if your Johan Anton is the same Anton Johnson that died September 9th 1907 in Chicago?
(Meddelandet ändrat av kristinar 2015-07-30 10:15)

2015-07-30, 12:05
Svar #5

Utloggad Torbjörn Adolfsson

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  • Antal inlägg: 13
  • Senast inloggad: 2021-12-22, 17:24
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Tack för svaren!
Anton Johansson (Johnson) var en av fem bröder som var uppväxt i Gällinge på ett torp som hade sina marker på den gård som jag idag äger. Det som idag är en gård bestod på 1880-talet mest av en mängd med så kallade utmarker något torp och något båtmanstorp. Min gammelfarfar Johan August Andreasson född 21 juli 1853 i Gällinge, emigrerade 1880 till Amerika för att jobba som gruvarbetare i Colorado. Han skickade under sin tid i Amerika hem pengar för att köpa de utmarker och torp så att de skulle kunna slås ihop till en gård. När min gammelfarfar flyttade hem till Gällinge igen gifte han sig med en faster till Anton Johansson.
En av markremsorna på min fastighet verkar det som att min gammelfarfar och min farfar fram till cirka 1954 arrenderat av Anton Johnsons änka eller dödsbo. Efter det så har min farfar köpt ut remsan och det är då den här dödsattesten kommit in i bilden. Min farfar har genom en advokatbyrå skickat betalningen till Chicago.
Själv började jag intressera mig för bröderna Johansson för 4-5 år sedan då jag röjde lite bland gamla papper. Jag hittade gamla lagfarter på ett par markremsor, fotografier, auktionsprotokoll från deras mors dödsbo, biblar och lite möbler som måste tillhört dem.
Det verkar som att åtminstone ett par av bröderna har bott i Colorado i början och mitten av 1890-talet då jag har fotografier därifrån som jag misstänker föreställer dem. Kanske har de till och med arbetat tillsammans med min gammelfarfar? Fyra av de fem bröderna verkar ha emigrerat till Amerika. Den femte hann aldrig göra det, han blev ihjälslagen under ett slagsmål i Gällinge år 1897 blott 18 år gammal. Då levde fortfarande hans mor, som då var änka. Kan inte ha varit lätt för henne.  
Detta är lite av bakgrunden till att jag är intresserad av att få ut information rörande denna dödsattesten.  
Jag har inte funnit några spår av några idag levande släktingar till några av bröderna, det jag har forskat fram via ancestry är bara vilda gissningar.
Jag bifogar en länk till ett litet träd från ancestry där man kan se när de olika bröderna är födda.
Och ett brev:  

2015-07-30, 12:12
Svar #6

Utloggad Torbjörn Adolfsson

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  • Senast inloggad: 2021-12-22, 17:24
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Yes Kristina, I would be very grateful if someone could confirm it  

2015-07-30, 22:31
Svar #7

Utloggad Karen Van Etten

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The 1900 Hilda is a widow in 1910.  She is living at 3165 Clark Street.
She has two children - Axel E. [9] and Albert R. [8].  Note that  
John Johnson [c.1871] is still a boarder [inhyses] in the home.  This Clark Street
address was a short distance from the Roscoe Street address in Lakeview
neighborhood - see map enclosed.
Karen V.

2015-07-31, 09:19
Svar #8

Utloggad Torbjörn Adolfsson

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  • Senast inloggad: 2021-12-22, 17:24
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Thank you for your response Karen! Good to see someone come to the same conclusion I did. It should be right Anton Johnson we found.

2015-07-31, 10:58
Svar #9

Utloggad Kristina Rylander

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 3831
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-06, 17:16
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Gällinge AIIa:1 (1895-1912) page 107 shows when Johan Anton's siblings moved to the US:
Albin Ludvig born April 18th 1877, emigrated May 15th 1897
August Birger born August 1st 1883, emigrated April 27th 1900
Carl Emil born June 5th 1886, emigrated May 14th 1903
Their mother died August 21st 1904. Her boupp can be found in Fjäre häradsrätt FIIa:112 Ver:a (1904-1904) Bild 4770/sid 70. Unfortunately it only states that all four brothers are living in Amerika. But, at least we know that Johan Anton must be alive then (September of 1904) since he is mentioned.
I have also been thinking about the same family as you have Karen, but I have not found any real proof. All is still circumstantial. That Hilda was born in Brooklyn, New York according to Axel's death record. Her maiden name was Anderson. Are you able to verify this Torbjörn? Do you have more information about Hilda's background?
Most likely Axel's death record:
Could this be Alberts birth record?
Could this be Anton and Hilda's marriage record (they are of the right age)?
The reason that I think that at least Axel's death record is correct is that I think that I found Carl Emil Johnson's WWII draft registration card:
Name:   Emil Karl Johnson
Birth Date:   5 Jun 1886
Birth Place:   Sweden
Residence:   Chicago, Illinois, USA
Race:   White
He is living at 3247 Clifton Ave, Chicago, Cook, Illinois. The person who always know where he is living is Albert Johnson (at the same address). He signs the card with Emil K Johnson.
If you look in the 1940 census Hilda Johnson, her son Albert and her brother in law Emil Johnson lives at that address (note that Hilda is born in New York):
Torbjörn you also mentioned Colorado. Albin Ludvig Johnson's record in emigranten shows that he was set to go to Denver:
Name:   Albin L Johansson
Birth Year:   abt 1877
Gender:   Man (Male)
Place of Origin:   Gällinge Halland Län, Sverige
Destination:   Denver Colorado
Record Date:   28 maj 1897 (28 May 1897)
Port of Departure:   Göteborg
Database Name:   EmiHamn
Archive Call Number:   59:559:5305
Principal Person:   Johansson Albin L
He is also in U.S Social Security Applications and Claims Index:
Name:   Albin Johnson
SSN:   523050743
Birth Date:   18 Apr 1877
Death Date:   30 Jan 1939
Claim Date:   24 Feb 1939
Type of Claim:   Death Claim
Notes:   27 Dec 1978: Name listed as ALBIN JOHNSON
An SSN starting with 523 indicates Colorado. I cannot find him in SSDI though. This is most likely him on findagrave:
His WWI draft registration card:
Name:   Albin Ludvid Johnson
City:   Denver
County:   Denver
State:   Colorado
Birth Date:   18 Apr 1877
Race:   White
Draft Board:   9
He lists Anna Johnson living at the same address as him (3832 Cook, Denver, Colo) as his nearest relative. He works as a car repairer at Burham Station in Denver.  I have a theory about this family but I cannot verify by the address. In such case they moved close by before 1920. Let me know if you want the census links I found.
August Birger Johansson was naturalized 1906. From U.S Naturalization Record Indexes:
Name:   August B Johnson
Birth Date:   1 Aug 1883
Birth Place:   Sweden
Age at Event:   23
Court District:   Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa
Year of Arrival:   1900
Date of Action:   26 Sep 1906
His address is 1070 Sheffield Ave, Chicago, Cook. He lists two witnesses:
Anton Johnson at 1070 Sheffield Ave
Andrew V Johnson at 1085 Osgood St. (who is this??)
This is not the address in either the 1900 census, 1910 census or 1920 census for Anton and then Hilda and the children (if they are correct). But they could have moved around as you also write Karen. At least we can conclude that Anton is alive September 26th 1906.
I found a tree on ancestry (doesn't look active though):

2015-07-31, 11:22
Svar #10

Utloggad Kristina Rylander

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 3831
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-06, 17:16
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A long shot could be to try and contact Rosehill Cemetery to see if they have Anton Johnson's burial record. Maybe his parents names are listed or other information that could verify who he his.?

2015-07-31, 11:36
Svar #11

Utloggad Torbjörn Adolfsson

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  • Senast inloggad: 2021-12-22, 17:24
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Wow what a great job and a lot of information Kristina! On the back of a photograph, my father has written Anton Johansson's wife from Stallebacka. I have a theory that it could be this woman , but is not sure. Solryd located very near Stallebacka. But the problem is, it's not New York.  
I will review your information and will return later.
Regards Torbjörn

2015-07-31, 11:45
Svar #12

Utloggad Kristina Rylander

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-06, 17:16
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Hm, yes that does not match Hilda from New York. Mixup somewhere..I will also dig some more tonight.

2015-07-31, 12:03
Svar #13

Utloggad Torbjörn Adolfsson

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  • Senast inloggad: 2021-12-22, 17:24
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I actually wrote to Clements two years ago and got this answer:  
HI Torbjorn, I am not aware of a connection to Anton Johnson, though the Johnson name is present in my mothers family that came from Sweden. If I learn that there is a connection, I'll contact you. How did you find me?  
All the best,  
Steve Clements, Chicago, Illinois, USA
But I wrote off the track, I thought I had completely wrong, because Hilda was born in New York according to the papers.
Regards Torbjörn

2015-07-31, 17:04
Svar #14

Utloggad Kristina Rylander

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-06, 17:16
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I have been looking a bit at the Hilda Augusta born June 19th 1876 in Landa and as far as I can see she is not the one who married your Johan Anton Johansson.  
Her father Anders Andreasson/Andersson died April 18th 1915 according to Landa AIIa:2 (1905-1916) page 131. I found his boupp in Fjäre häradsrätt FIIa:123 (1915-1915) Image 1610/ Page 1. Hilda Augusta is mentioned as living in the US as some of her other siblings also do. No husband is mentioned.
Hilda Augusta leaves for the US at two times according to Landa AIIa:1 (1895-1904) page 125.
February 26th 1897 (together with her brother Anders Ludvig)
March 13th 1905 (together with her sister Johanna Albertina)
From Göteborg, passagerarlistor:
Name:   Hilda Anderson
Departure Date:   12 mar 1897
Departure Place:   Göteborg (Gothenburg), Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige
Ship Name:   Montebello
Birth Date:   abt 1876
Birth Place:   Halland Landa
Age:   21
Destination:   Hull, England
Her destination is Chicago and her brother's is Minneapolis.
Name:   Hilda A Andersson
Departure Date:   22 mar 1905
Departure Place:   Göteborg (Gothenburg), Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige
Ship Name:   Orlando
Birth Date:   abt 1876
Birth Place:   Landa, Halland
Age:   29
Destination:   Grimsby
Both Hilda and Johanna's destination is Cleveland, Ohio.
Från Massachusetts, Passenger and Crew Lists:
Name:   Hilda A Andersson
Gender:   Female
Ethnic Background:   Norwegian
Estimated birth year:   abt 1876
Age:   29
Port of Departure:   Liverpool, England
Ship Name:   Ivernia
Arrival Date:   6 Apr 1905
Port of Arrival:   Boston, Massachusetts
Friend's Name:   Hilda Andersson
Last Residence:   Sweden
Do not know why ancestry interprets ethnic background as norwegian, the original says they are from Sweden (from Landa actually). Anyway, both Hilda and Johanna are going to their friend also named Hilda Anderson who lives at c/o B.B Wallace, Clifton Park, Lakewood, Cleveland, Ohio. Hilda also states that she has lived in Chicago previously. Both Hilda and Johanna are listed as single.
Hilda Augusta's mother Anna Christina died September 9th 1916 and I just now found her boupp (after looking into her emigration) :-) It can be found in Fjäre häradsrätt FIIa:125 (1917-1917) Image 790/ Page 48. The information here is that Hilda Augusta is married to a man called Fritz Anderson and is living in America. The other living siblings are also mentioned with their respective husband/wife if married.
Why do you think this Hilda is the one that married your Johan Anton Johansson? Did I miss something?
(Meddelandet ändrat av kristinar 2015-07-31 17:39)

2015-07-31, 19:21
Svar #15

Utloggad Torbjörn Adolfsson

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The reason I thought it could be his wife was that my father had written, on the back of a photograph, Anton Johansson's wife from Stallebacka. It was just a guess from me . Maybe it's one of the other brothers who married a lady from Landa...

2015-07-31, 20:08
Svar #16

Utloggad Torbjörn Adolfsson

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Har lagt upp lite bilder i Porträttfynd på Rötter. Lite kuriosa men man kan kanske fiska fram någon ledtråd: wisconsin_/wausau/c-lemke/162448 Kan det vara August Birger Johansson, bilden är tagen i Wisconsin? colorado_/denver/a-j-samelson-co/162401 Två av bröderna i Denver. illinois_/chicago/l-w-felt-l-w-felt-studios/162354 Två av bröderna i Chicago. illinois_/chicago/l-w-felt-l-w-felt-studios/162356 Det är på detta fotot min far har skrivit Anton Johanssons fru från Stallebacka. colorado_/denver/g-r-appel/162398 De två understa personerna är troligtvis två av bröderna, de två andra är jag osäker på, mannen högst upp till höger kan vara min gammelfarfar. illinois_/chicago/felt/162444 En av bröderna i Chicago. ee&task=listall&searchcondition=1&link_name=162352 Anton Johansson med fru?

2015-07-31, 22:21
Svar #17

Utloggad Torbjörn Adolfsson

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    • Visa profil colorado_/denver/la-fayette/162605 Carl Johnson kortet tagit i Denver. michigan_/cadillac/j_andersson/162606 Någon av bröderna, kortet tagit i Cadillac, Michigan.

2015-07-31, 23:23
Svar #18

Utloggad Karen Van Etten

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Torbjörn - how does this work for you ?  (see attached)
Note her New York birth
Landa AIIa:1 (1895-1904) Bild 1370 sid 127
Karen V.

2015-08-01, 00:05
Svar #19

Utloggad Per Larsson

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Denna Hilda emigrerar 1897-04-14 enligt Frillesås AIIa:1 sid 119

2015-08-01, 08:37
Svar #20

Utloggad Kristina Rylander

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Great finding Karen :-)
Both Brooklyn, New York birth and living in Stallebacka. That looks very good.
Hilda Kristina came from America 1878 together with her mother Helena Börjesdotter (widow) and her brother Johan Albert. Johan Albert was also born in Brooklyn and his date of birth is September 4th 1874.
Source: Gällinge AI:6 (1871-1894) page 49. Hilda's mother died 1880 and both children where moved to Stallebacka. Hilda in 1882 and Johan Albert in 1889.
You will find them both (but in different families) in Landa AI:9 (1884-1895) page 110.
(Meddelandet ändrat av kristinar 2015-08-01 08:51)

2015-08-01, 09:04
Svar #21

Utloggad Kristina Rylander

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-06, 17:16
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From New York passenger lists:
Name:   Hilda Andreasson
Arrival Date:   1 May 1897
Birth Date:   abt 1876
Age:   21
Gender:   Female
Ethnicity/ Nationality:   Swedish
Port of Departure:   Liverpool, England
Port of Arrival:   New York, New York
Ship Name:   Lucania
Her destination is Chicago and she travels with Albertina Johanson.
From Göteborg, Sverige, passagerarlistor:
Name:   Hilda Andreason
Departure Date:   21 apr 1897
Departure Place:   Göteborg (Gothenburg), Göteborg och Bohus, Sverige
Ship Name:   Cameo
Birth Date:   abt 1876
Birth Place:   Frillesås, Halland
Age:   21
Destination:   Grimsby
If you look at the original you see that both Hilda and Albertina leaves Frillesås for Chicago, Ill.

2015-08-01, 11:21
Svar #22

Utloggad Torbjörn Adolfsson

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  • Senast inloggad: 2021-12-22, 17:24
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Very great finding Karen . It must be the right Hilda. Thanks a lot to everybody!

2015-08-01, 13:03
Svar #23

Utloggad Kristina Rylander

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-06, 17:16
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I wonder if this is Hilda's death record?
Father's name is listed as Bergquist but this Hilda Johnson was also born in Brooklyn March 29th 1876. Coincidence?
Her mother Helena Börjesdotters boupp can be found in Fjäre häradsrätt FIIa:89 (1881-1881) Image 2160 (AD no page number). The name of her deceased husband is Andrias Johansson.  
So, incorrect death record for Hilda Johnson, incorrect name of her father given on the death record or did Andreas Johansson use Bergquist?
(Meddelandet ändrat av kristinar 2015-08-01 13:27)

2015-08-01, 22:18
Svar #24

Utloggad Karen Van Etten

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  • Senast inloggad: 2016-03-05, 07:23
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Would like to add comment - I once had a census taker come to our home, for some
in-depth questioning.  Having spelled a requested name 3 times, I finally took the form
away from the person and wrote down the name requested.  With so many nationalities and
dialects in the Chicago area, census errors did occur.  To answer the question, as to  
whether there was another Hilda Johnson born in Brooklyn March 29, 1876.  Yes, it is possible;
however, one must also consider the following.
Torbjörn's father was much closer in time to the events.  The 3 photographs, showing Anton in Chicago
and Anton Johansson's wife from Stallebacka, is good evidence for Hilda having lived at Stallebacka.
The problem is the 1900 Census, showing February birth month for Hilda.  My guess is, that this was
an error - a momentary lapse of attention to the detail.  If March was substituted for Feb., then all
would fall into place.  The alternative is, that another Hilda, born February, 1876 in New York, can
also be found living at Stallebacka, and returning to America before 1900.
Regarding Hilda's death record - how well did the person providing the information know Hilda ? Persons
not familiar with old Swedish naming systems would easily believe that Hilda's mother, Helena Börjesdotter,
was married to a man with same surname {'Americanized' to Bergquist}.  Or, amazingly, this could be
another Hilda Johnson nee Bergquist, with same birth date.  Anyhow, Torbjörn should continue searching -
just to rule out those possibilities.  Otherwise, it looks like he has good information.
Karen V.

2015-08-02, 08:57
Svar #25

Utloggad Moderator USA

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Tråd skapad av moderator för flytt av felplacerad fråga/efterlysning och svar på denna. Rubrik grundad på uppgifter i berörda poster.

2015-08-03, 06:00
Svar #26

Utloggad Karen Van Etten

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  • Senast inloggad: 2016-03-05, 07:23
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Hej Torbjörn - Andreas Johansson also lived in Gällinge for some years.  
I have found his parents and a Bouppteckning for your proof.  There is
more.  Do you plan to continue researching this couple ?
Karen V.

Fjäre häradsrätt FIIa:88 (1880-1880)  Bild 5200

2015-08-09, 10:25
Svar #27

Utloggad Torbjörn Adolfsson

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  • Senast inloggad: 2021-12-22, 17:24
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Thanks a lot for your research Karen!  It would be nice if we could ensure that it is the right Hilda we found. I plan to continue to research Anton Johnson and his brothers. So I 'm very grateful for every information I can get about them.

2015-08-09, 20:24
Svar #28

Utloggad Karen Van Etten

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Boupp.correction - Fjäre häradsrätt FIIa:88 (1880-1880) Bild 5190 and Bild 5200.  Did you see Andreas'
27 Aug 1848 birth - Frillesås CI:4(1833-1860) Bild 52/sid 99.  The Gällinge Hfl. shows 25 Aug in error.  His father, Johannes Carlsson Glasberg, died during 1850 and widow Stina Christensdotter moved to Gällinge and remarried, to a man also named Anders Johansson.      
Stina's son, Andreas, received bevis til America 5/5/1870, as per 1871 anteckningar - Gällinge AI:6 (1871-1894) Bild 6 / sid 1.  Stina remarried in Gällinge, to an Anders Johansson. has a 25 May 1870 passenger list, showing 21-year-old Andreas Johansson arriving in New York, aboard ship “Nevada.”  So, Stina's Bouppteckning at least proves identities for Anders, Helena Borgesdotter, and their two children.  
Regarding that 1900 Census, showing Hilda's birth month as February.  Like husförhör, those Census records were not always 100% accurate.  Your family photographs and father's early notations are just as likely to be as true as the Census records - and perhaps even more so.
Two questions, Torbjörn:  1) the 30 Juli 1953 note from Hilda - was there an envelope, perhaps showing a Chicago address ?
and, 2)  Have you checked Swedish jordbok ?  You mention farfar köpt ut remsan.  There should be a land transfer posted in the Swedish records (for tax purposes).  Perhaps that transfer would provide a USA address for Hilda in 1953.   There are some more clues, but this is enough for now.
Karen V.

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