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Författare Ämne: Jansdotter - Danielsson  (läst 1691 gånger)

2004-05-19, 20:32
läst 1691 gånger

Jeff Mitchell

  • Gäst
I'm looking for information about Daniel Danielsson and Marta Jansdotter.  They were married Apr. 5, 1858 in Grasmark, Varmland, Sweden.  If anyone has Information on their children or other relatives it would be greatly appreciated.   Jeff Mitchell

2004-05-20, 11:09
Svar #1

Mari Johansson

  • Gäst
Hello Jeff!
When is Daniel and Marta birth and were is they born?

2004-05-20, 19:08
Svar #2

Jeff Mitchell

  • Gäst
Hi Mari,
Daniel was born 1826 Norra Angen, Grasmark, Varmland
Marta 1832 in Grasmark
Thanks, Jeff

2004-05-20, 20:40
Svar #3

Mari Johansson

  • Gäst
Hello Jeff
I shell look after them

2004-06-01, 20:13
Svar #4

Utloggad Stan Danielson

  • Anbytare *
  • Antal inlägg: 13
  • Senast inloggad: Aldrig
    • Visa profil
Hello Jeff,
Daniel and Märta left Gräsmark 25 April, 1879. No destination was given in the husförhörslängd.  The couple lived on Vianstorp, Norra Ängen, Gräsmark, in 1873.  They had 6 children when they left Sweden: Maria, 1858; Daniel, 1862;  Stina, 1864; Anna Kajsa, 1866; Märta, 1870; and Johan, 1873. An earlier Johan was born 1860, died 1863.  I have common ancestors with both Daniel and Märta, but not through their children. I have no more info on the children and would like to know where they ended up in the U.S.
MVH, Stan

2004-06-03, 20:20
Svar #5

Jeff Mitchell

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Hey Stan, Is there a chance they may have changed their name to Engstrom?  My 1G-grandmother was Christine Engstrom b.1864 and she had a sister named Anna b.1866.  She also had a sister named Martha that I don't know anything about.  I'm pretty sure they were from the Gräsmark area.  I don't know who their parents were.  This family just seemed so similiar so I thougt I would try to find out about them.  Christine came to the U.S. around 1877.

2004-06-04, 04:39
Svar #6

Utloggad Stan Danielson

  • Anbytare *
  • Antal inlägg: 13
  • Senast inloggad: Aldrig
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The Swedish name Stina often became Christine in the U. S. And, Anna's and Christine's birth years are the same as those of Daniel's children.  Adding the other daughter, Martha, makes even a better fit, but gives no proof. Keep in mind that Daniel's daughter Christine should have come to the U.S. with the family, as she was only nine years old at that time, in 1873.  
The family may have taken the name Engstrom when entering this country.  There was one other family from a farmstead in the north of Gräsmark that took that name, but it was not a family related to Daniel, or at least seems not to be.  This family ended up in western Wisconsin in a township called Star Prairie.  It is less than an hour's drive from Minneapolis/St. Paul, and just north of New Richmond, Wisconsin.  
I find another Engstrom in Two Harbors, Minnesota.  That is up near Duluth.  He was Johan Magnusson in Gräsmark and born 1860 [I think really 1859] on Södra Ängen.  He took the name John Engstrom when he immigrated in 1886.  
I have found some Engstroms in other records from Gräsmark, but they do not seem to be related to Daniel.
I had a phone call about 15 years ago from a man who was an Engstrom.  I think he lived in Texas.  If I can find that info, I will send it to you.  I tried twice to talk with him again, but he never returned my phone calls.  
I am also looking for some emigration notes that I took some years ago.  This family probably left from Oslo rather than a Swedish port.  It is closest.  Oslo was still called by it's old name in those days, Christiania.    
I am somewhat fluent in Swedish, so let me write in the Gräsmark forum and ask if anyone knows about where Daniel and his family may have ended up.  
Hälsningar, Stan

2004-06-04, 17:29
Svar #7

Jeff Mitchell

  • Gäst
Stan, I talked to a cousin in Lakeland, Mn. last month and she told me that she thought she remembered hearing that Christine was from around Star Prarie, Wi.  She grew up in Lakeland and lived down the street from Christine.
Thanks for your help.

2004-06-05, 02:02
Svar #8

Utloggad Stan Danielson

  • Anbytare *
  • Antal inlägg: 13
  • Senast inloggad: Aldrig
    • Visa profil
Hi Jeff,
Found the man's name who called me some years ago.  Looks like it was Feb 1990.  I will send the info via e-mail.  He said his grandmother was Christine Engstrom from Gräsmark and she had a brother, Johan.  I hope this guy is still alive. He sounded pretty old on the phone, but .... Good luck!
I have much info on all the Gräsmarking [that's the Swedish way of saying you are from Gräsmark] who lived in Star Prairie.  I recall now there was an Ole Engstrom from Gräsmark there.  I'll do some more as I get time.  Going fishing tomorrow.
I have friends who live in Lakeland, right on the St. Croix River.  

2004-06-05, 02:36
Svar #9

Utloggad Stan Danielson

  • Anbytare *
  • Antal inlägg: 13
  • Senast inloggad: Aldrig
    • Visa profil
Here is the emigration record from Oslo [Christiania] for Daniel & family:
Daniel Danielson f:    1826 Gräsmark  
         non-owner  left parish 25 Apr 1879
    wife Märta Jansdotter 24 Sep 1831
children Maria             1 Nov 1858
         Daniel            8 Nov 1862
         Stina             9 Dec 1864
         Anna Kajsa        1 Dec 1866
         Märta            24 Aug 1870
         Johan             1 Nov 1873
I am sorry butI did not record the ship's name nor the date of departure, although they would have been part of the record.   But, that may mean that the intended destination was also in record, and I did not write it down.  Keep your fingers crossed.  I will try to get to the LDS library next week and see if they have still have that film in the drawer.  
I am not sure if I told you but Daniel's father, Daniel Håkansson, was my grandfather's grandfather. His son, Nils, Daniel Danielsson's brother, and my gr-grandfather came to the U.S. and settled in Little Falls Wisconsin, just north of Star Prairie. We take our family name from Nils Danielson.
Regards, Stan

2004-06-10, 11:59
Svar #10

Utloggad Anne Elise Ferner

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  • Antal inlägg: 201
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-03-11, 18:51
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Digitalarkivet: Emigranter fra Oslo 1867-1930. [220852/705]
Post 34673-34678 av 259039 totalt i databasen   
34673  Oslo  0126  1875  April  23  Daniel  Danielsen  m  G  Arb.  49  Græsmark Sokn.  Kason Wisconsin  3358  Sverige  Betalt  Angelo   
Here he is:
Daniel D. went to Kason, Wisconsin from Oslo April 23 1875 with the ship Angelo.
Anne Elise

2004-06-15, 13:39
Svar #11

Jeff Mitchell

  • Gäst
Anne, Thanks for the help.  

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