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Författare Ämne: McColligan  (läst 504 gånger)

2006-11-09, 12:53
läst 504 gånger

Utloggad Claes-Göran Magnusson

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 3788
  • Senast inloggad: 2022-08-04, 20:16
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A Swede named McColligan gave himself up to the police at New Brunswick on Sunday night and said he and another man came from Milltown and started for Metucheu to go to work, but mistook their way and instead of getting on the bridge walked overboard. McColligan had a pistol, one chamber of which was empty. It is reported that a shot was heard in the vicinity of the bridge last night. The man has been put in jail and the canal will be dragged to see if there is a body in it.   The dragmen, who for hours grappled for the body, finally brought it to the surface, and when the Coroner's examination followed it was was ascertained that there were no marks on it. His companion was released from jail. It is said the street where the accident occured is a very dangerous spot. There being a gradual incline from the depot to the canal with no fencing of any kind to prevent accident.
[The Cranbury Press 1892-03-04 (Cranbury, New Jersey, USA)]
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