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Författare Ämne: Tuoma, Olof Olofsson född 1779 gift Eva Henriksdotter Erkheikki  (läst 1133 gånger)

2005-01-07, 17:04
läst 1133 gånger


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Is there any information on the ancestors of this couple?
Their son Isak Olofsson Kohkola (1813) married Ann Greta Vanhainen (1823).

2005-01-08, 14:00
Svar #1

Utloggad Annelie Eriksson

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  • Senast inloggad: 2009-01-21, 21:41
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I have no information about these people, but the names Tuoma, Erkheikki, Kohkola and Vanhainen sounds like they should come from Finland.

2005-01-08, 17:42
Svar #2

Utloggad Håkan Bergström

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Erkheikki is a village and a surname in the Finnish speaking part of northern Sweden.

2005-01-09, 00:31
Svar #3

Utloggad Sture Torikka

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  • Senast inloggad: 2015-10-05, 17:40
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All these farm names are to be find in Kaulinranta village, old Övertorneå parish - after 1809 in Ylitornio (Alkkula) parish, Finland.

2005-01-09, 08:52
Svar #4

Utloggad esa tuuri

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  • Senast inloggad: 2018-11-25, 16:10
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If u go to Finnish Hiski:
and to Ylitornio/Christened, search by Father's surname=koh  
you get all Isak's and Annas children

2005-01-10, 01:17
Svar #5


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Thank you very much for your responses. I have a church listing of Isak and Anna Greta's children and grandchildren from Ylitornio. I have read the Swedish discussion archives for clues on the Tuoma and Erkheikki family ancestors. I belong to the FINNGEN group as well. I seem to be able to find info on Mörtberg, Grape, Hetta, Oravainen, Lampinen and Reuter and others but not on these.

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