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Författare Ämne: Giertrud Persdotter 1757  (läst 949 gånger)

2019-08-04, 21:30
läst 949 gånger

Utloggad Georgina Smith

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I use Svar as it is free. Birth of Giertrud is 1721-1779 Gladsax Births Page 34 Second one down. Not easy to read. Unfortunately Hfl in Gladsax starts at 1800. Is there any way to find parents and siblings if she had any?


2019-08-04, 22:59
Svar #1

Utloggad Ulf Svensson

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The parents are mentioned in the birth record as: Per Persson and Ingebor Persdotter from Baskemölla.
I guess siblings only can be found the hard way, checking page by page in the birth records.
Ulf S.

2019-08-04, 23:28
Svar #2

Utloggad Georgina Smith

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2019-08-18, 18:12
Svar #3

Utloggad Per Lennartsson Branthle

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The couple Pär Pärßon and Ingabor Pärsdotter are married in Gladsax on the 7:th of April 1754. He is labeled as a widower and she is titled maid.

I can only find one Per Persson in Baskemölla at that time, living at Baskemölla nr 1. In the "mantalslängd" (MTL) of 1754 he is "enckling"=widower. In the same source there is an Ingabor Persdotter, daughter of Per Rigårdsson at Baskemölla Nr 11. In the MTL the following year Per Persson is living at Nr 1 with a wife and there's no daughter Ingabor at Nr 11. A good clue!

In 1763 Per Persson is dead and Ingabor stated as a widow.

1763 on the 23:rd of May, Ingebor Persdotter marries the dräng (laborer/farmhand) and fisherman Mårten Bengtsson from Vik, Rörums parish.

In the MTL of 1765 Mårten Bengtsson and wife are living at Baskemölla nr 1, as well as "inhyses" widower Pär Rigårdsson. He is actually labeled "inhyses fader" 1769.

While skimming through the pages I see a mention of daughters Giärtrud, Karna and sons Per and Bengt. There's no mention of Per Rigårdsson after 1778.

Some Mantalslängder can be found in SVAR but the most are available through Arkiv Digital. Also, "Bouppteckningar" (estate inventories) can be found in Arkiv Digital, as well as a register.
I have found the following in the registers which should be of interest;
Mårten Bengtsson, fisherman, with wife Ingeborg Persdotter. Gladsax Baskemölla no 1, 1799 21/1 (can't remember is this is the date of death or of the inventory), Järrestads häradsrätt 1800-04:40.

Unfortunately I have no subscription at the moment at Arkiv Digital...

2019-08-18, 20:16
Svar #4

Utloggad Carina Widell

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I have read the Estate Inventories, which is done 25/2 1800, after fisherman Måns ( Mårten ) Bengtsson and his wife Ingeborg Persdotter. They have both died nearly the same time. Fisherman Mårten Bengtsson died 11 Januar 1799 and Ingeborg Persdotter died the night between 31/12 and 1/1 1799

They have no children together. It`s only Ingeborg Persdotter who has a daughter Giertrud,  but she is already dead before her mother. But Giertrud has two daughters, Kirstina and Karna. They are not adult so their fahter is in place for the daughters on Inventories. In Ingeborg Persdotters side it`s also the relatives, fisherman Mårten Rasmusson on Vik, Anders Persson onVik and Rigård Persson in Vik. There are also the fisherman Nils Jonsson in Baskemölla

Fisherman Mårten Bengtsson  has a brother, fisherman Per Bengtsson on Vik, and two sisters, Anna-Lena Agda Bengtsdotter on Vitemölle and Karna Bengtsdotter on Vik

Source: Järrestad häradsrätt 1800-04, bild 250 / sid 40 in AD online ( Arkiv Digital )

2019-08-18, 21:10
Svar #5

Utloggad Georgina Smith

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Thanks to you Per and to you Carina!
I have  a private tree in my computer where I have info about her husband and children but had no info for her parents until your good help. I have estimated the father'r birth as 1830 and mother's as 1833.

I have husband of Giertrud as Jöns Persson Möller. Five children, three died as infants. Two, Kierstina born 1788 and Karna born 1792. They both married and had families.

Kierstina and husband are my 3rd great grandparents.

2019-08-19, 00:27
Svar #6

Utloggad Per Lennartsson Branthle

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jensen: Thanks a lot for the estate inventory.

Per Bengtsson (born around 1732, dead 7:th of march 1799 in Vik, Rörum) is an ancestor of mine. I had noted a brother named Mårten Bengtsson but had no further information about him. 

Rörum's parish is tricky, since there are no listings of births and deaths before 1777. I have however done some research in Mantalslängder and noted that the parents of Per and Mårten are Bengt Hansson (born around 1701) and his wife Kierstina. They are living at Vik number 17. Bengt Hansson is listed in the inventory of seafaring people done by the Swedish navy in 1742. He is labeled "utterly unfit" and 41 years old (

I have also found a number of children to Mårten Bengtsson and Ingabor Persdotter. Apparently none of them survived their parents. The horror, the horror...
Karna, born in the night between the 8:th and 9:th of April 1764. Died of poxes on the 17:th of April 1768.
A stillborn son, born/dead on the 28:th of May 1766.
Bengt, born on the 16:th of February 1768. Dead on ?
Per, born on the 1:st of May 1771, died of poxes 15:th of June 1774.
A stillborn son, born/dead on the 12:th of July 1774.
A stillborn son, buried on the 26:th of November 1775.

2019-08-19, 04:17
Svar #7

Utloggad Georgina Smith

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  • Senast inloggad: 2024-09-05, 20:36
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Thanks for this extra information. Yes, it is sad when little children die so young.

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