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Författare Ämne: Arkiv efterlysn blandade i samma tråd 1999-2000  (läst 15943 gånger)

1999-07-29, 04:54
läst 15943 gånger

Ben Whiting

  • Gäst

1999-07-29, 04:59
Svar #1

Ben Whiting

  • Gäst
On 15 May 1903, my Swedish ancestors emigrated from Avesta, Kopparberg län, to Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Avesta was listed on the Göteborg emigration CD as their last parish residence in Sweden.  
The family consisted of the following five members:  
Johannes Largus Teodor PALMQVIST, (b. 2 April 1863, Martebo, Gotland län). - poliskonstapel.
Aqvilina Matilda Elizabet PALMQVIST (nee LINDQVIST), (b. 23 July 1864, Katarina, Stockholm stad).  
son - Adolf Johannes Sigismund PALMQVIST, (b. 16 April 1887, Johannes, Stockholm stad).  
son - Bernhard Teodor Mathias PALMQVIST, (b. 13 May 1892, Västerås, Västmanland län).  
daughter - Cecilia Elizabet L. PALMQVIST, (b. 1895  
Sweden). Cecilia may have been born in either Västerås or in Avesta.  
I am interested in learning more about my ancestors and distant cousins still in Sweden.
Tack så mycket.

1999-08-16, 21:38
Svar #2

Utloggad Sam Blixt

  • Anbytare *****
  • Antal inlägg: 6336
  • Senast inloggad: 2019-04-23, 20:37
    • Visa profil
Jag söker efter ättlingar till Karl Walfrid Kullman, född den 3 februari 1890 i Källa, Kalmar län. Han emigrerade den 14 februari 1911 från Malmö till New York. Han skall senare ha flyttat till Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Alla ledtrådar mottages tacksamt, även negativa.
MVH/Sam Blixt/PLF/Oskarshamn för PLF-medlemmen Lars Kullman, Munkhagsgatan 126, 587 25  LINKÖPING

1999-08-27, 22:22
Svar #3

Ben Whiting

  • Gäst
Hello Sam:
There are now 66 listings for KULLMAN in the Canadian on-line telephone and address book.  Many of these people are in British Columbia, Canada.  If you want a copy of the addresses and telephone numbers, I can send them to you.
Cheers........Ben Whiting

1999-10-20, 14:12
Svar #4

Roger Magnusson

  • Gäst
Jag söker efter upplysningar om och ättlingar till följande:
Israel Adolf Strand, f. 23/6 1871 och boende i Lycksele, Västerbotten. Han emigrerade 17/5 1911 via Göteborg till Calgary Alta, Canada.
Israels son Algot L Strand f. 6/2 1901 som emigrerade 12/1 1929 via Göteborg till Edmonton, Canada.  
Det kan tilläggas att båda var baptister.
Tack på förhand

1999-11-17, 21:20
Svar #5

Utloggad Bodil Westberg

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 761
  • Senast inloggad: 2011-02-11, 22:08
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En god vän som är fotograf och på väg till Canada vill ha kontakt med någon släktforskare i Sverige som har anor i Klondyke Canada. Skulle det finnas någon i Skåne, helst Helsingborg så vore det extra intressant!

2000-01-17, 16:23
Svar #6

Utloggad Ulric Björck

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 111
  • Senast inloggad: 2023-11-20, 21:20
    • Visa profil
Min f ff dog i Canada. Han utvandrade från Sverige 1910 och bosatte sig i Vancover vad jag förstår. Jag söker efter sätt att finna hans dödsdatum. Han var född 18/3 1865 och hette Frans Johansson (i Sverige hette han Björk också). Obekräftad information gör gällande att han var rallare.
Känner någon till om det finns myndigheter i Canada som kan hjälpa till, eller om ambassaden kan bistå i ett sådant här ärende?
My father's grandfather died in Canada. He emigrated from Sweden in 1910 and settled in Vancover, BC as far as I know. I'm looking for his death date. He was born on the 18th of March in 1865 and his name were Frans Johansson (in Sweden he also had the last name Björk). Unconfirmed information tells me that he was working as a railroad construction worker.)
Does anyone know of authorities in Canada that could help me with this, or if the embassy here could help in such a matter?
Best wishes

2000-01-20, 00:16
Svar #7

Elin Wrethén

  • Gäst
Hej Ulric!
Jag har också släktingar som emigrerat till just BC i Kanada. BC har lagt ut delar av sina arkiv över giftemål, födslar och dödsfall på Internet, de s.k Vital Events Indexes. I Death Registration Index kan du hitta personer som dött i provinsen från 1872 och fram till och med 1978.
Adressen dit är :
Jag gjorde en sökning efter Frans Johansson (Björk). Jag hittade en person som möjligen kan vara den du söker. Han hette Frank Bjork och dog i Vancouver den 2 oktober 1932, 67 år gammal.  
Med vänliga hälsningar,

2000-01-20, 13:42
Svar #8

Utloggad Ulric Björck

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 111
  • Senast inloggad: 2023-11-20, 21:20
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Hej Elin!
Jättetack för tipset! Visst kan det vara personen jag söker, det är till och med mycket troligt. Vad jag förstår går det att beställa dödattest också, även om det kostar lite pengar. Är det något som du har provat?

2000-01-21, 22:12
Svar #9

Elin Wrethén

  • Gäst
Hej Ulric!
Roligt att jag kunde vara till hjälp.
Jag har inte provat att beställa dödsattest så jag kan tyvärr inte ge dig några råd på den punkten.
Med vänliga hälsningar,

2000-01-25, 09:47
Svar #10

Kenneth Karlsson

  • Gäst
I min ägo har jag kopior från en bok:
A history of Evangelical Covenant Church
of Minnedosa, Manitoba, Canada.
(Småland Mission Covenant Church)
50 th Anniversary 1908-1958.
I boken finns en del bilder, men framför allt
en hel del namn på svenska emigranter som var
verksamma inom denna kyrka.
På en bild från 1917 finns följande personer:
John Strahl,Gust Johnson,Robert Pearson,Lars Sand-
ström,Elna Enqvist,Walter Berg,Olle Tjäder,
Ingeborg Sandström,Annie Johnson,Elsie Enqvist,
Rudolf Peterson (pastor),Laura Sandström,Jenny
Sandström,Nellie Sandström,Melvin Berg o John Larson.  
Andra förekommande namn var: Stiller, Frost,Holm-
berg o Englund
Kanske något känner igen någon av dessa!

2000-03-28, 21:26
Svar #11

Utloggad Arne Pettersson

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 47
  • Senast inloggad: 2022-02-04, 12:58
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Jag söker kontakt med de som möjligen känner till Ernst Oskar Karlsson f. 1.10.1886 i Håstad, d. 18.11.1967.  Han var gift med Martha Carlsson.  Hennes senaste adress var General Delivery, 265 Mill Street, Paksville, B.C. Canada. Deras son: Carl Edvid Carlsson f. cirka 1910.  Hälsningar Arne

2000-04-29, 08:35
Svar #12

Norma Rosen

  • Gäst
For all those whose family ended up in British Columbia!  The government has turned over the older Vital Stastistics to the Archives which has put the index on-line.

2000-04-29, 14:53
Svar #13

Utloggad Bibi Gustafson

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 213
  • Senast inloggad: 2023-03-01, 22:30
    • Visa profil
Do you know if Manitoba has a similar site?
Best regards,

2000-04-29, 22:57
Svar #14

Ishbel Cormack

  • Gäst
Bibi: Manitoba does not have a site for births deaths and marriages. This site,Candian Genealogy and Historical Links, is very good for links to many sites in Canada including Manitoba.
What are you looking for? I live in Alberta but used to live in Manitoba.

2000-04-30, 18:17
Svar #15

Utloggad Bibi Gustafson

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 213
  • Senast inloggad: 2023-03-01, 22:30
    • Visa profil
Hello Ishbel!
Thanks for the info about the site. My grandfather had cousins he corresponded with at least into the 60's. They lived around Winnipeg. Nobody has continued that correspondence (probably because it was in English and my grandmother, father and uncles do not speak English or are not fluent enough to be comfortable writing letters.). Among the papers left by my grandparents we've found the letters from Canada as well as newspaper clippings when two of the cousins visited the old country in 1948 and 1955. The last names are Nordin and Hermanson. An uncle of my grandfather, Per Olof Nordin, emigrated from Sättna (Sundsvall area) in 1893 and settled in Winnipeg. According to the clipping of 1955 he took land and had a 600 acre farm, a dairy and seems to have been quite well known in the area. One of his 8 children, the youngest son Herbert, took over the farm. I've searched the Canadian phone book on the internet and found quite a few Nordins (most of them are only listed with a first name initial). I have copied the addresses of the ones living in Manitoba and intend to try to send them a letter asking them if they are the relatives I'm looking for. But I hope to find an easier way through the internet :-)
Best regards,

2000-04-30, 19:01
Svar #16

Ishbel Cormack

  • Gäst
Bibi: I am going to Winnipeg in two weeks and will be there for about 4 days. If I have time I would have easy access to city directories which list the people over 18 living at an address.You can follow them and if the name disapears you can check the newspaper(Winnipeg Free Press) for death obituaries etc.There are copies of the paper on film going back many years.We also have some old Manitoba papers on film at our University library
here in Calgary.
I could make some phone calls if you want me to.
Did Olof Nordin take land soon after he settled in Winnipeg? He may have taken land through the government. If he did he would be the first owner and called a homesteader. These people got land and had to clear and plant a certain amount in three years. They also had to build a house in that time and live on the property most of the time. These homestead records are available on film or sometimes the provincial archives will copy them for you for a reasonable cost.I have some homestead records from Saskatchewan.  
Please be as specific as you can about what you would like me to do. e mail if that would suit you and I will reply.

2000-04-30, 22:10
Svar #17

Utloggad Pia Nordin

  • Anbytare *
  • Antal inlägg: 16
  • Senast inloggad: 2008-03-23, 23:45
    • Visa profil
Hello Ishbel,
I see you have got homestead records of Saskatchewan. Is it possible for you to check some ancestors of me? I would appreciate it a lot.  
In 1904 Elisabeth (changed to Elizabeth) Gudmundson (my paternal Great grandfather's sister) and Erik Andreas Hall arrived to Danvers. They came from Lit, the parrish of Jämtland.
They had six children born in Sweden (Brita, Emma, Jonas, Gunilla/Nellie, Anna & Gunnar), and three children were born in Canada (Edwin/Danvers, Algot/Scandinavia & Elsie/Saskatchewan).
Elizabeth was born on June 4th 1871 and died on Oct. 18th 1947 in Erickson, Manitoba (bur. in Danvers) and Erik was born on Dec. 10th 1865 and died on Aug. 18th 1938 in Erickson, Manitoba (bur. in Danvers).
Do you happen to have information about them? I'd be very grateful.Thank you./Pia.

2000-05-01, 00:32
Svar #18

Ishbel Cormack

  • Gäst
Pia: I am sorry I am unable to help you. The homestead records I have are records of two farms obtained by two relatives. I got the records from the Saskatchewan Archives.
 I looked for Danvers but could only find one in Nova Scotia.

2000-05-01, 22:29
Svar #19

Utloggad Pia Nordin

  • Anbytare *
  • Antal inlägg: 16
  • Senast inloggad: 2008-03-23, 23:45
    • Visa profil

2000-05-03, 16:08
Svar #20

Utloggad Bibi Gustafson

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 213
  • Senast inloggad: 2023-03-01, 22:30
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Dear Ishbel,
Thanks for offering to help. I've tried to e-mail the info but it is returned as undeliverable.
Best regards,

2000-05-07, 19:43
Svar #21

Jens Petersson

  • Gäst
Min farmor's bror reste till Canada omkring1918.
Han hette Olof Edvin Nelson f.18/8 1902.
Sista kända adress var 1062-East 62end ave Vancouver 15 Bc. Hade 2 pojkar Nels f.1929 sista kända adress Port Hardy Bc. Erik född 1942 eller43. Hur kan jag gå vidare  och se om vi har någon släkt kvar i Canada. Tacksam för hjälp.
    Mvh Jens

2000-05-08, 09:21
Svar #22

Laila Normann

  • Gäst
Hei! Jeg søkte på Canada White Pages, og fant 1 Erik og 3 Nels.
Kanskje verdt en telefon eller et brev?

2000-05-08, 18:31
Svar #23

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Jens: Hi!  I noticed your posting and I live in Canada...perhaps I can help you!  Let me see if I have your message understood-or at least the gist of it.  You can clarify for me I do not speak Swedish (I did my best!).
Your father's mother's brother came to Canada around 1918. His name: Olof Edvin Nelson-born August 18, 1902.  Last known address was:  
1062-East 62nd Ave. in Vancouver BC  (15-don't know what this is?!)
Had 2 boys: Nels born 1929 and Erik born 1942 or 1943. Last known address- Port Hardy, BC.
How can you go further and see if you have relatives still here in Canada.
Is that pretty much the gist of it?  Also, a few questions:
Where did you get the addresses-old letters, someone told you...?
Would the name you provided not be the Canadianized version? (Nelson=Nelsson or Nilsson?)  Some of my relatives changed their spellings slightly...some not at all.  This is true for many Swedish listings I have seen here in I wonder if that spelling is what he you know?
How did you estimate his coming to Canada as around 1918?  Do you know any more information...the ship, the port he supposedly landed at...a more definitive date?  Would not the church records there in Sweden note your ancestors departure date...and other information?
Please let me know...I am going to check into a few things...also, the two reference libraries here are quite accessible to me.  I will try to do whatever I can for you...after all, I have had the generous assistance of Swedes helping me in my search!
Kind regards,

2000-05-22, 18:18
Svar #24

Ishbel Cormack

  • Gäst
Pia Nordin: I just found information about a Fred Nordin. He had a farm in Barton, North Dakota, USA.His parents were in Minnesota,USA. They died about 1913.After some poor crops Fred moved to Saskatchewan, Canada  in 1912. His homestead was south of Lintlaw. He built a shack and covered the outside with tar paper.  
One day returning from a tour around the countryside with his gun, he found a big black bear. The bear had got a roll of tar paper from the top of the shack and was eating it up.. Fred shot the bear and he and his neighbors had their first taste of bear meat.
Fred was also a photographer. He also set up the first sawmill south of town. In 1919 he sold his farm and sawmill and moved to Medstead Sask. where he spent the rest of his life.

2000-06-12, 04:40
Svar #25

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi!  If anyone needs help with family that emigrated to Canada...
I have access to two reference libraries here and can easily access the following:
*Ship passenger lists of landings at various Canadian ports
*Form 30A Immigration forms-these were in use INSTEAD of ship passenger lists- from approximately 1919 until the end of 1924
Should you wish to see the actual ship list or form 30A (for years applicable) for your ancestor(s)...all you have to do is provide me with information and I will look it up for you.  
If found (I've been pretty lucky so far!!)I will gladly copy it and mail it to you!!
I have had so much help in my search from many kind individuals in Sweden and would like to try to give some of that back.  I can't promise I'll find everyone...but I'll do my best!!
If you are interested then please just let me know.

2000-06-12, 11:12
Svar #26

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Donna! I would very much like to find out about my maternal grandmothers cousin and her family in Canada. According to my grandmothers notes they left Sweden in 1914:
husband Axel Andersson
wife Alma (married surname Andersson)
children Algot, Olga, Elin, Anna, and one whos name i don't know. All I have is two letters written by Alma early 1940's with her adress Creston BC Canada Box 84. I am not sure they went straight to Canada from Sweden. They might have gone to the USA first.
I am also curious to know about the death of my grandmothers brother, Carl OSSIAN Jonsson born 1904 10/10 in Helgum (Y) and dead in Vancouver 1959 or 1960. He went yo Canada on 10th of april 1923. Postcard to my grandmother in 1936 from Lillooet BC. I also have a small photo of him and a girlfriend (?) - on the back it says Curly and Rosie (he had very curly hair). Family tradition has it that he had a violent unnatural death.
All my grandmothers brothers and her father went to Canada to work in the woods, but they all came back, except Ossian. If it is possible to find anything about them in canadian documents I'd be curious to know:
father Johan Petter Jonsson born 1865 1/5 Edsele (Y) went to the Winnipeg area in 1910 (left Sweden on april 1st). I think he left from Trondheim, Norway, but not sure. Back on nov 7th 1914. He was in New York at least once, since he brought back a plate with the statue of liberty printed on it.
brothers: Jonas VERNER Jonsson b.13th of april 1894 Helgum, to Canada 6th of apr 1911, back 29/12 1915.
Erik VALDEMAR Jonsson b. 9th of june 1897 Helgum. To Canada 1923, back 1927.
GOTTFRID Johannes Jonsson b.18 of apr 1898 Helgum, to Canada 14th march 1923, back 17th jan 1933.
They probably left from Norway (Trondheim or Narvik - I have a vague feeling that's what my grandmother said).
I would be very grateful if you would try to find anything about the above mentioned.
Regards, Pernilla

2000-06-12, 12:28
Svar #27

Stefan Sörensson

  • Gäst
Donna Corlett,
I have some family that immigrated from Sweden to Canada in 1912, March 25th from Sweden. The ship they went on was called ROMEO, according to immigration records here in Sweden. Their destination mentioned here in Sweden was Castor, Alberta but I have checked with M. D. of Castor and they haven't found their names there.  
These are the names:
(TOMT) OLOF JONSSON born Sep. 10, 1857 in Nusnäs, Mora, Dalarna, Sweden.
KARIN ANDERSDOTTER born Sep. 19, 1861 in Nusnäs.
Children: GUSTAF WERNER born 1893
          OSKAR EMIL born 1895
          MARIA born 1897
          AUGUSTA born 1900
          FRANS ROBERT (HANS) born 1903
Also the daughter of OLOF JONSSON immigrated at the same time.
ANNA HJELTE (maiden name OLSDOTTER) born Aug. 16, 1885 in Nusnäs.  
Her son, KARL ERNST HJELTE born Dec. 31, 1908.
Their destination was Brownlee, Saskatchewan. I have found some HJELTE in that area.
Another family that I do suspect have emigrated to Canada from the USA is as follows:
(BRÄND) LARS ANDERSSON (B. L. ANDERSON) born Sep. 21, 1851 in Nusnäs.
His wife MARGARET ANDERSON (JONSDOTTER) born Sep. 11, 1859 in Nusnäs.
Their children: MARGARET born 1878  
                CHRISTINE born 1880
                MARY born 1885
                ANDERS (ANDREW) born 1889
                ANNA born 1892
Their children, except for Anna were all born in Sweden. They immigrated from Sweden to Olivia, Minnesota in 1890 and moved from there in 1902. I have no record of where they moved, but I think they might have immigrated to Canada.  
Quite a few Nusnäs-people settled around Brownlee and also near Moose Jaw and Riverhurst, Sask.
Will be looking forward to hearing from you and if you find out something about these people.
PS. Where in Canada do you live? I use to visit family in Provost, Alberta and Regina, Sask.

2000-06-12, 19:39
Svar #28

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Pernilla!  I will be going to the reference libraries here later this week...and will see what I can find for you there.  
I did check the British Columbia death index-just to check for your gm's brother and he was found there.  He was listed as:
Date of death- April 1, 1959  
Place of death- Boughey Bay
Registration #-1959-09-005064
I think that one (of the two) libraries may be able to help me access the microfilm records which may note more...I have never done that before so it will be a learning experience, that is for sure!  Another idea is that I could check the newspapers of the time to check for an obituary...which could note details of the apparent tragedy.  
By the way, Boughey Bay was within close proximity of a few indian reservations...and 188 miles (or 300km) from Lillooet-where you said the postcard had been sent from.  Was he visiting Lillooet-or did he live there?  We'll see...  Also, Lillooet and Boughey Bay are both north of Vancouver. (Boughey Bay on the west coast-and Lillooet further inland.  Just thought you might find that of interest)...
I'll get back to you!

2000-06-12, 19:48
Svar #29

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Stefan!  I will check into your relatives later this week as well.  It should be possible to locate the arrival of your families ship (Romeo) list...maybe more!?! Do you have any clue where they were believed to have landed in Canada? Possible ports-Montreal, Quebec, Halifax or St. John-just wondering...  
You provided a great amount of information to work I should get going!!
To answer your question, I live in Toronto.
I will get back to you soon...

2000-06-12, 22:27
Svar #30

Utloggad Josephine Karlfelt

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 28
  • Senast inloggad: Aldrig
    • Visa profil
Hi Donna,
I guess you got a lot of things to do right now.  
Kind of busy with all emigraters:-)
I would like to ask you if you perhaps when you  
got time, please could look if you can find this  
person in the immigration records.
I´m not sure if he emigrated to Canda or US. And  
I´m trying to find out were he went and what  
happended to him.
*the name Emil is the only one of the first names  
mensioned in the swedish emigrationlist.
First names: EMIL* Adolf Valdemar
Surname: WID
Age: 25 years  old   Sex: M
Parish: HYCKLINGE    County: E
Harbour of departure:      MALMO
Day of emigration:      Aug 23, 1906  
Destination:     NEW WINDSOR
Reference number:         1906:2062:5989
If the passengerlists you have access to is on cd  
so that you can search by the surname I would be  
intrested in anyone with the WID name, because I  
think one of his siblings perhaps Frans Alfred WID  
would have emigrated to Canada, but I can´t find  
his emigrationrecords here in Sweden.
I would be so very grateful for help.
Josephine Karlfelt

2000-06-13, 04:09
Svar #31

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Josephine!
It is not a problem at all for me to also check for Emil!  
His full proper name was: Emil Adolf Valdemar Wid-correct? Just a few questions for you-do you know the ship name-or the port of landing in Canada?  It is not essential...but would surely help!!
The listing you provided (where his full name was not given) was from the CD Emigranten--correct?!
Also, any idea when this sibling...Frans Alfred Wid is believed to have emigrated?  I understood you could not locate the same type of emigration information as Emil...but what have you heard/been told?  Any clues?
Well, I hope to hear from you soon. I will be going to the reference libraries in the next few days so-the sooner the better!!
Best regards,
(I tried posting a message to you before...not sure where it went...?!!  I've never had that happen before!)

2000-06-13, 08:23
Svar #32

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Thanks a million Donna - this is fantastic! I never knew his exact date of death. Would be very grateful to know everything you are able to find about him.
From friday and ten days I probably won't have access to internet, so if you post something for me and I don't answer straight away, that is why.
Regards Pernilla

2000-06-13, 14:41
Svar #33

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Pernilla!  I hope that I got to you before you are not available!  I also think that I have found BC death entries for your maternal gm's cousin-and her husband.
Since you didn't note their years of birth-it took a little longer-but I am pretty sure this would be them based on the fact that you said they left Sweden in 1914 with their children:
Date of death-January 27,1944
Place of death-Creston
Age-70 years old (thus born approximately 1874...then I checked the 1890 census...he was born 1873-right?!)
Registration #-1944-09-638070
Date of death- July 4,1954
Place of death-Coquitlam
Age-77 years old (born approx. 1877...what was her maiden name?)
Registration #-1954-09-007005
I believe this is them-yes?!  I understand now that I can possibly access these files (on microfilm) to find out a few more details...will let you know later about that!
Can you tell me any more about their children? you know if they married/had children...any clues? (especially birthdates/years)
Hope to hear from you...soon?!!
Kind regards,

2000-06-13, 14:54
Svar #34

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Josephine!  Donna again!  I just wanted to say that I looked into the New Windsor destination noted for Emil.  I think it is most likely that he was destined to the USA (not Canada)...because after a lengthy search I could only find A NEW WINDSOR in Orange county (USA).  It is noted as a town along the Hudson River...about 60 miles north of New York City.
I will look once I quickly saw a reference to another state in the USA (Connecticut)- BUT I believe that town is simply called Windsor (not New Windsor).  We do have a Windsor here in Ontario (Canada) too...but it is also called just- Windsor!
More later....

2000-06-13, 16:18
Svar #35

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Donna ! I think you did find the right people...I do not know Almas maiden name. All I know is her mothers name; Anna Petronella Johansdotter b.1856 13/1 in Ådalsliden (Liden) (Y). Alma can be born anywhere close to Edsele, Långsele, Ådalsliden I think. I have not been able to find her or Petronella in the 1890 census. All I have is a piece of paper where my grandmother has written a few facts about the family, that she could remember. Nothing about Petronellas husband.
From the letters I can read that Olga is unmarried, and living at home (after Axel is dead), the others are married. Algot has a good little girl, Olga makes dresses. It is actually written after the war, so it could be right that Axel is dead...
Hope you find more about this family - I am sorry I can give you so little to go on
Very grateful for your help, Pernilla

2000-06-13, 16:22
Svar #36

Stefan Sörensson

  • Gäst
Thanks so much Donna for checking this out! Will be looking forward to hearing from you and what you might find out. I'm not sure which port those traveling on Romeo arrived at. One possibility is they might have gone through the US as so many other Swedes. Most of the people from our area here in Dalarna, Sweden usually moved to the midwest and from there up to the Canadian prairies. But they could've arrived at some Canadian port too of course. But I don't have any info. on this.  
Sincerely, Stefan

2000-06-13, 16:56
Svar #37

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Stefan!  Some news...maybe you already knew this...but the SS Romeo was a feeder ship from Sweden (Göteborg) to Hull, England.  Your ancestors would then have travelled by rail and left (probably from Liverpool) aboard another ship...a transatlantic steamer.  I don't know if you have seen this site which notes the Romeo-but you can take a look by going to:
I was a little suprised to see your last message noting that they may have gone to the USA first (?!)-as I thought from your first note that they had come to Canada-leaving Sweden on March 25, 1912-destined to Castor, Alberta...I have this right, yes?  Well even so...most transatlantic steamers seem to have first landed at a Canadian port...and then travelled on to USA from there.  Many lists I reviewed while looking for my ancestors ships noted many USA passengers-separately on the manifests.  So either way there is still the chance to find them.
By the way...what does the MD of Castor (from your previous message)stand for?
I'll get back to you soon...hope to hear from you again too!!
Kind regards,

2000-06-13, 19:08
Svar #38

Utloggad Josephine Karlfelt

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 28
  • Senast inloggad: Aldrig
    • Visa profil
Hi Donna,
thanks for all your efforts. I´, glad you´re  
trying to help me. No I didn´t get your mail.
On the emigranden-cd it says just Emil, not Emil  
Adolf Valdemar Wid, even if it´s his full name.
His sister in Illinois heard that he went to  
Canada and later to Montana, but I can´t find him.
His brother Frans Alfred Wid can´t be found in the  
records, but he should have went to Canada and  
there he became a trapper. Frans Alfred Wid was  
born 1869 in Hycklinge, Sweden.
I don´t know the name of the ship. Sorry and I  
don´t know were to look or who to ask about it.  
Best regards,

2000-06-15, 04:56
Svar #39

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla: Hi! More good news for you...I went to one of the libraries for a short time today and found some more information for you.  As I had mentioned in my original posting offering help...emigrants that came between 1919-1924 are much easier to trace as the government was using a form called the FORM 30A during that time-instead of standard ship manifests.
Therefore I was able to find the actual FORM 30A's for three of your ancestors that came during that time frame!  I copied them for you as I thought that you would probably like to see/have copies yourself.  They are quite fabulous as they are an individual record of the person which contains more information than the standard passenger manifests...and are actually signed by them too! You can send me your mailing address privately and I will post them off to you-OK?!!
The forms found were:
Ossian Jonsson-18 years old
Valdemar Jonsson-25 years old
Gottfrid Jonsson-23 years old
Interestingly enough, all three gentlemen travelled TOGETHER at the SAME TIME-on the same ship!  They each sailed upon a third class ticket aboard the SS Montcalm which sailed on April 20, 1923.  Their trip was arranged through a booking agent in Trondhjem.  
They all noted their present occupation as farm labour and that they intended to do the same here in Canada (a standard answer as I have seen!).
Each noted their birthplace as Helgum, Sweden and their marital status as single.  Each had 25 dollars on their person...(note: Emigrants had to have at least this amount with them upon entering the country to ensure that they would not become a public charge).
All were destined to a Mr. Arvid Person (was probably really Persson!) in Eagle River, Ontario.  
Each noted the nearest relative in the country from whence they came as:  
Mr J.P.Jonsson...relationship-father -and the address- Nordsjö, Långsele, Sweden.
Isn't that just wonderful?!!  I really like these forms as they really have a personal feel to them (well I think so!)...and they are each signed by them!!
Well...I tried to look a little for the ship manifests for Jonas Verner Jonsson and Johan Petter Jonsson...but no luck.  That may take a little longer to trace since we have no ship name or definite port of landing-but it must be there somewhere!!  At least I have a ballpark idea of when they I can estimate the travel time-and then check a lot of lists!!
I didn't even get to attempting the ship manifests for Axel and Alma Andersson (and children).  With only knowing they left Sweden in 1914 (no more details right?!)-that one will probably take the longest...
Since Ossian was thought to have lost his life violently as you said...I may try to check the big newspapers of the time in BC to see if anything is there...and it may well be that I can get a copy of his death certificate for you (I'm still looking into that).
I hope this is exciting for you...and hopefully more will be yet to come!!  Please let me know what you think (and any more information!) as soon as you have the chance.
Kind regards,

2000-06-15, 05:45
Svar #40

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Anna-Karin Mattsson: Hi!  I have found the emigration forms (FORM 30A) for both your father-in-laws uncles!
As I keep mentioning...they really are something to see! Each person travelling between 1919-1924 had to individually complete one of these they are a personal piece of history-and again-signed by the actual traveller/emigrant!
*Note: Most details were provided by the passenger to their booking agent -prior to the trip...and their signature was the only handwritten part of the form...but in the case of Per it is all handwritten and some parts are hard to make out (clearly).
With that said, here is details from their forms-
PER MATTSON was 22 years of age when he sailed upon a third class ticket aboard the SS Megantic which sailed from Liverpool on May 4, 1923.
He was single and noted that he had been a farmer...and intended to do the same in Canada.
He had 72 dollars on his person.
He was destined to 264 Louden St., Winnipeg
(There is a few other words there-but illegible-sorry!)
His nearest relative in the country from whence he came: Mr. Mattson (father) in Sweden.
(Again there is another place name here but it is hard to make out-looks like Silijans..???)
He signed his form with his full name: Per August Mattson.
VIKTOR MATTSSON:*Note-Since Viktor's form was typed-it makes sense out of some unclear things from Per's'll see below!
SARAS VIKTOR MATTSSON (what's the Saras?) was 26 years of age when he travelled upon a third class ticket aboard the SS Stockholm which sailed July 5, 1924.  He was married and he noted that he had been a farm labourer-and intended to do the same in Canada. He had 25 dollars in his possession.  He was destined to...his brother: Saras Per August Mattsson at 264 Laura Street in Winnipeg, Manitoba.
The nearest relative in the country from whence he came- Saras Maria Mattsson (his wife)-and the address noted as Näsbybyn, Siljansnäs, Sweden.
He signed his form: Saras Viktor Mattsson.
One question for you Anna-Karin.  What are all those SARAS listed on Viktor's form?  I understand if it is part of his name-but why is it also noted with Per and Maria???  
Well these should certainly help with tracing them further here in Canada-now we know where they went anyway!!  
I will get back to researching it-and let you know what I can find for you-OK?!!
Hope you are as thrilled as I was finding them-and please let me know what you think ( and your father-in-law)!!!
Best regards,

2000-06-15, 05:58
Svar #41

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Stefan: Hi!  I have started to look through the ship microfilm reels for Olof, Karin-and family but have not succeeded...yet!
Where did you get the SS Romeo name and the departure date of March 25, 1912 from?  I hope you saw my last message as I didn't hear back from you yet.  The Romeo may well have been their ship for the first leg of their journey (feeder service)...not to worry though.  For three of my ancestors I had no ship name at all...just a month/year...and I found them!! (I just hope they were in fact destined to Canada-but we'll see!)
Well I just wanted to let you know that I have started!  Please respond when you can...
Kind regards,

2000-06-15, 06:44
Svar #42

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi again Pernilla!  I have checked into where Eagle River is in Ontario.  
Well Ossian, Valdemar and Gottfrid had quite a trip to get there!
I forgot to mention that their ship landed at Saint John, New Brunswick.  Eagle River is in western Ontario-in the Kenora area- which is almost next door (if you will!) to Manitoba-the first western province in Canada you would encounter after leaving Ontario's border.  
They must have travelled by train at that time to get there (quite a trip!).  The distance between Saint John (New Brunswick) and Eagle River (ontario) is 2088 km-or 1305 miles!!
That is all for now...just thought you might like to know!
All the best,

2000-06-15, 09:57
Svar #43

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Donna !
This is amazing ! I never thought I'd get to know anything about my mums uncles trips to Canada. This Arvid Persson probably came from the same area as them, only earlier evidently. He could also be a, to me, unknown relative. I wonder if they ever met their cousin and her family while they were there. Ossian might have, since he later came to BC. I think the others were working in the Ottawa and Winnipeg areas.  
I think I might have found Axel Kristian in the 1890 census: Axel Kristian b.1873 Helgum. Living at Mo, Helgum with his father Jonas Gustaf Andersson shoemaker b.1839, mother Katarina Margareta Kristoffersdotter b. 1843, + three siblings. But as I don't know anything about him beforehand, this might be completely wrong. No trace of Alma Kristina or her mother. Though it would be logical that her second name was Kristina since her only aunt (my great grandmother) were called Kristina Margareta. I think I will have to check the birthrecords for around 1877, but am not sure as to what parish I would begin to search in. Probably Edsele.
Anyway, will send you my adress in a mail, looking forward to seeing the copies !  
Gratefully, Pernilla

2000-06-15, 14:30
Svar #44

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  I'm so glad to be able to help you out...and the records are so much easier for me to access...obviously!!
By the way, you are surely correct that Alma's second given name was her death record issued in British Columbia noted that (well the Canadianized version)-Christina. I did try searching for her in the census-without luck either!  I wonder what we could possibly be missing?!
I will next attempt to find the passenger lists for Axel (and family!) and the other two Jonsson's I noted before (you know who!) and check city directories of the era to try to track them all down...
I'll be back to you soon!
I got your mail address...and I will post those FORM 30A's to you in the next day or so...and I made you two copies of each...just in case!  
Best regards,

2000-06-15, 22:05
Svar #45

Stefan Sorensson

  • Gäst
Sorry for not responding sooner. I don't have a phone and always need to go over to my mom's with my laptop to check the emails. I usually do this every other day or so. That's why I haven't got back to you sooner.  
So Romeo was only a ship between Sweden and England... I kind of suspected that. The date is always different. March 25th is the date they emigrated from Sweden, according to records here. That's where I also read their destination, and of course, that could change as they arrived in North America.  
MD stands for Municipal District, used out west on the prairies. I believe you would be more used to counties. They're the same.  
So most emigrants landed in Canada, even though they headed for the US? I didn't know that. So if they were destined for a Canadian town, they would for sure have gone through a Canadian port.  
Will be looking forward to hear from you and if you find them. Good luck!
Sincerely, Stefan

2000-06-15, 23:09
Svar #46

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Stefan!  Good to hear from you!!!
Well, maybe not most...but surely a large number did!  I can tell you this as the vast number of manifests that I have reviewed (there have been quite a few!)list both types of passengers (and separate classes of course).
That is to say that when a transatlantic steamer ship departed from England it would be carrying passengers bound for both Canada and the USA.  Perhaps I didn't make it clear enough.  I did not mean that all passengers landed in I meant to convey was that they would land at a Canadian port (disembark the Candian bound passengers)...and then continue on to an American port...ok?!  
Still... they would be listed on the same manifest. Is this clearer?
Ship manifests also included many classes/designations...first, second... British, returning Canadians...and foreigners..and USA passengers.  (They are listed as such on the ship manifests!).
There also were/are border entry records for years (not sure exactly what years are covered as I have never had use of them)...which note people who crossed over from America into Canada through
designated border crossings...interesting, eh?!!
Well I hope to have some good news for you soon...I'll get back to you!  
Best regards,

2000-06-17, 15:36
Svar #47

Stefan Sorensson

  • Gäst
Thanks Donna for the info. Makes a bit more sense. Will be looking forward to hearing more.
Sincerely, Stefan

2000-06-22, 11:38
Svar #48


  • Gäst
Two of my fathers uncels emig. to Canada 1902 and 1904.I have been looking for a couple of years and couldn´t find them at any emigtationlists. JOHN EDWARD JONSSON born 1884-01-16 emig. 1902-06-12 and PETTER AUGUST JONSSON born 1886-03-02 emig. 1904-04-08 from DYNÄS, GUDMUNDRÅ, ÅNGERMANLAND, SWEDEN. their parents was PER JONSSON and STINA LISA (KRISTINA ELISABETH) MYRHOLM, they can also have take the name Persson after the fathers first name Per.
Thank you annette

2000-06-22, 16:25
Svar #49

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Annette!  I can probably help you.  You say that you haven't been able to find where did you get the their emigration dates from?  Are the emig. dates from the Emigranten CD or parish records?  Please let me know which as soon as you can as I am making another trip in the next few days to the reference libraries where arrival records (ship lists!) are kept.
Also do you know where they landed? There were multiple ports in use at those times-Quebec, Montreal, Halifax, Saint John's...  Do you know?  Did they each travel alone at the time of their emigration? They both were rather I assume they were single-yes?!
Do you know where they were destined to...or where they were believed to have settled?
Hope to hear from you soon...
Best regards,

2000-06-24, 15:30
Svar #50

C. Johnsson

  • Gäst
I'm looking for my grandmother Naomi (Nan) Short or Shost born on the 9th of June in 1906 or 1907 who immigrated from England to Canada in 1909. Naomi and John married on the 28th of April in 1928 in Cedoux, Saskatchewan. John Johnsson was born in Sweden on the 10th of September in 1891. By the time Naomi met John she had two children Walter and Harry born around 1924 and 1926. Naomi and John got two children together: Carl Johan Lenin Johnsson born on the 14th Februari in 1933 and Eda Caroline Johnsson born on the 18th of January in 1929. They all lived together in Cedoux from 1928 to 1938. By unhappy circumstances the family was splintered and Naomi moved to Winnipeg/Manitoba with Walter and Harry, she later gave birth to a girl in 1938 or 1939 at a hospital in Winnipeg.  After that I have no information at all concerning Naomi, Walter and Harry. I have an old address I think Naomi moved to: Mr Frank Baldwin, 309 Wiktor St. Winnipeg.  I have another address as well: Walter Johnsson, 767 Simcoe Street, Winnipeg.
John returned to Sweden with Carl and Eda in 1938.
My name is Caroline Johnsson and I'm the daughter of Carl. My wish is to find out more about my grandmother's, Walter's and Harry's life after 1939 both for my own, my father's and my aunt's sake. Please, anyone who recognizes this information contact me on this site.

2000-06-26, 06:37
Svar #51

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi to Pernilla, Josephine, Stefan, Anna-Karin, Ulla, Jens and Arne!!
Just a short note to let you know that I made a trip on Saturday this weekend to the main reference library and searched quite a few reels of microfilm-but unfortunately I have no more finds to report...yet!!  The summer hours at the library limit the access a little-they are closed on Sundays until the fall so...
Still, I will continue the searches and let you know what I do find.  I simply wanted you to know that I am still working on it!!
All the best,

2000-06-26, 12:47
Svar #52


  • Gäst
Hi Donna,
Thankyou for your kindness.Yes they was young when they run away, probely from the military duty. It was loots of poor people in the north of Sweden this time and they have probably heard of the big rich country over there.This is fascinating for me to find out what happend them.I get this history from the churchbooks (microfish) when I was looking for my grandparents and there children.So what I know is that they travel along, but Petter/Peter august went away the same day as two other boys from the same village and they were going to N America.
I don´t know were they landed or witch habor they went from.

2000-06-27, 23:27
Svar #53

Utloggad Barbro Jansson

  • Anbytare *
  • Antal inlägg: 9
  • Senast inloggad: 2011-01-29, 15:55
    • Visa profil
Hej! Jag söker personer som vet någon eller vet något om några som emigrerade till Canada 1927 för att jobba i skogen. Min morfar reste troligtvis från Göteborg. Han kom tillbaka till Sverige 1933 eller 34. Han berättade aldrig för någon om vad han varit med om, ingen skulle tro mig sa han. Jag har funderat mycket över detta och skulle bli så glad om det finns nån som har hört någon berätta om någon sådan resa .

2000-06-28, 02:23
Svar #54

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi!  Can anyone translate the message posted by Barbro Jansson (right above this one!)..into English?  I know that I am not understanding it all clearly.
Many thanks,

2000-06-28, 05:45
Svar #55

Utloggad Roolaid Stein

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 65
  • Senast inloggad: 2008-06-19, 00:18
    • Visa profil
Hello Donna
Tentative translation.
Hi! I am looking for persons that know someone or knows something of someone that emigrated to Canada 1927 to work in the woods. My grandfather (mothers father) come probably from Gothenburg. He returned to Sweden 1933 or 34. He never told anyone what he experienced, no one will belive me he said. I have been wondering a lot over this and I should be very happy if someone have heard of somebody telling this type of travel.
Best Regards from Mexico

2000-06-28, 06:55
Svar #56

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Roolaid: Hi!  Thanks for the translation.  Are you actually in Mexico?!  That isn't part of the posting from Barbro-is it...!?!
I thank you for your assistance...and send you my gratitude...from Canada!

2000-06-28, 19:17
Svar #57

Utloggad Arne Larsson

  • Anbytare *
  • Antal inlägg: 9
  • Senast inloggad: Aldrig
    • Visa profil
Here is another Swede looking for a person disappearing in Canada. A cousin of my grand mother, Vessle Olsson, born 13 dec 1898 in Kristinehamn Sweden left for Canada in march 21 1924. He also spent some time in Alaska. If you could get some information about his destination and if he did change his name, I would be thankful.
Arne Larsson

2000-06-28, 20:46
Svar #58

Karin Selldin

  • Gäst
Hi Donna!
My husband's grandfather (father's father) had a brother who disappeared in Canada. On the 8th of September 1893 Karl Johan Selldin and his 18 years old son Johan Hilmer Selldin left Gothenburg, Sweden with destination Winnipeg, Manitoba (Emigranten). Within a year Karl Johan returned to the family in Stockholm. Johan Hilmer stayed in Canada and the family lost contact with him. In 1896 Karl Johan Selldin went back to look for Johan Hilmer with no success. We would be very grateful if you were able to find out anything about what happened to Johan Selldin.
Best regards, Karin

2000-06-28, 21:18
Svar #59

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Karin!  Can you provide me with an exact date of birth for Johan Hilmer?  I assume he was born in 1875 from what your message said but...a definite date would surely be better in accessing records or addressing a government agency here.
Just wondering...why would he stay behind (alone?) when his father left to return to Sweden-so quickly (less than one year)?  Any family stories/ideas?  Had he met someone...or had gainful the time and decided to stay in Canada???  
It must have been very concerning for his family as you mentioned his father returned in 1896 for the purpose of searching for him-without success.  How heart wrenching it must have been!
I'll certainly try to help you...hope to hear back from you soon!
Best regards,

2000-06-28, 21:26
Svar #60

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Arne!  You should be in luck as your ancestor came while the immigration form 30A's were in use for immigrants arriving here in Canada (1919 to the end of 1924)-all ports!
They are much easier to search for and successfully locate the record for an individual immigrant -than passenger lists/manifests (far less time consuming too!!)
I will be going back to the reference library this I am currently looking for quite a few manifests...I will check for Vessle Olsson in the form 30A's at that time!
We'll take it from there-OK?!!
All the best,

2000-06-28, 21:51
Svar #61

Stefan Sorensson

  • Gäst
Thanks Donna for your notice! Will be looking forward to hearing more as you find out.

2000-06-29, 17:31
Svar #62

Karin Selldin

  • Gäst
Hi Donna!
Johan Hilmer Selldin was born December the 13th 1875 in Estuna parish. We believe that both Karl and Johan had intention to stay in Canada when they left Sweden, but for some reason Karl changed his mind and returned to Sweden. According to the family tradition there was some disagreement between the father and his son. Perhaps Karl was not as successful in Canada as he had hoped to be.
Best regards, Karin

2000-06-29, 19:24
Svar #63

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi again Karin!  Thanks for the birthdate for Johan.  I will look into what I can do and get back to you as soon as possible.

2000-07-03, 05:33
Svar #64

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Karin!  Well I found the ship manifest that lists Johan and his father Karl!  They sailed upon the SS Labrador which actually departed on September 14, 1893-destined to Quebec/Montreal (Canada!).  They were indeed noted as destined to Winnipeg, Manitoba.  Karl listed as 43 years of age, Johan as 17.  Both were noted as labourers.  They appear to have travelled with some other Swedes...all labourers destined to Winnipeg.  
I copied it for you as I thought you might enjoy actually seeing it...and will post it to you if you send me your postal address (privately).
I have made further inquires to the Manitoba government...and am waiting for e reply about their archives.  They seem rather inaccessible at this point...we'll see...and I'll let you know!!
Still have lots more searching to do-so I will go for now...I'll be back soon (for all of you!!).
Best regards,

2000-07-04, 23:58
Svar #65

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Arne!  I did check the form 30A's for Vessle...and I could not find him there...???
What was his full name?  Was it just Vessle Olsson?  
Please let me know as soon as you can.  I did try looking through all the Olsson' hopes that I may find him that way-but again no luck.  That can be difficult as they are interfiled with Olsen, Olson....
Also, are you sure that he left for Canada as of the date you provided (March 1924)?  How did you know of his being in Alaska?  When was this supposed to have been-and for how long?
Well I hope you can clarify this (especially the name!)for me and we will take it from there.

2000-07-05, 18:15
Svar #66

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi! I had some major computer trouble that left me off line for a number of days...also thus I lost the entire mail program (and more! ahhh!!) if anyone wishes to resend me their address-please do!
I do make notes of the details provided as I that isn't necessary to resend to me.  I lost my address book though (and all previous messages) so the addresses would be very helpful.
(The few messages I've posted in the previous few days have been from another address-not mine).
Thanks alot,

2000-07-07, 05:32
Svar #67

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Barbro!  Donna here.  Today I found the immigration/passenger list for your ancestor Bror Sigurd Isidor Söderlund!!
I was at the reference library continuing to look for a few lists (elusive so far!)...and found his listing quite easily!  
The records for 1925-1935-are noted as the Canadian Immigration Service/Immigration Return.  These records include the ship details too.
Sigurd travelled aboard the SS Stockholm which sailed from Gothenburg on June 16,1928.  He landed at Halifax,Canada on June 24, 1928.
He was 32 years of age and his place and country of birth were noted as Sweden-Romfartuna.  He was noted as a farm laborer.  He was NOT shown as destined to Manitoba...but was listed as destined to a friend named Elias Johnson, c/o Border Co. in Ontario.  There was another passenger noted to the same friend...named Olaus Persson from Jarfsö (probably meant Jårvsö!) you know who this is/was?  
Sigurd's was noted as married and he listed his nearest relative in country from whence he came as Anna Söderlund (wife) and her address as Bondarv, Järvsö.  His passport information was noted as:  Passport number 354, issued May 15, 1928, Gävle.  He had $50 on his person and was travelling inland via the CNR (Canadian National Railway).
Isn't that fabulous?!!!  I made two copies of the actual record for you and if you send me your mailing address (privately) than I will gladly post them to you.
Also now that we know where he went...initially at least(!) we can continue the search from there.
Oh I just get such a thrill out of finding these things!!...especially since I am here and can access the records that are available quite easily.  I know how much I enjoyed finding the records for my ancestors that I know of (the search continues!)....
Well I hope to have more good news for you (and others!) very soon....please let me know what you think!!
Best regards,

2000-07-07, 05:40
Svar #68

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Pernilla!  Still looking for the others...and more details.  I have one quick question though.  I lost all my mail program in a computer dilemma (don't know if you saw my posting to that effect) and although I had made notes of your info-I seem to be missing a date for the father-Johan Petter Jonsson.  I have he went to Winnipeg area in you have a to Canada date for him- like all the other Jonsson's you gave me?
If so, I would really appreciate getting it from you.  Thanks in advance!!  Be back to you soon!
*Note: Every time I try to privately mail you-I get fatal error messages (from your system/end) and it appears returned- saying it was not deliverable...yet you do seem to get some (I think!...eventually!)...have you had this problem before?  Do you have an alternate address?  Just wondering...

2000-07-07, 09:17
Svar #69

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Hi Donna,  
I did mail you privately a couple of days ago, just to let you know that I was aware about your computer troubles. I didn't know that I might have a mail problem. All I know is that they are working on the university server (or something) each thursday night, and that this can cause some problems with recieving mail.  
Anyway, Johan Petter left Långsele (Y) for N.America April 1st 1910 and came back on Nov 11th 1914. He was born on May 1st 1865. Next to kin should be his wife Kristina Margaretha Arnqvist.
Did you recieve my new information about Alma Katharina (not Kristina) ? She was born in 1877, in Ramsele (Y). The reason why I could not find her at first, in the 1890 census, was that I was focusing on her mother. But Anna Petronella died in 1884. I only recently found this out.
Looking forward to hearing from you again,
Best regards, Pernilla

2000-07-07, 17:53
Svar #70

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Pernilla!  Thanks for your prompt response!  Perhaps you gave me the 1st before for Johan Petter...and I missed it...thanks as it helps narrow the lists I must search...I did have the rest of the facts.
Yes I received your message about Alma...and sent you a reply awhile ago-so I guess you never got it...?!  I can't resend it as it was lost.  
In fact,I did also search the 1890 census...using Alma and 1877-and found her previously (without knowing for sure of course!-there were a few Alma's!)...but went back and found the family with your info that Petronella had passed away prior to the was good to finally locate it!  
I continue the search-and thus must be on my way for now!  I'll be back to you soon-OK?!!
All the best,

2000-07-08, 15:01
Svar #71

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
No, unfortunately I never received your mail. I have no idea what could be wrong - but I am getting worried that this has been happening a lot...

2000-07-08, 17:11
Svar #72

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi again Pernilla.  I didn't think so-your getting all my private messages I mean.  
Anyway,the message that I recall (the same one everytime my mail was returned/undelivered) was something like: unathorized use (by head of the dept)....address unknown...may contact the head of the dept.  ???  I am sure that everyone wasn't sent on a Thursday night- so although I got your message noting work on the system Thursday nights, I am sure it has happened many more times besides then...hope this may help figure it out!  
Should I get that message again...I will let you know exactly what it says-OK?!  In the meantime I will try again today (right after this!)...I have some more finds-and think I should share them with you privately.
Best regards,

2000-07-08, 17:15
Svar #73

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Stefan & Annette: Hi!  A quick note-I have not forgotten you...and have already checked more than a few microfilm reels.  I am off to the library today so hope to have news for you too!

2000-07-08, 17:22
Svar #74

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Anyone needing HELP in Canada?  I am willing to try to search/help.  Please provide all details you can...and I'll see what I can do for you!!
I am currently working on a few and therefore visit the reference libraries here quite often...

2000-07-08, 17:53
Svar #75

Ishbel Cormack

  • Gäst
Donna: If you run across a Johan August Andersson from Sweden(changed name to August John Landeen) in the passenger lists for arrivals in Canada I would appreciate knowing about it. He may have gone to the USA via Canada 1876 or 1877.  
The ship may have been the Orlando.I say this because another contact I have had a relative named Andersson-Landeen go to USA by traveling on that ship and wondered if the two were brothers.

2000-07-08, 17:58
Svar #76

Ishbel Cormack

  • Gäst
Donna: Johan August Andersson was born May 15,1855. He was a carpenter then a farmer in USA.

2000-07-08, 19:40
Svar #77

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Ishbel!  We had contact some time ago...and I've noticed how much you have found-excellent!
I will gladly look for Johan August Andersson/ August Johan Landeen for you while I am there amongst all those microfilm reels! I assume from what you said that it is likely he changed his name prior to his emigration (or en route?!)?!  I will look for both-just in case!!

2000-07-08, 19:42
Svar #78

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!!!  I just tried sending yout wo detailed private mails...and got the message my mail was returned (for one so far!).
Here is what it says:
The following system has had permanent fatal errors:
550-mail refused-contact postmaster @ for details
550 mail rejected: administrative prohibition
550 ...user unknown
Ahhh!!  I just spent well over half an hour preparing that file/mail for you...that message is the same one that I have gotten every time.  Perhaps you can ask the postmaster what the problem is?  There defintiely seems to be one!
I am off to the library-but will check later to see if you ended up getting the two mails...I hope so...much news to report!!
Best regards,

2000-07-08, 19:44
Svar #79

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla-That was two private detailed mails...not wo!!

2000-07-08, 23:30
Svar #80

Utloggad Susanne Rönnberg

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 51
  • Senast inloggad: 2012-02-01, 22:57
    • Visa profil
This is my first try, and I hope that anyone can help me.
First out is my father's uncle. I don't know when he emigrated, but from a postcard written June 9 1916 he was in the Military army in Canada. So he emigrated before 1916. His real name was Axel Etienne Hugo Sjölin born 1894-08-07 in Sundsvall. But he emigrated on false passport. He borrowed his friends passport and went away. His friends name was Oscar Lind. I don't know when this Oscar was born.
In 1989 my father got a letter from the ministry of foreign affairs, that says Oscar Lind alias Axel Etienne Hugo Sjölin had died. I think that he's not been married, since his brothers and sisters were inherits.  
Unfortunatly there were no deathdate in the letter, but I guess it must have been around 1980. In the papers from the lawers there were papers about interests from 1981 to 1988.
He seems to have died in Vancouver, B.C according to the papers from lawyers? Stahl & Company, Barristers & Solicitors.
I would like to know when he died and anything else intresting to be found about him.

2000-07-09, 10:52
Svar #81

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Donna !  
Recieved no mail at all from you, but have recieved mail from others all week. So, it seems to be a selective problem...Anyway, will contact the IT-dep. at univ. tomorrow (if they are not on vacation by now). I am extremely anxious to know what information you have for me.
What I did recieve from you, yesterday, were the 30 A forms of my mums' uncles ! Thank you so much for all your trouble. It is fantastic reading. 6. Object in going to Canada: TO MAKE MY HOME is probably a standard answer, but nevertheless a little bit sad, if you know what I mean. I also recognized Ossian's signature from the card that I have.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Gratefully, Pernilla

2000-07-10, 02:18
Svar #82

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Pernilla!  So glad that you found the forms so interesting...since my first dealings with those form 30A's I have thought that they have such a personal feel and charm (also historic record value)...and you are right that to make my home was quite a standard reply-but still it has a feel of a new life/home and the excitement and anticipation that must have been felt by the immigrant.  You are so welcome Pernilla- and it really was no trouble.
I can't wait for you to get my mails that I sent you not have another address that I could send them to?  I really thought that information should be private...and by the way-I could not have gotten the copy if it hadn't been for the kind help of Eric Edlund, whom lives in BC.  I had asked him to copy the death records at their library there for some of my family members that I've found...and also Ossian.  Without his efforts-it would have been much, much longer. (Thanks again Eric!!)
Oh! Last of all, yesterday I found the ship list for Jonas Verner Jonsson!!  I copied it for you (of course!) as I thought you would like to have it as well.  He travelled aboard the SS Empress of Ireland (CPR Line)-which sailed from Liverpool on April 21, 1911.  He landed at Quebec on April 28, 1911.  His age was listed as 17 and he was noted as destined to his WARDNER, British Columbia!!  Well the other sons that came later may have been in the Kelowna area in Ontario (at least initially)...but it looks like Johan Petter went to Wardner, BC.  I will be looking for Johan Petter's ship list on my next trip-as I ran out of time.
I hope to have more for you soon...please let me know what you think?!!
Best regards,

2000-07-10, 08:19
Svar #83

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Arne Larsson...hi!  I have checked for Vessle Olsson and could not find him in the microfilm records (form 30A's)-and if he indeed emigrated to Canada as of March 21, 1924-he SHOULD be there!! No-one was exempt from filling out one of these forms-even children had to have a separate form (prepared by their parent/guardian of course!)...
I sent you a message last week...and am still hoping to hear from you to learn if in fact this was his full and proper name.  Please reply as soon as you can.
Also, where did you get his emigration date from?  Church records, the Emigranten CD...???
Whatever the source...did it in fact specify that he was destined to Canada?

2000-07-10, 12:36
Svar #84

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Donna !
I have now updated my e-mail program, and hope this will help - would you please try to send those messages again ?! Spoke to the IT-dep. and they thought maybe this would help. (Maybe you should try to use the click function in this message, in case it makes a difference?).  
And thank you so much for your new information ! I had no idea Johan Petter spent time in BC. All my grandmum always said was that he worked around Winnipeg. That might have been later on though.
Getting very nervous about what you have to tell me (about Ossian?).  
Best regards, Pernilla

2000-07-10, 19:44
Svar #85

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  Thanks for the message.  I am going to try right now...
All the best,

2000-07-10, 19:58
Svar #86

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  It happened again!  They came right back to me with the same message...ahhh!!!
At this point you'd probably get them quicker by post...the way things are going!!!  

2000-07-10, 20:23
Svar #87

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  UPDATE: Here it is-as it was originally sent (starting below at Hi Pernilla!).  I did try to send this to you multiple times...but not one went through.  I haven't had this problem with anyone else's I don't know!!??  
Hi Pernilla!
Although I like to put replies on Rötter as it may encourage others to ask for help...I thought I should send this one to you privately.  
I searched and found listings for both Karl Ossian Johnson and Axel Kristian Anderson in the BC Death Index.  Then I asked a friend (Eric Edlund) there if he would obtain copies of the actual documents (told you that, I think!)...well they arrived today.  So I guess you and your family will finally know what happened to Karl.
I will start with him...OK?
Karl Ossian Johnson passed away on April 1, 1959 at 54 years of age in Boughey Bay, BC.  He had been working for the Russell Logging Company.  His place of death was the company camp.  He was hit by a falling branch and apparently died within 1 hour of the incident.  The cause of death as noted on the document was as follows: fracture skull and fracture dislocation neck.
There was an coroner's inquest and autopsy...probably due to the tragic nature of his death.  He was buried at the Ocean View Burial Park in South Burnaby, BC.
Each death was required to be reported by an individual (usually a family member).  This person is called the informant of the death to the authorities.  The person noted on Karl's form was Elof Kellner (not sure of last name-signature hard to make out).  Elof's relationship was noted as-friend.  While looking at the form I noticed that the permanent residence/address for the deceased (Karl) and the address of the informant (Elof) were the same.  The address was 2606 West Third Avenue in Vancouver, BC.
There are a few other things listed on this form...his profession was noted as logger...and he apparently did his trade for approximately 30 years.  Karl had only been in that specific area for 2 months, in the province (BC) for 30 years and in the country (Canada) for 35 years.  Thus I suppose he worked with his family members in Ontario before heading to the west....that makes sense based on what we know of their time/travel in Canada.
I will post this off to you so you can see it also includes notations of ethnic origin...birthdate...but since that was already known to you-I didn't bother to recap it again here.
Well least you and your family finally know what actually happened to Karl....
Since I do not know if this one will actually get to you, I will send the one for Axel separately...this one is rather long already too.
Kind regards,
*I'm off to the library later today so maybe I'll have some luck with the others...we will see.

2000-07-10, 20:33
Svar #88

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  UPDATE #2-Here is the second message that wouldn't go through.
Hi Pernilla.  Donna...yet again!  Now on to Axel's death certificate.
Axel Kristian Anderson passed away on January 27, 1944 at 70 years of age in Creston.  He passed away in the Creston Valley Hospital.  
The cause of his death was noted as: broncial pneunomia and influenza.
His occupation was listed as a carpenter and he apparently worked at this trade for 50 years.  His last day worked...January 22, 1944.
His wife was listed as: Alma C. Anderson
Axels's informant was Algot Anderson of Creston,BC and his relationship to the deceased-son. (This answered one question in one of my mails you never got-asking if Algot was in fact a boy...yes he was!)
Axel was buried on January 31, 1944 in the Creston Village Cemetary in Creston, BC.
Also of interest again was the time frames noted on the form.  Length of time in the municipality-25 years, in the province and country-33 years.  If correct...this means that the family actually came to Canada in 1911 (not 1914)-maybe that's why I haven't been able to find them on the records...could 1914 be incorrect?  Did you estimate that-or get it from church records (maybe this record is incorrect)...???  I wonder where they went first?  It appears that eight years were spent somewhere else in Canada...hmmm...I want to find that ship list to see!!  I'll track it down....
Axel's date of birth is listed as July 15, 1873 in Sweden...and his father as Jonas Anderson (mother not listed).
Well that is just about it...I did want to let you know that I have tried searching the indexes for your Alma....and here is some thoughts/questions?
Perhaps Alma married again sometime after Axel's death?  Or she moved out of the province (unlikely I think after so many years)?  Or her death was not officially reported...or was missed being correctly listed (spelling!!)?  I have gone back to the death indexes to check and found one lady as follows:
Elme Kathrina Anderson
I think this could very likely be her...considering the spelling variations that I have seen...Elme Kathrina could be Alma Katarina...and this lady was born in 1877,78 (depending on her actual birthdate which I don't have!).  I am going to ask Eric if he would copy this one (with some more of my family which I am seeking to obtain) to see....I really do think it will be the right one.
Well as I said in my last message...I am off to the library so I must get going.  Hope to hear from you soon...what you think and the way-do you know an exact birthdate for Alma?
All the best Pernilla!  I'll be back as soon as I can...

2000-07-10, 23:30
Svar #89

Ishbel Cormack

  • Gäst
Susanne: Use seach:
Canadian Genealogy and History
 -click on searchable
 -scroll down to Canadian Expeditionary Force and click
 - click search data base
 - type Lind on first line and Oscar on the second
line just below.(no more information is necessary)      
- click on submit query  
Oscar Lind and Oscar Carl Lind will come up
Hope this works for you. If not let me know.
Hope you got my email.

2000-07-11, 15:40
Svar #90

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Donna ! Amazing how much you have managed to find out ! I am so grateful for all your help and efforts. So, now we know that Ossian was not killed by an other human being. Since I was a child I have been picturing him being robbed and murdered in a dark Vancouver alley. The sad thing is that he, according to my grandmum, was going to come back to Sweden that same year.  
About Axel: this is definately the right person. With a son called Algot, a father called Jonas Andersson (shomaker), year of birth 1873, living in Creston. The year 1914 I have from my grandmums' notes. But one theory could be that Axel went in 1911, while the rest of the family came after ? In 1914 my grandmum was 8, and probably would have remembered Alma and the children ? I doubt very much if Alma got married again. You probably found the right one, only with an oral spelling. I have studied the letters again, that Alma wrote to her cousin (grandmums sister). In the first one Algot is not married, but in the next one he is, and father of a girl. This girl should have been born in the 1940's. Probably after the war (it would be fantastic to find her). Alma is also saying that her daughter Olga is living with her, and that the others are married and living far away, while Algot with family is living close to her. I will find the exact birthdate on Alma, and get back to you.
Do you think I can write to those cemetaries, to hear if their graves still exist ?
Best Regards, Pernilla

2000-07-11, 15:44
Svar #91

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Donna !
Alma was born on March 5th 1877 in Ramsele, and her father was Anders Persson, and mother Anna Petronella Johansdotter.

2000-07-11, 19:37
Svar #92

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Pernilla!  Glad to see that you finally got to see those messages and could learn what really happened.  I would have been anxious too.  I will post the actual documents to you-probably later today.
Thanks for the birthdate for Alma.  I have checked and am now pretty positive that the Elme I mentioned before is the right one.  She passed at 79 years of age...and since you noted Alma was actually born on March 5, 1877...I'm sure it is her as Elme passed away on January 31, 1957 (before her 80th birthday).  When I request my other family members from Eric...I will ask him to copy that one too.  Perhaps it will have another clue for us....
I am checking into obtaining the addresses (and if they currently exist) for the two noted cemetaries for Axel and Karl...I'll get back to you on that.  Even if the actual cemetaries name changed over the years...the graves should still exist (I would think!).  
Interesting about the letter information...yes wouldn't it be fabulous to find that little girl today!!  Hmmm...have to think about that one and what we could possibly try....
Well I am off for today...and must run-but I will be back to you soon-OK?!  
Kind regards,

2000-07-11, 23:15
Svar #93

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Dear Donna,
Looking forward to seeing the documents you have sent to me. Do you think it would be possible to find Algot with family in Creston ? Though I don't know when he was born. Probably between 1900-1910 ? I imagine all the children were born in Sweden.  

2000-07-12, 00:46
Svar #94

Ishbel Cormack

  • Gäst
Donna and Pernilla:In the special collections on the 7th floor of the Vancouver Library there are directories for most if not all B.C. communities going many years back. Creston might be there.
I'm in Calgary Alberta and won't be going to Vancouver for about 2 months but would look up information then if no one does it before. I have been following your search with interest.
Donna, thanks for keeping an eye open for Johan August Andersson.You are probably familiar with the above collection but are also far away.

2000-07-12, 01:18
Svar #95

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  I have sent an inquiry to Creston...both to the town council and the local historic museum/ see if they can help.  I asked about the Creston Village Cemetary and Axel as I could find no record of the cemetary anywhere else (tried the BCCFA-etc.)
-and I also mentioned about tracing the family members...and noted their names.  From what I have found it appears to only been a town since 1924...perhaps it was called Creston Village prior to that time?  They certainly should be able to clarify it all.  Even today the population is only estimated at 5072 must have been rather small in years gone by.  I will let you know what happens.
I found what I believe is the burial place for Ossian.  It was called the Ocean View Burial Park on the document.  Couldn't find it...then I tried the Canada411 for businesses.  I found a listing for the Ocean View Burial Park & Masoleum (?!)-but the main listing said Vancouver (not Burnaby).  There was ONE entry with 3 different phone numbers...and when I expanded the third one it was listed as BURNABY! (Perhaps separate companies/sites merged together sometime over the years).  I thought I may quickly call them to confirm that it is indeed the same place being sought....
Now!  Remember the Elme Kathrina that I mentioned (for Alma!)...well I forgot to mention that she passed away in Nelson, BC.  This is only 45 miles (72km) from Creston.  I really think this is the right person...and upon checking for Andersons listed in the phone book for BC...I found one (just one!) Algot Anderson in Nelson, BC.  
Since you don't know his birthdate...could this be your Algot (?!!)-after all I have ancestors that lived in to their 90's-or maybe it is a child given the same name...whatever the case, I think I could place a quick call to ask...what do you think?
Also, there were 36 Andersons in the Creston listings...(including one Anna)-perhaps some of these could be their (Axel/Alma) children's children? Possible I think....
Well enough supposing for today...I'll talk to you later-OK?!!  I'd like to hear your thoughts...
Best regards,

2000-07-12, 02:03
Svar #96

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Donna !
I think you might have found THE Algot Anderson...he could be around 90 now. It is absolutely worth checking. Would you ?  
Best Regards, Pernilla

2000-07-12, 05:05
Svar #97

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  Yes I would...and will!  I will try tomorrow evening...OK?!  Oh my goodness- isn't this exciting?!!!  I really hope it is him...or at least a connection.
You'll be the first to know!!
Kind regards,

2000-07-12, 05:23
Svar #98

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Ishbel!  Thanks for the suggestion/offer!  There are city directories for many provinces and years here...but I do know that the one reference library that keeps them here in Toronto certainly doesn't have as complete a collection for BC- as would be there in BC!!  As I recall it (the collection) is rather fragmented.
I haven't visited that library recently...most trips have been to the other one that has the immigration records/ship lists/census returns.
I will be going there before two months (much sooner!)-but should I not find what is needed you kind offer would be...fantastic!!  Thanks...
I have started to check the ship lists for Johan August Andersson/August John Landeen...but haven't found him yet.  Which reminds me of a question (or two!!) based on your first note.  You mentioned that another contact had a relative on that ship...what is the full name of that traveller?  Do you know...can you find out?  Did this contact say the trip was also in 1876,1877?  Where did you get the year(s) that you provided for Johan?
Well, thanks again...and I hope to hear from you soon!!

2000-07-12, 16:58
Svar #99

Ishbel Cormack

  • Gäst
Donna; Johan August Anderson(August John Landeen) was listed in the 1900 Utah census as coming to USA in 1876 and in the 1920 Oregon Census as having come to the US in 1877.
A Richard Landeen told me his great grandfather changed his name from Landin(the Swedish ancestral name) to Landeen. His great great grandfather
BENGT LANDIN went to USA through Nova Scotia and settled in New Sweden northern Maine, but he had a brother who might have settled in Kansas.
Bengt travelled in 1876 in a ship called the      Orlando. They docked in Nova Scotia and he travelled down to New Sweden. Richard does not know where these people came from in Sweden and was wondering if my August could be a brother to Bengt.(I have no absolute proof that my August was originally called JAA but the family memory thinks so.It is all we have to go on)
Thanks Donna.

2000-07-12, 17:58
Svar #100

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Ishbel!  Thanks for the info/clarification...I will get back to you!

2000-07-12, 20:50
Svar #101

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Jens!  
I have been checking some of the potential microfilm reels that cover the time frame of Nils Oskar Petersson's arrival...but haven't found him yet...just wanted you to know that I am still looking!
I may have more for you soon (the letter!)...will get back to you.  I'm not sure if you saw or heard but I had quite a computer dilemma...I ended up losing's been quite a harrowing experience!  I had tried to mail you privately but for some reason they wouldn't go through...?  So I really hope you do see this!
Please send me a note when you have time, OK?!!
Best regards,

2000-07-13, 06:00
Svar #102

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  I called the number for Algot Anderson tonight...and got an automated message from the phone company saying the number was not in service!!  I tried a few times...and then even called the operator to ask if the number had changed (or the area code as I know there were some changes out there in the last year or so...)-and NO!  She even tried calling it to see...and the same thing happened.  What a disappointment!!  
However, I can give you the postal address that is also listed for Algot.  It is:
Algot Anderson
32 501 Richards Street West
Nelson, British Columbia
V1L 3K2
So...after recouping from my disappointment...I thought I would try a few of the other listed Andersons.  I attempted some of the Creston numbers...but two of them (Carl, Johanne) said the numbers were no longer in service!?! (Makes we wonder how accurate our Bell Canada is-and do they ever update their records??!!  Perhaps BC is the source though-I don't know their phone service providers...that may be worth looking into too!)  
I did try and reach the Anna Anderson that I mentioned...but she was of no relation.  She suggested that I might try Fernie, BC as her husband Allan had known an Anderson there who had made mention of an Axel...but just who she couldn't recall.  I checked and there are 19 listings for Anderson's there...she mentioned the wife's name was Theresa...but of course the wasn't a T. Anderson...and without the husbands given name...I can't tell which one she means.  I will try more though...perhaps one will be a hit.  
In the meantime you may wish to write to the address for Algot...yes?!
I am out of steam for tonight...but will get back to you soon-OK?!!  Please let me know what you think...
Best regards,

2000-07-13, 11:30
Svar #103

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Thank you Donna !  
You are fantastic in all your efforts to help...Could it be possible, do you think, that Algot has moved to a nursing home (or senior housing) without his move beeing registered with the phone company (in the directory) ? If he is in an hospital-like place, he wouldn't have a phone of his own, I imagine ? I will try the above address - I can only get it in return. But if I am lucky any mail will be forwarded to wherever Algot is now staying. And if he is not able to answer me, maybe his daughter will.
Looking forward to hearing from you again soon !
Gratefully, Pernilla

2000-07-13, 18:04
Svar #104

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  You are very welcome.  I certainly suppose that could be possible...that being if this Algot is indeed the son of Axel&Alma.  I really think it is but cannot say for sure...either that or a son to Algot-born after the letter facts!?  
Of course, the other possibility could be that he has moved-but not to a nursing home/senior residence...but to live with family, right?!  I think that it would be a great idea to try the address...and your comment that it may end up forwarded is also a possibility-but that doesn't occur automatically here. An individual must submit a change of address form through the post office for that to happen (and pay a fee).  Many people would simply tell their creditors...and family/friends about their new address.
I will try more numbers tonight...and see what comes from that.  I may just give them all (Creston, Nelson) a quick call...I am sure that a portion of the Anderson's listed are of British origin-so they would be quite easy to rule out.  The thing is that you can't tell from the listing...
Well, on to some good news!!!  I got a mail today from my friend Eric in BC.  (He is a wonderful gentleman!!) He read the postings in our discussion here...and wrote me saying that he and various family members work (& used to)-in various the Ocean View Burial Park in Burnaby!!  Can you believe it?!!  I had no idea so wouldn't have inquired to him.  He tells me that he can get I have asked him to look into what may exist for Ossian-in regards to a burial place/marker...paperwork-whatever...OK?  
I'm still waiting for a reply from Creston...will keep you updated on that.  I hope that will help us with Axel's burial place...and even perhaps with the whole family-especially since they lived there for what appears to be many years.  There must be local history records etc.
That is it for right know I'll be back!!  
Kind regards,

2000-07-14, 05:19
Svar #105

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Pernilla.  I will make the Anderson calls over the next few days.  I ended up not having enough time today (sorry!)-but I will surely get to it!
I did get a reply from Eric.  He called the Ocean View Cemetary and inquired about Ossian's grave. He is indeed buried grave#5, lot 615, section FERN.  Records seem to show/indicate that the grave has no marker (headstone).  Eric kindly offered to check the actual gravesite to confirm this- and the possibility of any records that may exist when he will be there-this Sunday.  Let's see what he learns then...
That is all for today-talk to you later!!
Best regards,

2000-07-14, 10:19
Svar #106

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Donna ! Thank you so much ! I do appreciate all that you are doing on my behalf. I have written a letter addressed to Algot, but not yet posted it. Do you think I should wait until we know more about the current family situation ?  
About Ossian; incredible that you managed to track down his exact grave. About the headstone; it would have surprised me to learn that he ever had a headstone. Since he had no family present to see to things like that. By the way, what are the general rules on these matters in Canada ? In Sweden I think that when you pay for a grave you are automatically entitled to it for 50 years, but if no one makes a new payment then, the headstone can be removed, and the grave reused. I am not sure, but I think that is the procedure. Though, often, graves can remain after people have stopped paying for them, if there is enough space at that particular graveyard.
Anxious to hear about your progress on the Anderson family !
Kind Regards, Pernilla

2000-07-15, 07:16
Svar #107

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Pernilla!  That is a good question...whether to wait or not...personally, I would mail it as it could be the connection as your previous ideas certainly is a possibility- I say...go for it!!
I'm not sure about the rules regarding burials but there well may be some sort of time restriction on a plot/grave from the time of an interment.  I will look into this as you have peaked my interest in what the standards are here...
Still looking for the Andersson's...I am off to the library tomorrow for a few hours...and of course I have some calls to place!!!
All the best,

2000-07-15, 11:26
Svar #108

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Donna !
Recieved a mail from your kind friend Eric, who had been reading my questions above. He told me that normally, on a city owned cemetary, you keep the grave for 20-40 years, while on a private one, like Ocean View, you can have something called perpetual care. Meaning the grave and all records will be there for ever. He is going there tomorrow, to have a look.
OK, I will send the letter to Algots address.  
Kind Regards, Pernilla

2000-07-17, 19:19
Svar #109

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Pernilla!  Thanks for your private message.
I got it and tried to reply but the same error message (within seconds!)...looks like I am meant to post everything here for you!!
I was also quite touched by Eric's mail.  I got it sometime before you forwarded yours...I am sure he probably sent it to you so you would also know what he had found/done.  He is so kind, wouldn't you agree?!!  I extended great gratitude to both his daughter and himself...from both of us-OK!!
I am still trying to assist Eric in the continuing search for his ancestors-as I also have Edlunds in my family line from the same area of Sweden (Västernorrland).  It has been suggested that we may even be related somewhere back there!  So you may see some more postings (and replies I hope!) about that in the near future!
Well I am still absorbing what Eric did-it simply takes my breath away.  When I get the package he mentioned- with the pictures/forms I will forward it on to you.  
Now, on to finding the rest!!  I'll be back!
Best regards,

2000-07-18, 11:41
Svar #110

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Donna ! It is incredible how lucky I have been in recieving both yours and Eric's help in Canada. Looking forward to seeing the pictures and documents...
As you know, Ossian and Alma are also from Västernorrland - maybe we are related too, way back.  
Kind Regards, Pernilla

2000-07-18, 16:43
Svar #111

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  I tried some more numbers yesterday...and eventually I sent a mail to the site as four of the six I tried were...out of service!?!  I inquired as to what kind of updating is done/how accurate these listings are, explaining what has happened...
Also, when I went back to the same site (Canada 411) -and while copying down numbers to call (no printer here!) I noticed something that gave me some hope!  There was a Gladys Anderson-also in Nelson BC and her address was listed as:  
25 501 St. Richards Street West
Remember Algot's address:
32 501 St. Richards Street West
Upon noticing this I tried to call Gladys as perhaps she could clarify the address- apartment building or seniors residence- she may even know Algot or where he was/went to!?!
I called the number and got another...dead end.  I explained the details to the kind lady who answered the phone- (who I was calling, the phone number/address etc.)...she told me that the phone number I had called was correct...but it was not the same fact this was a medical clinic on Lakeside Drive in Nelson...Donna says ahhh!!!
I included this happening in my message to them, so hopefully they will set things straight-provide some correct data!
Well I will try some more tonight and let you know what happens.  I may just try making a quick trip to the one reference library- which has current/recent phone books covering all of Canada (and most of the world!)to look up the Anderson's (especially Algot).
Yet again Pernilla...I'll be back!!

2000-07-19, 12:23
Svar #112

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Donna ! Seems like you might be closing in on Algot ? Looking forward to hearing about your progress. From the 21st (friday) I will be gone for almost 14 days. I will get in touch immediately as I come back.
Kind Regards, Pernilla

2000-07-20, 21:22
Svar #113

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  No more phone checks to report...BUT I did try something else which may have found him!  I found two local on line classifieds-for Creston and Nelson.
I posted a searching for on each site...and today I got an e-mail from a lady (Shelley). It said that she had the pleasure of personally caring for Algot in the Mount St. Francis Hospital a few years ago...and that he had passed away.  She was sure that his daughter was in the area (at that time at least) but she couldn't recall her name.  She was going to ask associates at the hospital and get back to me...
I sent her a thank you...with a few questions attached and I hope she replies soon.
After I got the message I searched for the hospital location (it took abit to find!)...and it was (is!) in Nelson, BC.  Therefore I REALLY think now that the Elme Kathrina Anderson I found is the right person (Axel's wife Alma)...looks like she moved to Nelson sometime after Axel's death.
I have inquired to the Creston historical and town site about the family and any records that might exist of their many years there (trace the sisters to Algot?!)...small communities like that-maybe we'll even find someone who knew them/can share memories/provide more facts!
Well as it looks from your note like you'll be on holidays (yes?!)...have a nice time-and I will post any additional findings in the meantime!
All the best!

2000-07-20, 21:36
Svar #114

Utloggad Kjell Håkansson

  • Anbytare *
  • Antal inlägg: 8
  • Senast inloggad: 2023-12-10, 10:51
    • Visa profil
My grandfather Karl Augusti Matti (born 2/11 1879 in Karl-Gustav parish) (mf) emigrated to Canada 1928-09-24.
We don´t know what he did in Canada.
Who do I search for him in Canada ?

2000-07-20, 23:51
Svar #115

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Kjell.  I have tried checking for your gf in the immigration records for 1925-1935-and could not find him there.  Is Karl Augusti Matti his full (and proper) name?  Perhaps he changed it-or Canadianized it...?  
Are you sure he came to Canada?  Where did you get the emigration date from?  Lastly what is his birth date-February 11 or November 2...since it seems I see that people can list dates quite differently...I am not sure which one you are trying to relay.

2000-07-21, 00:24
Svar #116

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Ulla!  I had been inquiring to try to locate help in tracing Ida (and her husband/ family) in Ryley.  I had checked it's geographic location and then sent some inquires...and today I got a message from a lady in western Canada.  She saw one of my postings (don't know which!) and she told me that she checked the local cemetary records...and found 30 Anderson's...but none that match ours.  
However I explained to her that it was understood from old correspondence that Ida (and husband...their family!?) is who lived in Ryley as retired farmers in 1972...not the Anderson family.  Well her gf has lived there for almost his entire life (he's 90!) she is going to call him to check what he may know.  Ryley is a very small community (town)...population estimated at only 432 as of 1991!!  Perhaps he will have personally known them...or will be able provide some information/details/clues!!!  I am awaiting another reply...and will let you know-as soon as I do!
Best regards,

2000-07-21, 20:22
Svar #117

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Kjell!  I have looked up your mf on the 1890 census and his name was listed there as Karl I suppose Augusti was just a type-o!
I'm sure you've seen it but just in is the link:
I have tried various mis-spellings of Karl's name-and still cannot find him on the immigration indexes-?  Again, are you sure he came to Canada?
I will check the ship reels as the records were compiled by people-and therefore a record could possibly be missed in error.  
Also, I have checked the Canada 411 site and found that there are currently 52 listings for the surname (efternamn) of MATTI.  Most are in the province of Ontario...and a few are in Alberta, Quebec...
Well I will wait for your response-to both messages...hopefully you can help out with a few answers!

2000-07-22, 06:53
Svar #118

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  I got a reply from the Canada 411 site which said that they were sorry for all the apparent problems...but they are only as good as the information they compile from published phone books across the country...hmmm...still makes me wonder (frustrates me?!!!).  I would assume that phone books are published more frequently than every few years!?! Here in Toronto there is a new book every year...smaller places may not be as often-but still...
If the lady (Shelley) that contacted me and indicated that Algot died a few years the hospital in Nelson...then I am quite sure the only Algot I found listed in Nelson-was, is he actually still actively listed a few years after his passing???  Really makes one wonder, doesn't it?  I am sure that records are kept of disconnected numbers-for whatever the reason...and most are probably even reassigned at some point why they haven't updated them, I can't say....
They did say in their message that they were working on getting those type of problems rectified.  Four out of first six I called were not in service...I'd say they have their work cut out for them!
Oh well! I hope to hear back from Shelley soon.  I will let you know what happens then.

2000-07-23, 02:38
Svar #119

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Stefan (Sörensson)!!  Are you still there?!  I finally found the ship list for the Jonsson's and the Hjelte's!!  It was on the last potential microfilm reel-of course!!
The families both sailed aboard the SS Megatanic of the White Star Dominion line on March 30, 1912...departing from Liverpool and landing on April 7th at Halifax, Nova Scotia (Canada!).    
Anna Hjelte (mis-spelt as Hjelle!) is noted as 26 years of age, and son Carl is 3. They are destined to Brownlee, Saskatchewan (just like you thought/said!) her husband (no name given).
She has $26 on her person.
Tomt. Olof is-55 years of age, Karin-57, Gustaf V.-19, Oskar E.-17, Maria-14, Augusta-11 and Frans R.-9
The family (collectively) has $500 on their person(s).  Olof is noted as a farmer/general labourer-and farming is noted as what he has done all his working life.  The Jonsson family is listed as destined to Copperville, Alberta. (not Castor-!?)
I have copied the manifest pages for you should you wish to have a copy for yourself...if you do then please just send me your mailing address privately.
I have some other news too!  I believe that I have found death certificates for Anna Hjelte and her husband...was his name Carl too (like his son?)...anyway I have requested copies to completely verify it-but am quite sure it is correct-at least for her.  The age at the time of death-makes a perfect match for her birth year (1885).  The Carl I found is too old to be her that is why I wondered if her husband was also named Carl..he would have been born approximately 1887...does this make sense to you?!  I will let you know as soon as I receive them.
I think that I told you already (maybe not!?!) but I cannot trace the Andersson's trip from the USA (Minnesota)...if they indeed entered into Canada in the year that you supposed (estimated?!)-of 1902.  I did check into it but the border entry records which I believe I did mention were not used before 1908...sorry!  Perhaps they may have ended up around the Jonsson's...or the Hjelte's?  Any thoughts on that?  I could try city directories...but border entries for destination details ( and more) is out!
Well it has been awhile.  I hope that you get this...and I will hear back from you soon!
Kind regards,

2000-07-23, 03:13
Svar #120

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Pernilla!  I have found the ship manifest for Johan Petter Jonsson.  He sailed aboard the SS Victorian which departed from Liverpool on April 15, 1910.  He landed at Halifax, Nova Scotia on April 22, 1910.
He was listed as Johan Jonsson, 45 years of age-destined to Wardner,BC.  His intended occupation was farming.
As usual(!) I have copied it for you...and will mail it to you shortly (I've got the address as you know-so you need not send it again).
Now I'm going to concentrate further on Axel/Alma and their children (and so on!)...
I'm still waiting to hear back from Shelley about Algot...I do think it is the right one from all we do know.
That is all for right to you later!

2000-07-23, 03:47
Svar #121

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi again Stefan!  I forgot to mention that the manifest notes the place of birth...and both Anna and her son...and all the Jonsson's were born in Norway-I didn't realize that before...

2000-07-23, 23:44
Svar #122

Stefan Sorensson

  • Gäst
Thanks so much for all the info. that you have collected!! That's quite a job. I would certainly be interested in receiving copies of the deaths. Let me know what you would like me to pay. You can send them to my family in Canada; c/o Livingston, Box 865, Provost, AB TOB 3S0.
Strange that it mentions they were all born in Norway... All the info. that you have fits perfect for being all those that I asked about, but they're all born in Sweden. The town from where they came was NUSNAS in the province of Dalarna, NW of Stockholm. Maybe it looked like Norway... I don't know. But it must be the same people. Did the latter family go by the name TOMT as a surname? That was actually their farm name to begin with, not really used as their surnames. But they likely changed it as they arrived to Canada. There were likely too many Jonsson's already.
I also think Anna's husbands name was Carl as well as the son, and he would've been born about the same time as Anna, so I figure the one you have is likely her husband.  
Once again, thanks so much for all your work!!!
Sincerely, Stefan

2000-07-23, 23:51
Svar #123

Stefan Sorensson

  • Gäst
Hi again Donna,
I would also like copies of the manifest pages.

2000-07-24, 06:35
Svar #124

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Stefan!  You are quite welcome and when I actually receive them I will let you know if they are indeed the correct people.  I believe they are...which means that although they may have been in Brownlee, least Anna and her husband Carl ended up in Burnaby, British Columbia at some point.  That is where I found the death certificates (forgot to note that last time).
The latter family is listed as the surname Jonsson...but the Tomt. is there too.  The Tomt. is listed once-with Olof's given names, like this: Tomt. olof
The country of birth is listed as Norway...and race of people as Scan. (Scandanavian).  I would almost think that perhaps the person recording it took it as the same (region?!)in error-but further down the page there is a person noted as born in perhaps he simply misunderstood them when they were asked/replied?  I really can't answer that definitively...but it is them-and I certainly trust that it is you that is correct on their place of birth!!!  
You know, I usually scan manifests by the place of birth (which is usually in the foreigners section of the manifest)to try to save some time...and I could have missed it-but saw a SWEDEN on that page and stopped the viewer to read it.  It was then that I saw Anna listed at the top of the page..then Carl...and then the entire Jonsson family!  I love it when that happens!
I agree that they likely changed their surname, although I have seen some Jonsson's while searching for some did not change or Canadianize their names-but most Jonsson's appear to have changed their surname to Johnson.
So Stefan, I will forward the death certificates and the copies of the manifest (I made two for you)to the address in Alberta that you provided-OK?  
By the way, I do NOT wish any sort of payment (no-no!)...I do this as I enjoy the search/history of it, I've had the kind help of people in Sweden with my family (and that search continues!)-and I have quite easy access to these libraries and the information they contain, which are not available to you.  It is my pleasure to help out...OK?!!!
Kind regards,

2000-07-26, 23:36
Svar #125

Stefan Sorenson

  • Gäst
Thank you so much for all your help, Donna!! I will be looking forward to the copies and am very thankful for sending those. Are you sure you don't need any payment? I sure appreciate your efforts. Once again, Thanks a lot!  
Now a few more questions. I checked my McNally map of Canada and Alberta, but couldn't find any place named Copperville. Would you know exactly where that is in Alberta? Maybe it's a town that doesn't exist anymore, but someone should know where abouts it's been located.  

2000-07-27, 03:51
Svar #126

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Stefan!  You are so welcome!  I would mail them directly to you (I have mailed things to people in Sweden and Norway) but will send them to Alberta if that is your wish.  Your appreciation is enough for me and I am sure that I don't need any payment!  It's my pleasure to be able to find and provide these things...
Well, funny you should mention about Copperville too!  I had never heard of it either...and was just looking into that through Natural Resources Canada and a few other places and guess what...?  I've solved the puzzle!!
The person who entered the name on the manifest appears to have made a simple spelling error as there was not-and is no place called Copperville in Alberta (only Copper Lake and Copper Mountain)...however, there was a town called COOPERVILLE. The town is now known as HANNA and is only 137km (86 miles) from Provost -(224km/140 miles from Lethbridge)!
I also checked the manifest again (to make sure my eyes hadn't gone crazy from so many microfilm reels!!)and it is indeed spelled Copperville...but that to Cooperville is such a slight variance.  I think that the person didn't know...or the proper name/spelling was lost in the translation, you know?!  I haven't mailed the manifest yet-as I am still awaiting the death certificate and thought I'd get it all off together...that should be late tomorrow.  I'll let you know about that when I check my mailbox!
Any more questions?!!
Kind regards,

2000-07-28, 19:46
Svar #127

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Stefan!  Well I got the certificates- and it is definitely your Anna Hjelte and her husband Carl!  Here is some of the details for you:
Anna was born on August 11, 1885 (Sweden) and passed away on March 3, 1943.  Her parents were listed as Olaf Olsson and Karin Anderson-both of Sweden.  According to the document she passed away at home...their address (at that time) was 2682 Brantford Avenue in Burnaby, BC.  The informant of the death to the authorities was Henry Hjelte (son) of Port Coquitlam, BC.  
I have checked the death indexes for Henry Hjelte (or any other Hjelte's)...but Anna and husband Carl are the only Hjelte's found there...but the open indexes only cover up to 1979 at this point in time (limits on records here too!).
Then I checked all of Canada for Hjelte's...and have found one Henry Hjelte in Saskatchewan...most likely to be him I think-especially based on where they first settled.  Here is his address should you wish to have it:
Henry Hjelte
16 Kensington Crescent
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4S 7G5
Would you like me to call him (much cheaper for me!) and see if he is the Henry Hjelte?  Please let me know !
I may have mentioned this before but there are only 11 Hjelte's listed in the phone directory for all of Canada!!  One in Alberta, one in Manitoba and the rest (9) are in Saskatchewan.
On to Carl's certificate.  Carl was born on March 22, 1887 (Sweden) and passed away on August 13, 1970 in the Fellburn Private Hospital.  Carl's parents were noted as  Olaf Hjelte and Margaret Anderson.  His address prior to his passing was 1800 Duthie Avenue (perhaps he moved there sometime after Anna's death).  His occupation/trade was listed as a farmer (mixed farming) and he was retired as of 1967...(quite a long working life).
The informant of his passing was Mrs. Linnea Baker (daughter).  Mrs. Baker's address was listed as 6715 Brantford Avenue, Burnaby, BC.
There are two L. Baker's currently listed in Burnaby, BC...but of course if Linnea's husband is still living...their listing could be any other of the 55 Baker's found...
The only thing that is the length of time noted on the forms...Anna's matches by stating that time in the country is 31 years and since she arrived in 1912-it is correct.
Carl's was not noted as the form stipulates...and the length of time in Canada says: 1942..?  
Since Anna and son Carl were destined to her husband in Brownlee (from the manifest)...perhpas this error was made as the daughter didn't know when her father actually came to Canada...or the province of BC.  
When you then look at Anna's certificate it states that she was in the province of BC for only 7 months-and since she passed in March of 1943...they must have arrived in BC in 1942-which sort of makes the 1942 on Carl's make sense, you know?!
Hope you enjoy the news...and please let me know about Henry...if you wish to find and have contact with their descendants I'd be happy to try that call (I don't think you ever mentioned that)...I'll be posting all this to the address you gave tomorrow morning-OK?!!

2000-07-28, 21:32
Svar #128

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Anna-Karin Mattsson!  Hi!  It's been awhile...but I have found a little more information.  Even though the form 30A's listed the destination for Viktor and Per as Manitoba...I thought I should check the BC indexes for either-and Viktor was found in the death index.  I have the following information from that form:
Victor Matson was born May 5, 1898 in Silgansnas, Sweden. He passed away on May 17, 1976 at the Willowhaven Private Hospital on RR3, Nelson, British Columbia.  His occupation was mining-he was a hard rock miner for 35 years.  His parents are listed as Mats Person and Breta Anderson (Sweden).
He apparently was in the area (Nelson,BC) for one year...and in Canada for 52 years.  It also notes that he was in the province (BC) for 52 if he was originally destined to-and went to Manitoba, which it appears he did-then this must be a little off.  I wonder how long he was in his brother's.  Since Per (August) was not found in the BC indexes I think it likely that he remained in Manitoba (still looking into that).
He is noted as married and her name: Fru Maria Johnson....a clue for us?  I tried searching the index for her but no matches...however the records are only open to 1979 and if she passed after that...
The informant of his death was of no relation (as noted on the form)...likely a hospital representative as he appears to have been there during the last year of his life...the hospital address is noted as his place of residence.
I'll keep looking!
All the best,

2000-07-28, 21:38
Svar #129

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Anna-Karin Mattsson!  Hi!  It's been awhile...but I have found a little more information.  Even though the form 30A's listed the destination for Viktor and Per as Manitoba...I thought I should check the BC indexes for either-and Viktor was found in the death index.  I have the following information from that form:
Victor Matson was born May 5, 1898 in Silgansnas, Sweden. He passed away on May 17, 1976 at the Willowhaven Private Hospital on RR3, Nelson, British Columbia.  His occupation was mining-he was a hard rock miner for 35 years.  His parents are listed as Mats Person and Breta Anderson (Sweden).
He apparently was in the area (Nelson,BC) for one year...and in Canada for 52 years.  It also notes that he was in the province (BC) for 52 if he was originally destined to-and went to Manitoba, which it appears he did-then this must be a little off.  I wonder how long he was in his brother's.  Since Per (August) was not found in the BC indexes I think it likely that he remained in Manitoba (still looking into that).
He is noted as married and her name: Fru Maria Johnson....a clue for us?  I tried searching the index for her but no matches...however the records are only open to 1979 and if she passed after that...
The informant of his death was of no relation (as noted on the form)...likely a hospital representative as he appears to have been there during the last year of his life...the hospital address is noted as his place of residence.
I'll keep looking!
All the best,

2000-07-28, 21:45
Svar #130

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Anna-Karin Mattsson!  Hi!  It's been awhile...but I have found a little more information.  Even though the form 30A's listed the destination for Viktor and Per as Manitoba...I thought I should check the BC indexes for either-and Viktor was found in the death index.  I have the following information from that form:
Victor Matson was born May 5, 1898 in Silgansnas, Sweden. He passed away on May 17, 1976 at the Willowhaven Private Hospital on RR3, Nelson, British Columbia.  His occupation was mining-he was a hard rock miner for 35 years.  His parents are listed as Mats Person and Breta Anderson (Sweden).
He apparently was in the area (Nelson,BC) for one year...and in Canada for 52 years.  It also notes that he was in the province (BC) for 52 if he was originally destined to-and went to Manitoba, which it appears he did-then this must be a little off.  I wonder how long he was in his brother's.  Since Per (August) was not found in the BC indexes I think it likely that he remained in Manitoba (still looking into that).
He is noted as married and her name: Fru Maria Johnson....a clue for us?  I tried searching the index for her but no matches...however the records are only open to 1979 and if she passed after that...
The informant of his death was of no relation (as noted on the form)...likely a hospital representative as he appears to have been there during the last year of his life...the hospital address is noted as his place of residence.
I'll keep looking!
All the best,

2000-07-29, 04:20
Svar #131

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
I don't know what happened above...I went to post and it stayed on my screen for almost ten minutes!

2000-07-29, 05:37
Svar #132

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  I have some more good news!  I know you'll be back soon...
My suspicion about the Elme Kathrina Anderson being Alma Katarina Anderson was correct!  I got the form and it is definitely her!!!  Here are the details:
Elme Kathrina Anderson was born March 6, 1877 in Sweden.  It actually says Langsele, Sweden as her birthplace-yet it was Ramsele as I recall, right?  The family lived in Langsele (Flo) in the late 1880's from what you told me..oh well, same municipality and county-small error!?
She passed away on January 31, 1957 in the Kootenay Lake General Hospital at 79 years of age.  Her permanent residence had been in Creston BC -on Victoria Avenue (no house number noted).
She had only been in Nelson BC for four months when she passed away.
According to this form, she was buried in the Creston Cemetary in Creston BC.  (I'll bet Axel is buried there too since they lived there so many years...and he passed there in 1944.)
The informant of her death looks like Selma Kettlewell (hard to read the writing clearly on the whole last name).  She is noted as: daughter
Selma's address: 821 Nelson Avenue, Nelson, BC!
Remember what we found on Axel's form?  His years in Canada notation meant that he apparently had come in 1911 (we thought 1914)...well Elme's says in Canada for 43 years...which takes us right back to 1914!  I will eventually check both-but will continue with 1914 first-OK?!
I have not yet heard back from the lady that said she cared for Algot...but being in Nelson (living there)...and the only Algot, I'm positive we will learn that he surely was the son of Axel and Alma.  We know he lived in Creston when he informed about the death of his father in 1944-and then moved to Nelson at some point after...
Well I am next going to check (try to) locate Selma Kettlewell/family...and continue with Algot's.  So either Selma is the +1? that you told me of so long ago...or another child born later...  
Also, locating the cemetary and checking records there (if possible).
I'm posting an envelope to you tomorrow that includes the copy of the certificate, the ship manifest for Johan Petter (father finally found!)...and the forms and pictures from Eric (of Ossian's grave and the place he called home)-
I'll be back!
All the best,

2000-07-29, 05:51
Svar #133

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Annette!  I wanted to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you...I just haven't found the manifests for Johan Edvard and Petter August-yet!!...but I am still looking.  I have checked a few of the potential microfilm reels but so far have not been successful. I am off to the reference library tomorrow for a few hours and hopefully I will be able to locate them then-OK?!!  I'll let you know...

2000-07-29, 09:01
Svar #134

Anna-Karin Mattsson

  • Gäst

2000-07-29, 11:51
Svar #135

Karin Selldin

  • Gäst
Hi Donna!
Thank you so much for the copies of the passenger list showing that Karl Johan Selldin and his son Johan actually arrived to Canada. This is so interesting. I really enjoyed them. As you said it seems as if they were travelling in a group. Karl and Johan left from Hedvig Eleonora parish in Stockholm, and I'll check up the other men - J. Jonsson aged 39, J.L. Larsson (41), P.O. Olsson (34), A.G. Svensson (34) - and see if I can find some connection between them.
All the best, Karin

2000-07-29, 13:26
Svar #136

Anna-Karin Mattsson

  • Gäst
Part one of the research is now finished. Thank you for all your help.

2000-07-29, 16:48
Svar #137

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Anna-Karin!  You are welcome...I'm so glad for you-and that I could help out a little!

2000-07-29, 16:56
Svar #138

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Karin!  I'm glad you enjoyed the manifest for Karl and Johan..they really are something to see, aren't they!?!
So have you had any response from the Manitoba government connection I forwarded to you-about Johan?  Please let me know what you find..if they don't result in what you hope for then I will see what else we can try-OK?!!
Kindest regards,

2000-07-30, 00:00
Svar #139

Stefan Sörensson

  • Gäst
Dear Donna,
Thanks again for the information! Great news! I would appreciate if you'd call Henry and find out if he really is the Henry. Thanks also for the copies! I'll be looking forward to hearing more about the relatives.  

2000-07-30, 06:56
Svar #140

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Stefan!  Well, I called the number..and briefly spoke with Henry.  I explained that I was helping someone in Sweden trace family-and then asked him if he was indeed Swedish and if his parents had been Anna and Karl Hjelte.  He said yes- that he was Swedish and his parents names were Anna and Karl....he sounded rather frail (aged?)...
Then, before I could go any further-a lady (his wife I understand) came on-took the phone (Henry was gone!) and she asked me what I wanted!  I explained in detail the events that led up to the call-why I was calling (very politely!!)etc.  She sounded as though she was rather doubtful...and asked me how I could be helping someone in Sweden...what was the relation...etc!  She asked for my name and number (perhaps a stranger calling made her leary?) I gladly gave it to her...and then when I asked her first name to thank her for her time-she wouldn't even say was dead silence and the she said, well,... it's Henry.  
I thanked her(regardless)-but all I really could say was thank you very much for your time.  
Actually, at some point she said she would call if she talked to family and they knew anything about it (but I doubt that based on the conversation)...I then asked her if it would be alright for me to provide you with the address so you could write to them (less threatening?!) who could explain it all (the connection) better than you!  She said NO that would not be alright...
Sorry Stefan!  I feel just terrible!  I have called many people while searching and NEVER have I experienced a call that was received so poorly.  I was so polite and repeated the details a few times in response to her questions (on top of my initial explaining)...but she seemed to have it in her mind that I was an intruder, you know?  Overall let's just say that I got the distinct impression that it was an unwelcome call...I'm so sorry Stefan.  I really gave it my best-but I don't know the connection of all the names...however I don't think that would have helped with this unnamed lady!  In fact, when I explained the parents names again- in response to a question she asked (remember Henry had already said yes!) she said maybe...well, I don't know...we'll have to look into that/check it...?
She asked your name a few times and said she had never heard of it.
OK now that I'm a little less upset...a little humour...see Donna...see Donna hang up the phone and then say ahhhhh!!!
I don't know what else to say...what do you want to do now???
Well, I hope that you do enjoy the papers.  They should be to you by the end of the coming week.  I hope to hear from you soon-what your opinion/thoughts are...  
Best regards,

2000-07-31, 19:12
Svar #141

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Ishbel!  Well, I know your trip to BC is still a little ways away (right?!)...but I really would appreciate yur help with a few things in the directories there.  Is that still alright with you?
I'm going to check the ones which are available here in the next few days...but as I told you before, I know the collection is defintiely not complete so your kind offer (if it still stands!) would be gratiously accepted.  I will provide details and what I was able to find here shortly-OK?
I've been following your postings of interesting-and informational!!
Kind regards,

2000-08-01, 01:58
Svar #142

Ishbel Cormack

  • Gäst
Donna: I hope to go to Vancouver around the end of August and I will be happy to do what I can. Please send me an email of what I should look up.
I, like you, have had so much help from Swedish people that I am pleased to have the opportunity to give some help.

2000-08-01, 16:31
Svar #143

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Ishbel!  Thanks so much!  I will send you a mail with the details as soon as I've completed the trip to check what's here.
Kind regards,

2000-08-02, 09:31
Svar #144

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Donna !  
Got your letter with the manifest of Jonas V. and the death certificates. Also read both of your messages that you had sent while I was away. Thank you so much ! Maybe the photos will arrive today...While in Sweden I was informed by my mother that Alma had her own beauty parlour in Canada (probably in Creston). About her place of birth; she might not have been aware herself that she was born in Ramsele, since her family moved to Långsele when she was very young.  
Kind Regards, Pernilla

2000-08-02, 17:30
Svar #145

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  Glad to hear your back...hope you had a wonderful time!
I still have not heard back from the lady that sent me the mail stating she had cared for Algot...?  I will try one more time!
I have heard back from the Creston inquiries I made though.  One came from the historical society, and they will check the local paper archives (books!?) for the families history in the area.  They say it may take a while as they are quite short staffed (1!)...but wouldn't that be interesting?  I sent them a new message saying that Alma (Elme) had her address in Creston noted as Victoria Street...and that she apparently had only moved to Nelson 4 months prior to her passing-from Creston (death certificate) so she must have been there (Creston) for many years...we'll see!
I do have some more numbers to check as well...sorry but I fell a little behind on that part.  I've been rather busy -and must call after 6pm (my discount plan!)so...
I also have a few other things on the go and will let you know if they result in any finds...I am off for today (sorry-out of time!)..I will be back to you soon-OK?!
Kind regards,

2000-08-02, 20:52
Svar #146

Utloggad Anja Eriksson

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 403
  • Senast inloggad: 2014-11-07, 09:48
    • Visa profil
I see you help a lot of people
Perhaps you can help me to
It is a uncle to my grandfather and the family dont know what happend to him
Sven Johan Petersson born 18710107
Torsås Småland Sweden
From Malmö 18930518 to Montreal Canada
Kind regards Anja

2000-08-02, 21:49
Svar #147

Stefan Sorenson

  • Gäst
Dear Donna,
Thanks for your effort of calling Henry. Atleast we know he's they right guy. Then if he has a grumpy old lady for a wife, what else can we do? Where does he live now? Is he in Sask.? I remember that he was once living in B. C. She must have been very suspicious of some frank call, I guess. They're likely quite old too, and then sometimes I guess they do get worried. Maybe they haven't had too much contact with their distant relatives for a long time, and now if someone calls them they get suspicious. I could try and call them when I get to Provost in September and see what they say. Anyway, I appreciate your effort for finding out and calling. Don't feel bad or anything. You've done what you could. :-)  
Now I have a few more questions for you.  
1) Tysk Anders Olson and family emigrated from Sweden in May 1868. They arrived in Quebec on June 12, 1868, according to his diary. I know what happened to him and his family. All I really would like to know is what ship he came over on, if that's possible to find out. There were also three other families traveling along with him; Presthans, Rongtas and Gunnars Mats Matsson (or G. M. Rose). If you could find out the name of the ship, I'd be thankful.
2) Gustaf Larsson, born 2/2 1850 in Orsa, Dalarna, Sweden emigrated to North America Dec. 26, 1873. He would've have likely arrived early 1874. This is all I have about him. Would like to know his destination in North America.  
3) A sister of Gustaf, Carolina Larsdotter (Larson), born June 29, 1855 in Orsa, Dalarna, Sweden emigrated with her son (illegitimate) Karl Emil, born 1879, to North America on April 6, 1883. Would also like to know their destination. Carolina might have used the name Nordberg, though I'm not sure on this.
Thanks again for all your time and effort! Will be looking forward to hearing from you again.

2000-08-03, 16:14
Svar #148

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Anja!  Well I try to help with what I can!  I will gladly take a look for Sven in my next visit to the reference library-OK?!
Did you get the departure date from the CD Emigranten...or church records...or family sources/memories???  Knowing this would help me estimate his approximate arrival time...
Hope to hear from you soon!
All the best,

2000-08-03, 16:33
Svar #149


  • Gäst
Thanks Donna
for trying to help me You are amazing!Take your time.

2000-08-03, 17:05
Svar #150

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Stefan!  So good to hear from you!  
Yes, I believe from what he got to say (prior to the evasiveness of the overly cautious lady)-that his parents names were Anna and Karl Hjelte and he is Swedish...that he is a relation-but of course I can't say definitively at this point!
He was the only Henry Hjelte -and in fact the only H Hjelete listed in all of Canada.  He is in Regina, Saskatchewan.  
In total, there were only 11 Hjelte's listed in Canada.  Nine were in Saskatchewan, one in Alberta and one in Manitoba-none (listed anyway) in British Columbia!  
I'll give you the information-as all you'd have to do is look it up on 411 anyway-as they ARE listed!! (Unlisted numbers are available for a higher monthly rate).
Henry Hjelte
16 Kensington Crescent
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4S 7G5
phone# 306-586-1294
The names listed were as follows (in Saskatchewan unless otherwise noted):
Allan, Edward, Henry, Lynn, M., Roy, and Walter
Earle E.-Manitoba
*Note-Two people had two phone numbers...this is why you only see 9 names here.
I have made note of and will gladly check into the other people that you listed.  I'll be making a trip this weekend-and will let you know the results after-OK?!
Kind regards,

2000-08-03, 18:11
Svar #151

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Annette!  I was just going to prepare/post a message to you-and there you had one for me!  Good to hear from you.
I have checked a few reels (there are 7 potential microfilm reels)...and have not found either gentleman-yet!  I have a question for you though!  While looking around Rötter, I noticed a few other postings from you...and nettan (this is you too right?!) which basically note the same details.  In some of those postings, you mention what appears to be different destinations...that they went to Amerika...North Amerika, Canada.  Are you sure where they went?  I recall your message saying that Petter was destined to North Amerika-from church records, right?!  Then in your first one to me here, you said both Petter and Johan emigrated to Canada...???
May I ask-who where the others from Gudmundrå that emigrated at the same time?  Do you have their names?  This doesn't really matter...just might make scanning all those manifests a little easier with other names to catch/confirm too!
Don't worry!  The reason that I am asking is that if they possibly went to the USA (Amerika) OR Canada...I will have to check the reels I have checked-again!  You see, passengers destined to the USA are listed separately (in most cases) within the manifests.  So they may have been there and I missed them-only checking the foreigners (steerage) section to Canada.
Basically the passengers are listed as follows on the ship manifests:
English (British), returning Canadians, destined to USA and foreigners.  There are also different types/classes: first class, cabin and steerage.
(Just to note: this is not true for most lists from the 1860's,70's and maybe more from the late 1800's-these lists have no rhyme or reason...many are in no way alphabetical...and usually do not note the persons origin/ethnicity!)  
Oh!  Also I saw that someone (in May I believe) had found a social security index entry for a John Johnson, born January 16, 1884...did you look into that-if he was in fact your ancestor?  Just wondering...
Please let me know as soon as you can about the trip!  I really hope to find them for you-and will if they are there (so determined...or was that stubborn?!!!).  I just want to make sure that I am looking in the right place(s)!!!
Kind regards,

2000-08-03, 18:29
Svar #152

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Arne Larsson!  I have checked for Vessle Olsson twice in the form 30A's (just to make sure)...and his is not found there.  I have sent you a few messages but unfortunately have not heard back from you...perhaps you have already found him?  Please let me know!
I have mentioned this before...but in case you didn't see it in a posting-some passengers may have been missed in the form 30A's (very few!)...then the standard manifests must be checked instead. So, are you sure that he left Sweden for CANADA on March 21, 1924?  Also again (sorry!)is in fact his full name Vessle Olsson?
You mentioned that he spent some time in do you know this?  What is your understanding of when and such?
I would appreciate it if you would be so kind as to let me know if you are still interested in this-OK?!
Best regards,

2000-08-03, 19:49
Svar #153

Utloggad Anja Eriksson

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 403
  • Senast inloggad: 2014-11-07, 09:48
    • Visa profil
Thank you for that you will help me
Ihave got it from emigranten cd
Hope to hear from you  
Best regards Anja

2000-08-03, 20:15
Svar #154


  • Gäst
Maybe You can help me to solve a problem?  
I'm searching for ancestors/relatives/children to:  
Elisabeth Anderson born as Lisa Kristina Hansson, in the year 1891, 6th of january, in a small village Klovsjo in Jamtland Sweden. She grew up as fosterchild to an uncle and aunt on my mothers side: Jons Anderson & Agnes Jonsdotter in the village of Mo, parrish Berg (Hoverberg) in Jamtland, Sweden.  
Elisabeth/Lisa emigrated to USA, 8th of may 1910. Maybe she went by ship via Trondheim, Oslo or Bergen ...maybe from Gothenburg. I guess she married a swede with surename Anderson, as that is the name she used in contact with my grandmother.The contact ended around 1950 -I have heard that she died around 1950 -maybe earlier?  
Elisabeth/Lisa had three children: Hugo, Sigurd and Agnes (I'm not quite sure of the girls name) sorry to say I don't have the name of her husband. The children must have been born somewhere in the years 1910-1920?  
The whole family visited Sweden in 1930... as my mother told me. My mother thought that they planned to stay in Sweden, but they didn't.  
I think that the children must have talked a lot about this long journey and they must have told their children about it and... Well maybe there are great-grandchildren still today that remember they've heard about this journey? And they know that this Elisabeth/Lisa must be their great great grandmother?  
I remember names of places/states that I read on christmas-cards they used to sent my grandmother: names as Minnesota, St Paul,Seattle, Edmonton in Alberta -so I guess they moved around.... But where did they settle down for good? Maybe in Canada?.....or in USA? Maybe someone out there will read this, and  recognize this as a memory in their family history.  
As all my old folks are gone, I hope to get a respond this way.

2000-08-04, 13:30
Svar #155


  • Gäst
Hi Donna
thank you again for your detectivework.
The books from Gudmundrå was saying that they went to Canada, but my grandmother was waiting for a letter from America(it was about 1945-46). My thougts was that one of the boys was survive and came sometime to America. Was is John or Peter? Maybe Peter had a letter from his older brother who want him to come to Canada? But where did he go? To Canada or to America? The churchbook said Canada, but some other boys from the same place went to N America (also from the book)! I haven´t found the names, sorry!  
I have just get help (today) from a friend with the social security index about John Jonsson and it can be him!I have to cheek some details first.
But, it seems to be the one, he got his first job in USA in an age of 52! It was 1936 in Detroit he died at 82, in New Hawen Macomb,MI. Is it near to Canada?  So what happend with Peter? Many people from their parish went over the atlantic from Trondheim in Norway, is this any help?

2000-08-07, 20:43
Svar #156

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Annette!  Thank you for your reply!  So the books said Canada...from what I have seen, Amerika could mean either the USA or Canada.  Perhaps it would be better if I checked both sections of the potential reels.  I will do that from this point on (backtrack after if necessary!)-OK?!
Perhaps they both came initially to Canada and then one (or both) brothers went on the the USA?  Especially if this John Jonsson shows from the SSD index as having his first employment at the age of 52.  That would make sense...if he had previously been in another country, right?!
I'll talk to you later and please do let me know if this JJ is the right one-OK?!
Best regards,

2000-08-07, 21:25
Svar #157

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Annette!  I forgot to address your noting of the USA info!  New Haven is located in northeastern Macomb county -in the state of Michigan.  Yes it is a state that borders Canada (it is very near!)... southern Ontario, Canada- if I am not mistaken!
Well we'll see what happened with both of them (Peter too!)...and whether they left from a Swedish port or Norway (Trondheim etc.) really wouldn't make that much difference (help)..but thanks for the thought!  

2000-08-07, 21:32
Svar #158

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Stefan and Anja!  I did start checking for your requests on Saturday-but ran out of time before finding anything (they closed!) I will be going back later this week.  
We had a civic holiday weekend here so the libraries were closed Sunday (normal in the summer)-AND no more searching until later this week!
I'll be back to you!
Kind regards,

2000-08-07, 23:00
Svar #159


  • Gäst
Donna, I´ve just found out the others who emigrate the same day, it was a family,not from the same village, couldn´t read it.But they are in the same side in the book and is writing the line over Petter/Peter. They are August Larsson saw-worker b. 1872 29/8, wife Anna Ström b.1877 1/2, daughter Sigurid Augusta 1896 7/7. son Frans Sigurd b. 1900 ?/7 all emig. 8/4 and the are from the same parish.
regard from annette

2000-08-08, 00:21
Svar #160

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Annette!  Thanks for that and I will keep an eye out for these names as well...

2000-08-08, 00:39
Svar #161

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  Hi.  I have (after some delay!) received a reply from the kind lady who had cared for Algot.  Her name was Shelley and she sent me a few mails today stating that she has not had luck by asking the other staff if they recalled Algot's daughters name...if she finds someone she will contact me again.  I would have forwarded you a copy of the messages (2)- but we know that just doesn't work for us!
Shelley did tell me a few things that may be of interest!  She said that Algot had actually lived in Balfour (just north of Nelson) and apparently was a captain of the Kootenay Lake Ferry up to his retirement.  He passed away in Nelson but she wasn't sure of the exact date...more than 2 and 1/2 years ago-but less than five years.  His doctors name was Doctor Doug Nottebrock, who is still in Nelson.
Then she said that she is sure that Algot's daughter and son-in-law did...and still do live in Nelson...and she believes that family attends the Anglican church there (not positive of this).
More to do...I'll be back to you later, OK?!
Best regards,

2000-08-09, 09:14
Svar #162

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Donna !
I am glad the nurse finally got back to you. You probably will find Algots daughter somehow. Through the church seems like a good idea (if they actually do attend it ?). Sounds like he didn't have any other children, doesn't it ?
Still haven't recieved the pictures and ships manifest that you sent over a week ago (?). Worried that it might have been lost somewhere along the way.
Kind Regards, Pernilla

2000-08-09, 18:24
Svar #163

Utloggad Kjell Håkansson

  • Anbytare *
  • Antal inlägg: 8
  • Senast inloggad: 2023-12-10, 10:51
    • Visa profil
Donna !
About my grandfather KARL AUGUST MATTI (earlier message  den 20 juli)
According to his passport he arrived to Halifax OCT 4TH (or 5TH) 1928.
Regards Kjell

2000-08-09, 19:35
Svar #164

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Kjell!  I didn't think I would hear from you again!  Thanks for the update.  I will go back and check the ship reels for Halifax...obviously the governments database isn't perfect-some passengers were missed in being entered.  For missing person(s)they then suggest that manual checking of the reels is the only way to locate the that is what I will do!  Knowing a port and date should make it so much easier. (I had started checking Quebec already so...I wouldn't have found him there!).
I'll be back to you, OK?!  Please stay in touch.

2000-08-09, 19:46
Svar #165

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Pernilla!  Thanks for your message...and no, I am sure that the post isn't lost.  I was late in my postings again (sorry!)-had to get to the bank again first as I had about eight mailings to Sweden -and Norway (of course!).  It is now on it's way to you-OK?!!
Yes I agree it sounds as though Algot had no other children.  I am looking into the Anglican church angle and we will see what may come of it.  Shelley seemed quite positive that the couple (daughter and son-in-law) still lived there in Nelson.  It sounded to me like she didn't recall the name- being a few years back- but that she probably would recognize her again if she saw her.
We certainly seem to be close, that's for sure!  I will follow it up and be back to you soon, OK?!!
Kind regards,

2000-08-10, 20:38
Svar #166

Stefan Sorenson

  • Gäst
Hi Donna,
I have one more person for you to check on.
Born August 24, 1887 in Orsa, Dalarna, Sweden.
Emigrated from Våmhus (neighboring parish to Orsa) to Canada June 27, 1913.  
Occupation: Lumberjack.
The date is based on his emigration from Dalarna, so it would likely be different as he boarded the ship. The arrival in Canada would likely be in the fall that year (1913).  

2000-08-11, 20:50
Svar #167

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Stefan!  Not a problem...I will check for him too.  I am going tomorrow so I'll let you know if I find them this time!
All the best,

2000-08-11, 21:02
Svar #168

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  I checked Nelson, and there is only one Anglican Church there.  They do not have a site...but I have the address/phone number and thought that maybe I should write a brief note  
(or a quick call?) to the minister which he could pass on to Algot's daughter...if he knows who she is.  Since Shelley was sure that she had lived there for some time (and continues to) then perhaps he would know of her heritage/parents names, etc.-perhaps Algot had attended there too?
What do you think about this possibility?  Would you like the address-and to write there yourself?  Please let me know....
Best regards,

2000-08-12, 00:33
Svar #169

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Donna !
Yes, please let me know the address !  
Thankful Regards, Pernilla

2000-08-12, 04:27
Svar #170

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Pernilla!  The address and phone number are as follows:
Anglican Church of Canada
723 Ward Street
Nelson, British Columbia
V1L 1T3
phone: 250-352-5711
I'm sorry but it does not list the name of the minister...I'm sure that addressing it simply to the church would be fine...OK?!
I really hope that this is the connection that you've been waiting it could lead to the answers about all the other siblings to Algot...and their families.  Wouldn't that be fabulous?!!  Please let me know how it goes!  By the way, did you post that letter awhile ago to Algot at the last known (listed) address?  I was wondering about that-as it should have come back to you if he was already gone for that long...???
Best regards...and nice to hear from you!

2000-08-12, 09:35
Svar #171

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Donna ! Thank you. Yes I did post the letter for Algot many weeks ago, when we first discussed it. Are you suggesting that his daughter might be living in the same house, or in some other way has recieved the letter, since it has not been returned to sender ?? Anyway, I will try to write to the church, and hope I will find the good little girl 50 yrs later...
Regards Pernilla

2000-08-13, 08:40
Svar #172

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Kjell Håkansson: Hi!  I have found the immigration listing for Karl August Matti...and he was listed on one of the Halifax reels.  So obviously he was indeed missed in being entered in the database at the National Archives here...your passport stamp really helped narrow the many possible reels/ports (thanks!).
Here is the information from the form (which I printed should you wish to have it! If so just send me your mailing address-privately of course!):
Karl August Matti sailed from Gothenburg aboard the S.S. Stockholm on September 29, 1928.  The ship landed at Halifax on October 7, 1928.  Karl is 49 years of age and noted as from Karl Gustafs, Sweden.  He is noted as a farm labourer and he was destined to his brother-in-law, Olof Olson in Fairy Glen, Saskatchewan.  The nearest relative in the country from whence he came was listed as-Wilhelmina Matti-H.wife (housewife!?), Karl Gustafs, Kamagi (?).  
Note: The immigration officer has crossed off the H.- so it really says wife.  What is Kamagi?
His passport was issued on September 19, 1928 in Luleå and the passport number was 741.  He had $50 on his person and was travelling to his inland destination (Saskatchewan)by the Canadian National Railway (CNR).
Perhaps also of interest: Another passenger appears on the same list/trip that may be connected through or to the Olson's.  The person lised below Karl is one Hans Jacob Kitti who is destined to his cousin- Mrs. Hulda Olson, also of Fairy Glen, Saskatchewan.  Just thought I would mention that as well.  
I recall that you had said before that you didn't know what he did in Canada...were you aware that he went to the west upon his arrival-or after?
Well at least his arrival has been located...let me know what you think and what you wish to find-OK?!

2000-08-13, 08:58
Svar #173

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Pernilla!  Well I am not really saying that she would probably live in the same house...but I guess anything is possible!  
Yes, I would have suspected the letter would be returned to you (returned to sender) if the intended recipient no longer resides there...I would think it is the same whether it is within Canadian borders (posted or delivered) or international...hmmm...I am going to ask next time I visit a post station which will be this Monday as I would like to know the answer to that!
I'll let you know...and hope to hear that you got the long awaited envelope (sorry again!) from Eric and myself this coming week (it should be there early in the week).
Best regards,

2000-08-14, 01:48
Svar #174

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Stefan!  I started looking for the new names which you are searching for...but before I knew it they were closing the reference library...I am going back early this week-and will update you on any finds then.
Best regards,

2000-08-16, 19:28
Svar #175

Maria Cedercrantz

  • Gäst
Hello Donna!
I wonder if you could help me find some relatives who emigrated to Canada in 1929?  
They went by boat, the Swedish-America Line, from Göteborg (Gothenburg)in Sweden and where bounded for Winnipeg, Canada. The emmigrationdate was 4th of July 1929.
My relatives name:
Hanna Olina Berglund, b.1902-08-08, in parish: Linsell in county: Härjedalen.
her husband Johan Sigurd Teodor Berglund, b.1897 in Njurunda.
The name of their children: Hilma, born 1921;Harry, born 1924 and Knut, born 1925.
I have lost the track of them in Gothenburg and would be very happy if you, Donna, had the time to check for them over there.
Kind regards

2000-08-16, 21:41
Svar #176

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Maria!  I have checked and found your ancestors in the immigration records here.  The family sailed aboard the Gripsholm which landed at Halifax, Nova Scotia on July 11, 1929.  They were listed as:
Johan Sig (31 years of age)
Hanna Oliv.(25)
Kurt F.(3)
Harry Joh.(5)
Hilma Krist.(7)
I have recorded the microfilm reel which actually includes(lists)them and will check it/copy it when I go the library where the actual records are archived later this week.  They are very easy to locate as they were well organized/catalogued during this time.  In any case, that should list a few more details...including their destination upon landing (perhaps even an address!)...OK?
I'll be back!
Best regards,

2000-08-17, 18:31
Svar #177

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Dear Donna,
recieved the documents today; the ship manifest  for Johan Jonsson, Almas death certificate, the Ocean View papers and the fantastic photos. THANK YOU so much ! The house in which Ossian lived does not look like it has changed much since 1959. I will have to make copies of all this and distribute it among interested relatives !
Kind Regards, Pernilla

2000-08-17, 20:26
Svar #178

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Pernilla! I'm happy that you got it all...and it has totally been my pleasure to help you out with records here in Canada (and Eric's I'm sure...great pics I agree)!!!
I may still turn up something more...who knows?! I posted another classified today in Nelson titled Searching for Algot Anderson's DAUGHTER...resident of Nelson -so we may find someone who knows her..or will recognize the name of her father (a little unusual here)...It will be posted for one month so if I hear anything I will let you know right away, OK?!  I should make some more phone calls (I've delayed that) but I'm a little leary as of late...
Well, we have come a long way from the beginning of our connection here, haven't we?  I have enjoyed all the searching, clues , updates and your messages!  
I hope all your interested family members enjoy it all too.
Kindest regards,

2000-08-17, 21:18
Svar #179

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi again Maria!  I got the records copied them should you wish to have the actual record for yourself.  If you do then just send me your mailing address privately.
The actual record notes them as follows:
Johan Sigurd-31
Hanna Olivia-25
Hilma Kristina(?)-(Kristina hard to read)-7
Harry Johan-5
Kurt Folke(?)-(Folke hard to make out too)-3
They were appears that Johan was checked for defective vision and underwent an civil examination...but they were released just one day later- on July 12, 1929.
Johan's next of kin from whence he came (Sweden) noted as: Father, Jonas Berglund, Njurunda.  There is another name there too...but it isn't legible...sort of looks like Ortsjon..?? That doesn't sound right but I can't make it out...too faint.
Johan's passport was issued at Östersund on June 10,1929 (#467).  They each were noted to the following destination:
Canadian National Railways, Winnipeg, Manitoba (not an uncommon thing for emigrants-especially for those without relatives/friends already here).
So specific was worth a try though!  Hmmm...I'll try to see what else may be available and then I'll be back-OK?!!

2000-08-18, 18:49
Svar #180

Maria Cedercrantz

  • Gäst
Hi Donna
Thank you for the mail. I´ll be in touch with you
through your email.
Best regards

2000-08-19, 16:58
Svar #181

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Maria!  I got your mailing address-thanks!  
I also got your request about Hanna's mother (Märet Olofdotter) emigrating with the Berglunds.    
I believe that I have found her..but the name used was: Anna Mar. Soderberg!?!  
She was also aboard the Gripsholm to Halifax...there was no Märet Olofsdotter listed-and I tried various spelling/searches.  This Anna Mar. is only two pages before all the Berglunds-so I will check her/parish info you provided.  Oh!  Almost forgot, she was noted as  52 years of age which would match your Märet (born February 1877).
I won't mail the other forms until I have checked this later today, OK?!  I'll be, is there anyone else?!-(just teasing you!!).
Best regards,

2000-08-19, 19:13
Svar #182

Maria Cedercrantz

  • Gäst
Hi Donna,
It´s OK with the forms. I have no more, for the moment! I don´t recognised the namne Anna Mar. Söderberg. Maybe my Märet took another boat??
I don´t know. I will check upon her here and return to you.  
Best regards  

2000-08-21, 02:53
Svar #183

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Maria!  It is not her...I thought perhaps that the Mar. was a shortened form of Märet-(hopeful thinking?!)...but this ladies anme was Anna Maria on the actual listing.  I went through every page for the Gripsholm...and Märet is definitely not there.  You must be correct that she took another ship...another time/trip.
I will await your next message, OK?!

2000-08-21, 03:10
Svar #184

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!!  Oh my goodness...I am so excited!  I finally got a reply from the historical society in Creston...and they have provided quite a bit of information...including Algot's entire family!!!  There were two sons and four daughters!  I have to go for this second...but will read it all...make a few notes-and be back to you.  Oh!  I only got to look quickly but it listed all the childrens names...and Selma Kettlewell (the death certificate) is one of them!
Best regards,

2000-08-21, 06:01
Svar #185

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  Here it is as it came to me...there is alot there so I thought I would just transfer the message to here-OK?!
 The Axel Kristian Anderson family moved to Canada in October of 1914.  They  
first resided in Invermere, B.C., for four years before moving to Creston in 1918.  Axel  
Kristian Anderson was born in 1874, in Sweden, and worked as a construction contractor.  
In 1910, Axel married Alma (Elme) Kathrina.  In his obituary, which appears in the  
Creston Review on February 4, 1944,  Axel is noted for his civic progressiveness and  
being closely connected to the local “Ratepayers' Association”, having acted as their  
spokesman on several occasions.  Mr. Anderson died at the age of 70 in the Creston  
Valley Hospital on Thursday, February 3, 1944, following an illness.  The funeral was  
held at the Trinity United Church by reverend A.A. Fulton and his pallbearers were W.  
Ferguson, T. Leamon, A. Ners, H. Eastman, K. Paulson, and A. Reed.  The obituary notes  
the place of burial as the Creston cemetery, which is now called the Pioneer Cemetery  
and is located at 355 11th Ave South between Elm and Dogwood street.  Axel was  
survived by his wife, two sons, Algot and Canute, and four daughters.
Alma, (Elme), Kathrina Anderson was born in Langsele, Sweden, in 1877, where  
she married Axel Anderson.  On her gravestone her name is spelt Alma, but in her  
obituary it is given as Elme.  Her obituary was printed in the Creston Review on February  
7, 1957.  Four months prior to her passing, she moved to Nelson to stay with her daughter  
Selna Kettlewell.  For the ten years leading to her death, Alma had been an invalid.  She  
died at Kootenay Lake General Hospital in Nelson at the age of 79.  The services were  
held at the Trinity United Church by Reverend Pollock and her pallbearers were Fred  
Wood, Gunnar Larsen, J. Walenta, Art Reed, H. McClennan, and G. Falk.  She was laid  
to rest at the Pioneer Cemetery beside her husband, Axel.  Alma Kathrina was survived  
by her two sons, four daughters, six grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.  
 Canute Axel Anderson was born in Esteros, Sweden, February 10, 1907.  On  
November 20, 1930, he married Florence Irene Rentz in Cranbrook.  Later, in 1962, the  
couple moved to Ainsworth, a small town on Kootenay Lake, where they owned and  
operated the Ainsworth motel for ten years.  In 1972, they returned to Creston where  
Canute served on the board of governors of the Handicapped Society and the Creston  
Village Council for six years.  He was also a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge and  
loved fishing and the outdoors.  Canute Anderson worked as a self-employed carpenter in  
Creston from 1918-1926.  He died at the age of 67, on Monday, February 18, 1974.  His  
obituary was published in the Creston Review on February 20, 1974.  The funeral service  
was held at the Oliver Funeral Chapel on February 21, 1974, at two p.m. with J. Alex  
Morrison officiating.  His pallbearers were George Biron, Lloyd Cartwright, Bill Fraser,  
Vince Phillips, Wes Scott, and Bill Lane of Ainsworth.  He was laid to rest at the Forest  
Lawn Cemetery in Block 33, Plot 11.  The Forest Lawn Cemetery is located on 36th Ave.  
He was survived by his wife Florence of Creston, one daughter, Mrs. James (Joan) Taylor  
of Toronto, one grandson, one granddaughter, one brother, Algot of Armstrong, B.C., and  
three sisters.  
 Algot Anderson was born in 1903, in Sweden, and died in 1987.  We do not have  
an exact date of his death or copy of his obituary.  Algot was buried in the Pioneer  
Cemetery beside his parents.  Olga K. Bowerman, Algot's sister, is also buried in the  
Pioneer Cemetery with her parents.  She was born in 1897, in Sweden, and died in 1977.  
There is no obituary for her or certain date of death in our archives.  
 In Axel Kristian Anderson's obituary, 1944, his four daughters are listed as being  
Mrs. Kettlewell of Rossland, B.C., Mrs. Whitehouse of Moneton, N.B., Mrs. Dewhirst of  
Creston, B.C., and Mrs. Somers of Toronto.  In 1959, in Alma's obituary, the daughters  
are listed as Anna Dewhirst of Campbell River, Olga Bowerman of Medford, Oregon,  
Ellen Edgar of Chilliwack, and Selna Kettlewell of Nelson.  In 1974, in Canute's  
obituary, the four sisters are listed as Olga Bowerman of Tampa, Florida, Selma  
Kettlewell of Nelson, B.C., Anna Dewhurst of Victoria, B.C., and Elin of Chilliwack.  
Amongst these obituaries the spelling of names is uncertain and we have no record of  
their deaths.  
 Axel, Alma, Algot, and Olga are all buried together in the Pioneer Cemetery.  
Assuming 11th Ave is the front of the cemetery, the gravestones are found in the back left  
corner.  The gravestones are the flat in ground style and are clustered together.  Our  
archives has copies of Axel's, Alma's, and Canute's obituaries if you are interested.  We  
hope this information will be helpful in your search.  
Well...that is it. What do you think?! I am checking now for current listings for those names..and will be back.  Is the marriage year for Axel/Alma (1910) correct as far as you know?  Did they have some of their children before their marriage...or...?
Hope this is a nice surprise for you.  I was surprised as I hadn't expected anything back.
Well, again I must run for today...need a new fan (or something on the computer!)- and I don't want to overheat!
All the best,

2000-08-21, 07:42
Svar #186

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Stefan!  I have received paperwork for the Ocean View Cemetary-where Anna and Carl Hjelte were interred.  I am thinking that perhaps they are not the couple Anna and Carl.  I'm not sure but-they are interred in separate places within the cemetary...? (elm,fern sections)...and Anna's has only the name Hjelte listed as the purchaser...of course they did pass 27 years I don't know.  It is Carl's which does note a name...the same as his death certificate: Mrs. Linnea Baker
I am still in the process of checking your other requests...hope to find them for you soon.  I will forward these forms I got to the address you provided in any case...OK?!!
Until later,

2000-08-21, 11:42
Svar #187

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
this is outstanding ! Thank you so much !! I do not know if Alma and Axel actually got married in 1910. I will have to check this up. It would surprise me though, if they had several children before they actually got married. But I suppose that it is possible. The name Canute puzzled me at first. But I think that his actual name might have been Knut/Cnut, which pronounced in english probably would sound something like Canute. I wonder why my grandmother didn't mention him in her note. The name of his birthplace did seem strange to me at first, but it could be Österås, which I think is part of Sollefteå, close to Långsele. I will check this out as well.  
About Olga; I checked the and found an Olga Bowerman b.15 oct 1897 and d. sep 1977, res: Wayland, Allegan, MI. I suppose this could be her ?
The different surnames of the sisters indicates that Olga and Elin were married twice, don't you think ? When Alma mentions in her letter, late 1940's, that Olga is living with her, this could indicate that Olga was a widow at that time (or divorced).  
N.B. - is this short for New Brunswick ?
Do you think that the society would send me copies of the orbituaries ? Did I tell you that I sent the letter to the Anglican Church ?
Kind Regards, Pernilla

2000-08-21, 17:32
Svar #188

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Pernilla!  Yes I think that the separate obituary listings and the facts within-for the various years do seem to indicate that there may have been more than one marriage...
I suppose that the find could be Olga if she again moved from Tampa, Florida-listed as her place of residence in Canute's obit of 1974.  I would think it is a possibility...?!?  How can you check that though-or can you?
I agree again with your thought about the 1940's letter from Alma...Olga was probably divorced-or widowed at that time.
Yes NB is the abbreviation for New Brunswick.
No, the society will not copy/send the obituaries as they referred me to their ARCHIVES (BC)-where they say that the paper noted is available on microfilm-and the obits can be located/copied there.  I should tell you that I was very surprised because normally a research done by the society is quite expensive ($60 initial PLUS $10 every hour) help/general searches (what we got!) is done on a have time basis and they are very short staffed (told you about that I think!)...that is why I was so surprised to get all this.  I guess all that begging (I did quite a bit of that!) for a quick check was really worth it!  I'm checking into that now...the papers and obtaining copies-maybe I can borrow them here in Toronto through interlibrary loan.  I will let you know...or...maybe my friend Eric can come to the rescue again (he lives there)!-but he is on vacation right now so it will have to wait a little if that is the case.
Oh!  From the names and their translation(s) and Canadianization that I have seen...Canute could very well be for Knut.  It does make one wonder why Alma didn't mention him in her letter as she seems to have mentioned everyone else...I don't recall exactly-did she say everyone else is married...or was it all the daughters (but Olga) are married...Algot with his good little girl, etc.?!  Same kind of thing for the spelling of the birthplace for Canute (Esteros)...of course you saw that they specifically commented on the names-that the spellings are uncertain and they have no records of the deaths (they must have noticed the variations too).
I'll be back and let you know ASAP.
Best regards,

2000-08-21, 18:01
Svar #189

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Maria!  I went back and searched the database again for emigrants arriving between 1925-1935 and cannot find Märet Olofsdotter.  I can tell you that there are no entries where the surname is Olofsdotter...not one...was there a family name that she may have used (not the patrynomic)?!  I assume from what you have said that she came around the same time as the Berglunds, yes?  If she indeed came here too, then she must be there...somewhere!  The records are not perfect...I have found a few where they were missed in the database but...any more clues (or facts!) for me yet?
Best regards,

2000-08-21, 18:55
Svar #190

Maria Cedercrantz

  • Gäst
Hi Donna,
I have gone through my records and some microfish and find out that Märet Olofsdotter travelled under the family name Hansson. She was born 1877 in Hede, emigrated from parish Linsell, Härjedalen. Hopefully you can find her with this information if not...  
Best regards

2000-08-21, 22:04
Svar #191

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Maria!  Found her! Thanks for the update...she actually did travel aboard the SS Gripsholm with the Berglunds.  
Her name was spelt as MARIT HANSON...funny enough she is actually on the same page as the Berglunds.  I had blown up the page for you and she is entered on line 14 (glad I didn't cut it off as I had blown it up to make it easier to read!).  Her place of birth is moted as Hede and her father is listed as Sven Jonsson of Hede.  Her passport was also issued at Östersund on June 10, 1929...the number-468 (right after the Berglunds which was 467)!  Unfortunately her destination is noted the same as we'll have to see what else we can find.
Be back to you later!

2000-08-22, 00:44
Svar #192

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Regarding her children, Alma writes in letter nr1 (written in 1947, since she says that she is 70 yrs old): “I am so lonely since Axel died . I can not go out, I have to use crutches. Olga is (lives?) here at home with me, she makes dresses. Algot is (lives?) at home as well, he is not married. All the others are married. I don’t see them much, they are so far away”. In letter nr2 all she mentions about her children is Algot and his little girl living near by, and that she is able to see them often.  
About the Olga Bowerman at; I think that you by paying $10 can order some info. on the people listed there, such as maiden name and place of birth. But apparently it takes months to get it. Maybe there is some quicker way. Though, knowing that she is buried at Creston, maybe it is the wrong person ? Especially since it is also indicated that her Social Security insurance were issued in MI before 1951. I don’t know…
Of course it would be fantastic if Eric would help out again. We will have to wait and see ?
Thanks a lot !
Regards, Pernilla

2000-08-22, 02:20
Svar #193

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla:  From what you shared about the letters from Alma...sounds as though Algot may have been divorced (or never married)?...I do recall your telling me about Olga living with her and making dresses-but definitely not the Algot part that he is living at home and not married.  Hmmm...
I wonder which (Olga and Ellen) were the Mrs. Somers (of Toronto) and Mrs. Whitehouse (Moncton, NB)...?  
You may be correct that since she was buried with her family members...that one entry may not be her...although at the same time she certainly seemed to have lived a fair portion of her life (married life?) in the USA-Oregon, Florida.  It would be disappointing to lay out that fee just to find that it wasn't the right person, correct?  I think we may need the assistance of Eric here!  I hope he will return soon and have left him a few messages....
You are welcome...a lot too!!
Oh!  I guess that nurse must have been a little off on the hospital stay memory of Algot...I have not heard back from her...but  since the obit says he passed in is about ten years prior to her belief (memory).  Besides, Algot Anderson is a pretty unusual name (Algot, I mean)-and since the communities of both Creston and Nelson are quite small...I would think there was only one...hard to confuse with such an uncommon name (here anyway!), you know?!
I'm sure we'll speak again soon...take care for now!

2000-08-23, 13:16
Svar #194

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Donna !
I think I just might have found Joan and James Taylor in the Canada telephone and address listings database (Winfield BC). I will at least attempt to write a letter to find out if they are the right persons. In the BC Archives Vital event death index 1872-1979, I have found Canute, Axel, and Ossian. But not Selma, Anna, Elin or Florence. This might just mean that they have passed away after 1979 - IF they are dead. But one of the sisters was dead in 1974? On the other hand I cannot find Alma/Elme either. In ArchiviaNet I have found Elof Manfrid Kellner (probably the informant on Ossians death; Elof K, husband of Mrs EM K who purchased the burial place) 17 yrs of age at his arrival to Halifax, Nova Scotia in 1927/06/27 on the ship Stockholm from Sweden. I have had my mum check the new swedish death index CD to see if he died in Sweden, but she could not find him. He must have died in Canada after 1979, or elsewhere in the world.
Kind Regards, Pernilla

2000-08-23, 13:35
Svar #195

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
    • Visa profil
Donna !!
Just found Elof M Kellner, Burbaby BC! There is no doubt in my mind that he is the EMK. Will write to him to see if he can tell me anything about Ossian. If he is alive. And if he is capable of writing and/or remembering. He would be 90 yrs old by now.

2000-08-23, 21:04
Svar #196

Maria Cedercrantz

  • Gäst
Hi Donna,
I knew that she has to be on the boat with the rest of her family. It was my mistake from the beginning when I gave you her patronymicon and not the surname. I looking forward to se what the mailman will bring. Thank you.

2000-08-24, 00:32
Svar #197

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Pernilla!  You will find Alma on the BC Vital Events Death Index...but remember she was registered as Elme Kathrina Anderson.  She IS that is where I first found her (Axel and Ossian) and got the certificate information from...OK?!
As far as the others go, it may be quite possible that they passed away after 1979 (like Algot did-in 1987, for instance)...newspaper obits would be great for checking this-IF they were indexed of course!  Yes, from what the reseacher was Olga that was deceased in 1977...but without the obit or any death certificate we have no way of knowing where she actually passed.  I would think it had to be outside of BC...maybe even in the USA (last address noted as Tampa, Florida).
Interesting...your other thoughts/comments.  Fabulous about the Elof M Kellner in Burnaby...if that was also from the Canada 411 site...remember that is where I found Algot still listed...many years after his passing.  Of course, I just had another thought!...that listing could have been still there- for his wife who may have lived much longer and just didn't change the listing, right?! I mean most families would most likely list their home under the husbands name-one listing for the for thought I guess!
Well I had started looking into a few I will go and be back to you.  I have to check my notes...
Kind regards,

2000-08-24, 00:35
Svar #198

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Maria!  Thanks for your note.  I should have noticed the Marit (not overly common from what I have seen)...but it is rather faint...well you'll see it for yourself when the postman delivers the goods!  You should have it within the next week.
I still have some more checking to do for you...I'll be back!
Best regards,

2000-08-24, 08:49
Svar #199

Ishbel Cormack

  • Gäst
Pernilla: I know several women who have kept the telephone listing in their husband's name many years after he has died. One in BC is still using his name after 20 years.

2000-08-24, 10:06
Svar #200

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
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Donna and Ishbel,
Thank you ! Yes, well, at least it is worth a try. And if Mrs. E M Kellner is alive she would have known Ossian as well, so...maybe she could be helpful. I suppose I should just try to call, but I daren't. Safer to just write a letter.  
Regards, Pernilla

2000-08-24, 21:40
Svar #201

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  Wouldn't a phone call from where you are be quite expensive??!!  I would offer (will if you wish!) give it a try for you....please just let me know.  Also, then can you briefly tell me what your personal connection to the involved people/family is?  At least Ossian, should it be her and she asks?  It would be appreciated!

2000-08-25, 00:41
Svar #202

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
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I sent the letter today. But, of course, if you would like to try to make a call I would appreciate just made me nervous to even think of calling and maybe be rejected. About my connection to Ossian; he was my maternal grandmothers two years older brother. The Kellners were the people he shared house with in Vancouver at his death, and who informed the authorities of his death and purchased his burial spot, as the documents you sent me show.
Regards, Pernilla

2000-08-25, 05:23
Svar #203

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla: Well, I think that you can consider it done!...I will try tomorrow evening.  
Thanks for letting me know about your connection to Ossian...the rest I recall from the forms (Kellner/address).  Can I ask then, what was/is(?!) your maternal grandmothers name?  That may be good to know too...then I can explain his sister's granddaughters search (got it right, yes?!!)...
Best regards,

2000-08-25, 09:12
Svar #204

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
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Donna, I am starting to doubt that any one of the Kellners will be alive. But please try. Hopefully Mrs Kellner could have been (a lot)younger than her husband. You never know. My grandmothers name was Elisabet but she was usually called Lisa. Married name Karlsson. By 1959 she had been married for 20 yrs. She passed away in 1988.  
Kind Regards, Pernilla

2000-08-27, 06:07
Svar #205

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!!  It is him!!  I called tonight and spoke with Mr. Elof M. Kellner!!  He is a very sweet man (still very much alive...and a mere 90-almost 91 years old!).  
He told me that Ossian was a very dear friend to him and they were very close.  He said that when Ossian died, it really hurt his heart (that was very touching to could sense/feel his sincerity).
His wife has passed away...he said how many years ago, but I couldn't make out what the number was as his accent was still rather thick...I love them-the accents-but can't always understand them clearly!!  I told him I enjoyed it and he got quite a kick out of that!
I explained how we came to contact (you and I/computer!) and that Ossian was your gm's brother, you were tracing your family-etc.  I told of all the brothers coming over and returning.  
I told him how I got his name...and the certificates that we had collected...the arrival, death and burial.  He said that the year after Ossian's death (1960) he went to Sweden (had some belongings of Ossian's) and saw Ossian's sister, with whom he said Ossian kept in contact this your gm? (or was there more than one daughter in the family?)  
I also asked if he knew Alma/Axel Anderson/children...but he didn't think so...couldn't recall-but then again it was a rather exciting/unique call to get.  He did say he would think about it all...maybe he will recall some details (history) and share them with you.
Then we chatted a little-about his life- about my family...and my Swedish roots...he was interested and interesting -but I tried not to run on too long!  
Well,Pernilla he is VERY acceptable to your writing him...or a call (and a call?!!!) so please proceed with delight!  He even asked me if I had the right address...and then proceeded to give it to me! is the Burnaby address (Duthie Ave.)
I am going to send him just a short note (thank you card)- thanking him for his was an absolute pleasure for me!!  
Hope you are pleased...and let's continue to find the rest!
I did wonder about the Taylor listing you noted.  I looked it up (Canada 411) and found only J. Taylor in did you find it-where it said Joan and James?  
Kind regards,

2000-08-27, 07:04
Svar #206

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Stefan!  I have been looking/checking for those other people you asked about...but haven't had any luck (yet!) in locating them!
I was wondering about a few noted that Gustaf Larsson emigrated to North America December 26, 1873...arrived early 1874.  Could I please ask where you got this information?  The reason being, from the microfilm (Quebec) there were no sailings after late October/early November 1873...and no landings until April of 1874...?!  When you first gave me the information I checked the potential reel(s)/ports through the NA...and the reel located indicated that it covered from October 1872-August I didn't think anything of the dates you provided...but when I got to the library and saw the reel (first hand) I realized there was a problem...please let me know, OK?  Thanks!
I will continue to look some more (again!) for the others...
Do you have a date of birth for Tysk Anders Olson?  I didn't see it in your original message ...and I actually thought I had a match when I saw a T. Olson...but when I didn't see the other families names (they were travelling together on the same trip, correct?), I moved on through the reel...
Please let me know as soon as you can, OK?!
Best regards,

2000-08-27, 09:54
Svar #207

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
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Donna ! It is absolutely amazing that he is still alive.I have heard about the visit to Sweden. Or at least I thought that it was he visiting. In my gm's family there were six sisters and four brothers, but as I remember the story he visited the eldest sister Agnes (married Hellgren). She passed away in 1970. In the letter I sent to him I also included a copy of  the photo of Ossian and the unknown girl “Rosie”, to see if he can identify her. I am so glad that he seemed forthcoming and interested in sharing memories and information. Exciting !
Thanks a lot Donna, again !  
About the Taylors - I found them in the directories; Canada telephone & address listings.  
Kind Regards, Pernilla

2000-08-27, 17:54
Svar #208

Stefan Sorenson

  • Gäst
Hello Donna,
Thanks for checking. Sorry that I didn't provide all the info. Tysk Anders Olsson was born Dec. 4, 1829 in Mora, Dalarna, Sweden. His wife Karin Larsdotter (Larson) was born Feb. 22, 1827 in Mora. Their children's names were Olof, b. 1853, Christine, b. 1859, and Carrie (Karin), b. 1862, all born in Mora.  
Gustaf Larsson emigrated the date I gave, according to records here. However, I don't know when he actually boarded the ship, and which ship. I should find out about this, but won't have time for that before I leave for Canada. I'm not sure if he went to Canada or the States. He might have settled in Wisconsin. This was said by his brother's granddaughter. Could be another brother too.  
Sincerely, Stefan

2000-08-27, 19:57
Svar #209

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla: You are quite welcome!  With such a pleasant demeanour and pesonality (and quite sharp wit too!) it is rather easy to understand why/how Mr. Kellner would have been a close and true friend to Ossian.  It was such a pleasure speaking with him that once we got going, I had to remind myself not to stay on too long...the time just seemed to fly!
I did tell him that you had already mailed a letter to him...but that I was calling to see if it really was he will be waiting!  He really was quite interested and it probably brought back some fond memories for him from what he shared.  
Hopefully he can answer who Rosie is (I've never heard that name from you before)...but as you said she is in a picture with Ossian!  He said they were very close and that Ossian always stayed with him and his it could be quite possible he will know...the picture was from Canada, yes?
Anyway, I am going to check that ancestor/Taylor thing and see...perhaps another call is in order?!
Talk to you later,

2000-08-27, 20:12
Svar #210

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Stefan! Thanks for your prompt reply.  You did provide dates of birth for everyone except Tysk Anders Olson.  You also did not note his wife and children previously...did they travel with Tysk in May of 1868?  That would be good to know as then I would be scanning for the surname Olson in multiple entries on the manifests...
So you are coming to Canada!  When and for how long?  I suppose you will collect the mail from Alberta then, yes?!
I will await your reply and then get back to the search!
Best regards,

2000-08-30, 23:23
Svar #211

Stefan Sorenson

  • Gäst
Hi Donna,
Tysk Anders Olsson and his family all emigrated at the same time. They were three or four families from Nusnäs, Dalarna, Sweden traveling together in May-June 1868, so I guess Tysk Anders Olsson and family would all go under the surname Olson.  
I leave for Canada on Sunday, Sep. 3, flying into Edmonton, AB. I will therefore not be able to check e-mail and too much of this stuff for about two weeks. I will be back in Sweden Sep. 20th. My phone # in Canada is c/o Livingston, Provost, AB (780) 753-2985 or 753-6888. However, I will drive down to Minnesota the first week being back in Provost, AB by the end of next week, around Sep. 10th.  
Will be looking forward to hear about your research and results.
Sincerely, Stefan

2000-08-31, 04:00
Svar #212

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Stefan!  Thanks for your note..and I will continue to look for them all.  It may take that long the way things have been going-always seems to go that way though...find alot-and then seems like you can't find anything!!  
In any case, you have a great holiday -and I suppose you are going to get your mail I sent there, yes?!  I hope you enjoy the copies...and I will speak to you upon your return...if not before!  
Kindest regards,

2000-08-31, 22:00
Svar #213

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Oh Stefan!  Hope you get this before you are gone on your trip...could you please tell me the names of Tysk's family members (wife and /or children)?  You didn't mention it in your original message-and it may make scanning all those manifests a little easier.  I'll then look for Olson's (grouped!) and then check for those other families that apparently travelled at the same time...
Best regards,

2000-09-02, 14:01
Svar #214

Stefan Sorensson

  • Gäst
Hi Donna,
I gave you the members of Tysk Anders Olsson's family on Aug. 27 (check message above).  
Hope that's what you asked for. Right now I'm at my brother's place and don't have access to my papers. I leave from here this evening to go down to Arlanda Airport. Will fly out early tomorrow.  
All for now.  
Sincerely, Stefan

2000-09-02, 19:01
Svar #215

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Stefan: Hi!  Thanks and I don't know how I missed that...rather silly of me (a BIG oops!)!  I have now made proper note of them in my book and will get back to it...
Have a wonderful trip and I will speak with you later!
Kind regards,

2000-09-02, 19:48
Svar #216

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Oh Pernilla!  What a wonderful surprise I just received in my mail!  Your kind note and the pictures-of Ossian (and Rose)!!!!
It was just wonderful to get the chance to see him after all this looking into his life and all-a face (a very handsome one too!) to put with all the facts gleened from mere paper records.
Thank you so very much for thinking of that...I often do wonder while doing searching for people and thus was so surprised and taken back by actually seeing him...especially since I had no idea that it was coming!
I agree that they certainly did look very happy in the photo together and I can understand that it has always fascinated's a great photo.  It is both charming and has a feel that there is a story to full of life, you know?!!  
You commented about your mothers saying that Ossian apparently had a relationship with a native Indian girl...well in response to your notes-I think she could very well be native Indian (or at least part).  
Perhaps Mr. Kellner will be able to clarify this (as you said before)...after all he did say quite clearly that he and Ossian were very close-the best of friends.  If Ossian had a relationship, then he probably would have known all about her.  I hope he can help...I tried looking into the death indexes but there is too many ifs to determine which could be her (I had to look though!)...
Well again Pernilla...thank you very much for thinking of me and sharing that with me.  It was an absolute thrill to receive...a visit to the past-and a very pleasant one!
Kindest regards,

2000-09-03, 01:02
Svar #217

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
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Donna! I am glad you liked the surprise - I was starting to wonder if it had been lost, since it has been two weeks since I sent it. The original photos are much smaller, as I probably told you ? Especially the one of Ossian and Rosie.
By the way, my mother told me that it wasn't sister Agnes whom Mr. Kellner visited, but sister Linnéa in Sollefteå. Appearently Ossian and Linnéa were the closest. I hope that I will hear from Mr.Kellner, and also the Taylors - if they are the right ones..
Kind Regards, Pernilla

2000-09-03, 12:42
Svar #218

Utloggad Gunnar Nässén

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 36
  • Senast inloggad: 2015-09-19, 11:39
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Hi Donna,  
I have a small problem with an older brother to my Grandmother Karolina Eriksdotter. He was born in Högås in Vännäs parish, Västerbotten, 1882-06-10 and his name was Jonas Eriksson. 1908-03-29 he married Hilda Kristina Brännström born 1889-11-06 in Jörn, Västerbotten,  and the same year 1908-07-08 their first daughter Thea Linnea was born.
At the end of 1908 he, his wife and daughter emigrated to Alberta, Canada. In Canada he took the name John Fogelberg and moved to Medicine Hat where he worked as carpenter for some years. Two daughters were born in Alberta: Elisabeth Helga born 1909-06-06 and Hilda born 1911-03-19. Later the family moved to southeast Alberta to start farming. 1914 John Fogelberg was listed in the Army and after the end of WWI he left his family in Canada, moved to United States where he probably worked as a carpentar in the Chicago area. His wife Hilda later remarried.
His nephew John Uno Erickson in South Lethbridge, Alberta, received a short letter from him in 1934. After that nobody heard anything from him. I met John Uno in Lethbridge last summer, his is 91 years old but a very young and strong man! I think he should appreciate to know what happened to his uncle Jonas Fogelberg.
Best regards
Gunnar Nässén

2000-09-04, 05:12
Svar #219

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Gunnar!  Hmmm...I certainly am willing to see what I can do to help you (I live in Canada)...
Just wondering about a few things.  
I tried checking the records of the first WW (just to see)and there is no John Fogelberg...?  In fact, there is only one Fogelberg and that is Henry.  Did you mean that he served in the Canadian forces for WW1?  I would think so based on your timeline noted above.  That is what you meant, yes?  There is a John Erikson (no Jonas)...but I cannot determine if it is your ancestor from the entry.
There are no records created for people leaving Canada so we would have to look to his arrival is the USA. How do you know that he went to the Chicago area?
You said that his nephew John in Lethbridge (Alberta) got a letter from him in 1934...does he still have it?  What did it say-about his life-any details at all?-and what does/did the postmark say?  Anything John Uno can recall may be of help too...perhaps he may have heard some things about the situation within the family.  
By the way, in my searching I have found a few 85-90 year young people...still sharp, witty and full of life (so it's no surprise)!  How wonderful for you to get the chance to meet him...did you speak with him about this...or can you?  
Since you mentioned that Hilda later remarried...did Jonas and Hilda obtain a legal divorce (pretty rare back then)?
Well I will try looking into a few things...I would appreciate your thoughts and insight about the questions/comments above. OK?!  

2000-09-04, 19:07
Svar #220

Utloggad Anja Eriksson

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 403
  • Senast inloggad: 2014-11-07, 09:48
    • Visa profil
Hallo Donna
I will not stress you but I am so curios about  
if you have found anything about my grandfathers uncle?
Kind Regards Anja

2000-09-04, 19:43
Svar #221

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Anja!  I have not forgotten about you...and you are not stressing me either!  
I have not yet found anything for Sven Johan Petersson (your grandfathers uncle)...but I have started checking the microfilm reels for his arrival in Canada.  
There are two potential reels where he could be and I am almost through the first reel. Some of the older reels such as these were not filmed in proper date order of the arrivals-so the whole reel must be looked at/checked (just in case!)...and every name read/checked on every manifest.  It can take some time as I am sure you can imagine.  
Also, as these are at the reference library I am limited by the amount of time they are open and when I can go, you know?
I will continue the check for him and let you know the results as soon as possible, OK?!!
Kind regards,
P.S. I have some requests that are even older-and I am still looking for them too!

2000-09-04, 20:22
Svar #222

Utloggad Pernilla Bollman

  • Anbytare ****
  • Antal inlägg: 675
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-12-02, 18:36
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Donna !
Today I had a reply from Algot Andersons daughter in Nelson (whom I contacted through the anglican church). It turned out that there were two Algot Anderson...and the nurse whom you spoke with did remember correctly when she said that it was about two years since her Algot passed away ! The daughter was kind enough to write to me to tell me that she thought her father was not the person I was looking for. Her father came to Canada in 1927 on his own, leaving parents, brothers and sisters in Sweden.  
Strange, isn't it ? Two persons in the same small town, with the same unusual (first) name...
I will have to write to her to thank her for her information.
Regards, Pernilla

2000-09-04, 21:46
Svar #223

Utloggad Gunnar Nässén

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 36
  • Senast inloggad: 2015-09-19, 11:39
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Hi Donna,
In 1980 a history book was published about the community where John Uno's parents homesteaded, together with a write-up of pioneers who lived there and there you can read: '...  In December 1908 Dad's brother, John Fogelberg and family arrived at Bawlf from Sweden and spent the winter with the Larson brothers. Fogelberg worked as a carpenter in Daysland and Bawlf, later moving to Medicine Hat. '
In a letter from John Uno in October 6, 1998, he says as follows: 'John Fogelberg, his wife Hilda and one daughter Thea arrived late in 1908. They later moved to Medicine Hat where he worked as a carpenter fo several years. They later filed on a homestead in south eastern Alberta. There was a severe draught at that time so many homesteaders were forced to give up their land and move. In 1914 John Fogelberg was conscripted into the army. When the war ended in 1918 he went to the States and left his family. Hilda later remarried. Presumably he did carpenters work in the Chicago area. We have no record of what happened to him.'
In another letter from July 15, 1998, John Uno says: '... I received a letter from him in 1934 and since than nobody heard from him again.'
I met John Uno for the first time last summer in Lethbridge when he celebrated his 90 year birthday. It was a fantastic week in the beautiful land of Alberta and for the first time in my life I had a 90 year old driver with his Plymouth driving us around in Lethbridge! We had a lot of talking that week about ancestors and relatives.
I will ask him for the 1934 letter from John Fogelberg and also about the divorce of John and Hilda Fogelberg. However, it will take some weeks to receive his answer.
There is something strange with John Fogelberg and his family! When he left Sweden at the end of 1908 he did not report his emigration to the Vännäs parish register. 1909, 1910 and 1911 it is unknown in the census registration where they are staying and 1911 the family is noted in the parish register of missing persons!
There are three daughters in the marriage (as informed by John Uno):
1. Fogelberg, Thea Linnea. Born 1908-07-08 in Jörn, Västerbotten. Died 1970.  
Married to Fleetham, (?).  
Fleetham, Gordon.  
2. Fogelberg, Elisabeth Helga (Betty). Born 1909-06-06 in Alberta, Kanada.  
Married 1927-07-23 to Johnson, Leslie.  
Johnson, Le Roy. Married 1977-12-29 to McCormack, Lynne.  
3. Fogelberg, Hilda. Born 1911-03-19 in Alberta, Kanada. Moves to USA.  
Married to van Zanten (?), Peter.  
Thanks for your interest.
Gunnar Nässén

2000-09-05, 03:58
Svar #224

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Pernilla!  That was kind of her to let you know.  I agree it is rather unusual to find two Algot's within such a small region...but obviously they both were there!  
So the nurse's message was correct...and that Algot passed much more recently than your Algot.  
Therefore those articles (obituaries etc.) from the historical society inquiry reply were accurate in that your Algot passed away in 1987.
I guess with that kind of gap (about ten years) I should have thought that there was another!
Well, are we in line for another phone call, Pernilla?!  I'm up for it...!  Perhaps the Taylors?  
Have you already written to Mr. Kellner...I mean in light of the phone call I had with him learning that he was indeed the one who knew Ossian?  (I knew you wrote something prior to that call, correct?)
I must say that I pulled out all the information I had collected so far (I keep copies until the search is done!-so there is a Pernilla file!), and it really was quite touching to look at it all now, having seen who he actually was.  That really was something else and I thank you again for sharing that with me.  
There must be a way to figure out about Rosie...
in that picture of them, Ossian looks as though he may be in his thirties (or so) wouldn't you agree?  I have been thinking alot about how we might proceed...and am still thinking!!
Well, I hope to speak with you again soon and perhaps I will find something more!!
Kind regards,

2000-09-05, 06:35
Svar #225

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Gunnar,
That was another interesting posting.  I have a few thoughts about all of it...hope that is OK!
From what you noted (information from John Uno), I suppose that he (John Uno) did not remain in touch with his cousins-John Fogelberg's daughters-or his aunt?  Who were John Uno's parents...which sibling of Jonas Eriksson?  Just wondering...
So I guess John Fogelberg did not keep contact with his daughters (or his family) after leaving either?
Just to check/verify it again, I went back and tried to find John Fogelberg in the CEF files for WW1 and that name is definitely not found there.  Any thoughts (details) on when he actually took this name?  I realize the history book notes him as such (implying at arrival, yes?)...but perhaps he did not legally change it then (or ever) and thus registered for service under his proper legal name...possible, yes?  I did find 8 John Erickson's and one John Erikson...but which would be him?  There is no way to tell without placing a formal inquiry with the National Archives in Ottawa...
If the information about his name change is correct-and he did indeed serve in the forces for the first WW...he should be found there...hmmm...
again since the change may not have been formally done-perhaps he had to register for service under his legal name?!?
I would assume from your note...that Eriksson was adjusted (within the family) to be Erickson (not Erikson),correct?!
Since you mentioned the filing for a homestead-I went to check the dominion land grants database...and again no John Fogelberg.  There were 8 Fogelberg's, but no John or Jonas.  There were 15 John Erickson's and 6 John Erikson' again there is no way to determine which was the correct one without placing a formal inquiry.
I also went to check out Bawlf and Daysland Alberta.  They are only 16km (10 miles) from one another.  Medicine Hat is further SE-approximately 342 km (214 miles) from Bawlf.
Did Hilda and the children stay in the Medicine Hat area after John's departure?  
I tried searching the SSDI for the USA (John Fogelberg) and did find four matches but again the birthdate you provided is not found.  The closest year was 1884.  Then I tried John Erickson and did find 3 that were born in June of 1882...again no exact matches.  The actual dates of birth were: June 7,9,11.  Perhaps John could have been not so good with remembering his own birthday?  My two brothers have always had trouble keeping track, you know what I mean?!!
That is enough for today...I will look into what USA city directories are available at the one reference library here.  I know they have a large microfilm collection of ones from the USA but am not sure of exactly what years are there.  So are we then relatively sure that he left right after the war ended (1918)?
One other possible avenue would be border entry records.  I don't know if the USA used such a thing...Canada did starting at 1909 for people entering Canada from border entry points along the Canada/USA borders (there were many!).  Prior to that time individuals could travel between the two countries quite freely.
This is getting rather long so I will go for today.  Please let me know your thoughts....

2000-09-05, 20:39
Svar #226

Utloggad Gunnar Nässén

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 36
  • Senast inloggad: 2015-09-19, 11:39
    • Visa profil
Hi Donna,
Today I found some interesting information about Fogelberg. The University in Bergen, Norway, has a digital archive with emigrants from whole Scandinavia. Searching that archive I found following:
HarborDateNameProfessionBorn FromToShipLine  Trondheim1908/02/12Jonas FågelbergCarpenter1882VännäsBawlf, AlbertaSalmoCanadian  Trondheim1908/02/12Hilda Fågelberg1888VännäsBawlf, AlbertaSalmoCanadian  Trondheim1908/02/12Thea Fågelberg1908VännäsBawlf, AlbertaSalmoCanadian    
The tickets are paid in America. Perhaps the arrival passenger lists can tell anything about his name in Canada!
This was new information for me but I remember his brother Eric Erickson started from the same harbor 1905. However he then went via Liverpool in England to Quebec in Canada with the C.P.R Lake Erie.
I also have checked the Vännäs catechism records and it seems he changed his name in Sweden from Eriksson to Fågelberg around 1900 but if the name Fogelberg was registered as his legal name in Canada I don't know. In some information about the family compiled by John Uno it is just mentioned ' took the name John Fogelberg'.
If he used the name Eriksson it could be spelled Erickson, Ericson or Erikson.  
Today I have sent a letter to John Uno Erickson in Lethbridge asking him about John Fogelberg, the letter from 1934 and Hildas name after remarried. I also sent you an email with a family table enclosed where you can read about John Fogelberg , his brothers and sisters. Three brothers and one sister emigrated to Canada!
Gunnar Nässén

2000-09-06, 02:03
Svar #227

Ishbel Cormack

  • Gäst
Gunnar:Do you have the web address for the Bergen University Archives site? I got through to the university but could not find the data base.I would appreciate help with this.

2000-09-06, 03:50
Svar #228

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Ishbel!  In case Gunnar hasn't already sent it to you..I forwarded his message to me-to you- which includes the link!
Best regards,

2000-09-07, 21:05
Svar #229

Utloggad Gunnar Nässén

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 36
  • Senast inloggad: 2015-09-19, 11:39
    • Visa profil
Hi Donna,
Thanks to Sue Swiggum at TheShipsList I have recognized the ship from Liverpool to Halifax for Jonas Fågelberg and his family. It must have been the Canadian Pacific Railway Co EMPRESS OF BRITAIN with departure from Liverpool 1908-12-11 and arrival in Halifax 1908-12-18.
The passenger manifests should be on film number T-4734 at the National Archives of Canada. Do you know if it is possible do a look-up?
Gunnar Nässén

2000-09-08, 04:58
Svar #230

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Gunnar!  How wonderful!  I have had help a time before from Sue-and she is great.  This is strange...but I had visited her site after our last contact to check my thought on the Salmo-and was going to tell you that the Salmo was indeed simply a feeder ship to England...and that they must have taken a transatlantic steamer for the rest for the remainder of the journey...and here you have found that out-and the actual trans-atlantic ship they sailed aboard!
Well your news is good news...and I can happily tell you that I certainly do have access to those very reels at the reference library here in Toronto (same as NA...that's where they are from!)
I will be going there in the next few days, so you can consider it done, OK?!!!
I'll be back after...

2000-09-09, 08:21
Svar #231

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Gunnar:  I made it to the library later on today...and did find the Empress of Britian on microfilm reel T-4734 BUT your Jonas, Hilda and Thea were not listed/found there! (?)  I looked for Fogelberg, Eriksson...and any possible variations-but nothing even close.  It wasn't that hard to check as the entire manifest was only 2 pages (unusually short manifests/rather common in the winter season).
I will back there tomorrow and will check all the other ships around the same date...I will let you know the results then.

2000-09-09, 19:47
Svar #232

Utloggad Gunnar Nässén

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 36
  • Senast inloggad: 2015-09-19, 11:39
    • Visa profil
Hi Donna,
I wonder what's the problem with Fogelberg? The Digital archive says 'Canadian' for shipping line and the only CPR ship in the first half of December 1908 was EMPRESS OF BRITAIN. Sue had some suggestions about arrival via US ports and she gave me following ships too:
  CORSICANLiverpool1908-12-04Halifax1908-12-13AT-4734 LAURENTIANGlasgow1908-12-05Halifax1908-12-18AT-4734 PRETORIANLiverpool1908-12-12Halifax1908-12-24AT-4734 LUSITANIALiverpool1908-12-05New York1908-12-12CUNT-4699 CELTICLiverpool1908-12-04New York 1908-12-14WST-4699 PHILADELPHIASouthampton1908-12-05New York1908-12-14AMT-4699 TEUTONICSouthampton1908-12-09New York1908-12-19WST-4699 CAMPANIALiverpool1908-12-12New York1908-12-21CUNT-4699 SAXONIALiverpool1908-12-?Boston1908-12-11CUNT-4689  
Perhaps the family changed their names completely before arrival in Canada! I will check with Sue at the ShipsList if there are other possible CPR ships in December 1908.

2000-09-09, 23:57
Svar #233

Utloggad Gunnar Nässén

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 36
  • Senast inloggad: 2015-09-19, 11:39
    • Visa profil
Hi Donna,
I just received an email from Sue at the ShipsList with an attached excel file with all ships carrying Canadian bound passengers, which departed England in December 1908 and arrived at North America the same month. Just forwarded it to you in a mail.
Sue also points out that there may be an error on the listing on the emigrant protocol. May be Fogelberg said he was taking a ship to Canada, and they just wrote Canadian ... just grasping at straws (Sue says). Her tip - don't be sure of a CPR ship and don't forget to check Allan Line ships too!  
Nice and very helpful girl, Sue!

2000-09-10, 07:42
Svar #234

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Gunnar!  I saw your message and sent you a reply (can't access it) this point I will just check both, OK?!...after all, it is not that much difference as there weren't as many ships or passengers at that time of year anyway.  Now, if it had been June/July we'd be in for a big job!!
Yes I know Sue is just wonderful!  When I was looking for one of my ancestors trips in 1913 aboard the Corsican, I couldn't find drove me crazy (OK...crazier!!).  The family was sure they landed at Halifax.  Sue looked it up after my plead for help-and told me that the Corsican only landed in May at Quebec...and guess what?  I found them in mere minutes! (I should have thought of that-but in any case it was a good lesson about how facts can change over the years!).
Did Sue not suggest that a landing in December could have also been at the port of Quebec?  Just wondering as the USA would seem unlikely to me-not impossible but it would be the first time I would see that (they were destined to Alberta, Canada), you know?  
Well,I will get to it and be back to you, OK?  Don't worry about the file...I don't really need it in this instance.
Kind regards,

2000-09-10, 18:29
Svar #235

Anders Stensmo

  • Gäst
I am looking for relatives to Torsten Röden, he and an other brother(Eric who lived in Chicago) took the name of Rodin.
Torsten was born in Sweden April 14 1907, he emigrated to Winnipeg in December 1926 and died in Sussex, BC, March 5 1974. Where and when he died I found in Death Index for BC.  
Melody is the name of his daughter and I believe she was born in the fourties. Since the Birth Index for BC (on internet) not covers that time period I have not found her.
He had a brother, Olof Valter Röden, born Oct 1 1902, who emigrated to Winnipeg in April 1928. I have no information if he also took the name of Rodin.
How to find more information?

2000-09-14, 19:16
Svar #236

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Gunnar!  I have tried to post a few messages to you here...but apparently there have been system problems of some kind.
I won't go on too long last few times the message didn't even post...but I am still looking for you...will be back again soon-hopefully with good news for you!

2000-09-14, 19:24
Svar #237

Utloggad Gunnar Nässén

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 36
  • Senast inloggad: 2015-09-19, 11:39
    • Visa profil
Hi Donna,
There has been some system works and installation of an updated software last days so the system has been shot down for two days.
For the moment it seems as the system is OK!

2000-09-14, 19:45
Svar #238

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Anders!  I checked the National Archives of Canada database for immigrants arriving bewteen 1925-1935..but could not find Torsten listed...? Could he have come a little earlier than 1926?  I will check the form 30A's next time I go-it doesn't take long...
I did find the immigration/passenger arrival form for Olof Walter Röden, 25 (single).  Rodin is also listed (manually added above the Röden entry line).  He is listed as born in Alsen, Sweden (some other passengers listed from there too).  He sailed aborad the S.S. Gripsholm which departed from Gothenburg on April 28,1928.  He landed at Halifax on May 6,1928.  
His destination?  To his brother- Torsten Rodin, 311 Ellen Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba.  It appears that he was naturalized as of (or on) January 23,1943 (this is manually added to the form).
Actually one other man listed from Alsen, Sweden is also noted to Torsten's address (relationship- friend). His name was Einar Mattias Strömmer, age 20.
Well, I am not sure what else may be available...but will take a look.  
Of course, here birth records are sealed for 100 years after the event in most provinces (BC included)...and some never open them(only family inquiries permitted where fees must be paid)...
also it is of course possible that Melody married-but those type of records are sealed for 75 years (in BC anyway)so you would have no way to find her married name.
Hmmm...let me ponder this a little and I'll get back to you...

2000-09-14, 20:50
Svar #239

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Anders: Hi again!  I quickly checked the phone directory for British Columbia-and there are currently 11 Rodin's listed.  Could one perhaps be a wife to Torsten?  Three listings are for people residing in Surrey, BC...perhaps a connection?  There is also one M. Rodin...but I really don't think this would be Melody...unless she never married...?
By the way, Surrey BC is where Torsten Rodin passed away (from the BC index)...not Sussex.
Until later,

2000-09-18, 20:12
Svar #240

Anders Stensmo

  • Gäst
Donna C!
Thanks for your investigation. I don't think that Torsten wife can be alive, if she was about the same age as Torsten, he was born 1902.
Where in Canada do you live?

2000-09-18, 23:25
Svar #241

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Anders: Hi!  I was more thinking along the lines that one of them may be of some relation(?)...not exclusively that one may be Torsten's wife.  You did not mention his wife's name in your original message(?).    
Did Torsten have any other children besides Melody?  What about his brother Olof Valter?  
Did he remain here, marry, have children?  Do you know?
I live in the city of Toronto in the province of Ontario.

2000-09-19, 20:23
Svar #242

Anders Stensmo

  • Gäst
Donna! I have no name for Torsten?s wife and all I know about him is that he moved to BC and died there 1974. Olof Valter (maybe Walter) seems to have gone into smoke after he arrived to Torsten in Manitoba 1928. Is it perhaps possible to look for him in the files in Manitoba?

2000-09-21, 19:59
Svar #243

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Anders!  I have ordered a copy of Torsten's death certificate-as it may have some information (the informant is usually a relative).  
As far as Olof Valter (Walter), I will see what I can find...Manitoba isn't as easy to search as some other Canadian provinces....
I'll be back,

2000-09-26, 21:17
Svar #244

Stefan Sorensson

  • Gäst
Hi Donna,
Just wanted to let you know I got back safely from my trip to Canada. Had a nice vacation.
Thanks for the copies! Very interesting and helpful.
Will be looking forward to hear more about what you find regarding my relatives in Canada.

2000-09-27, 04:07
Svar #245

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Stefan!  Glad to hear you are back and that you had such a nice vacation.  You are welcome for the pleasure!
I haven't had as much time lately at the libraries, but hope to have more soon...and you will surely hear from me then, OK?!
All the best,

2000-09-27, 18:19
Svar #246

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Anders!  Ishbel has obtained the death certificate for Torsten...and found his wife's name-and perhaps a link to a living daughter-more to come from her later...  
We both will mail you the forms we have found (for Torsten and Olof Valter)if you will send me your mailing address, privately of course.
No new information for Olof Valter...yet.  I am trying a few other resources though.  Perhaps more will be found-if so, I'll let you know...

2000-09-27, 20:22
Svar #247

Ishbel Cormack

  • Gäst
Anders: An obituary,March 5,1974 for Torsten says that at that time he was survived by the following:
-his wife Viki(Virginia Hjoris Johansson on death registration))
-1 son Raynard at home
-2 daughters,Melody at home and Mrs.R(Ida)Slaneff, Surrey(Mrs.R Slansff was the informant on the death registration.There is a R.R.Slaneff in the current phone book listing Surrey residents)
-2 brothers. Ole in Surrey and Erik in Chicago
-a sister-in-law Pauline Johansson, Trinidad  
I have information from 1974 to 1995 from the directories so will mail that to you with the other information when I get your address.I just thought you might be anxious to get these names now.

2000-09-28, 13:39
Svar #248

Anders Stensmo

  • Gäst
Hi Donna and Ishbel!
My mail adress is: Dalenum 2, 181 70 Lidingö, Sweden. what about your expenses?

2000-09-29, 07:18
Svar #249

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Anders!  The form I will be sending is the arrival/immigration record for Olof Valter...and it was only a little tme to find it, print it -and now to mail it...don't worry about any expenses.  It's not a problem!
Ishbel has sent me a mail about the records she located and she has already posted them to you...and I know she feels the same's our pleasure to help out!
I'm in a bit of a rush today...but will be back soon...

2000-09-30, 16:21
Svar #250

Stefan Sorenson

  • Gäst
HI Donna,
Will be looking forward to hearing what you may find.
Just for your info. I don't check my e-mail etc. on a daily basis, usually twice a week. Just in case you wonder why I don't reply right away.

2000-10-04, 21:44
Svar #251

Utloggad Gunnar Nässén

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 36
  • Senast inloggad: 2015-09-19, 11:39
    • Visa profil
Hi Donna,
Back in Sweden again and still waiting for an answer from John Uno Erickson in Lethbridge, Alberta. Did you find anything in the passenger manifests december 1908 about John (Jonas) Fogelberg and his family?
Had a talk with one of my second cousins in Stockholm yesterday. She told me that she once met one of Fogelberg's daughters visiting Sweden in the 60's. It was Elisabeth Helga (Betty) married with Leslie Johnson and she had mentioned that John Fogelberg some time probably had been in prison in the US.
Since then my second cousin had no contact with them and she has now idea of what happened to John Fogelberg.
My regards,
Gunnar Nässén

2000-10-11, 00:29
Svar #252

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hey there Gunnar and Stefan!  I have been away for a little bit...and quite haven't had much time as of late.  I will hopefully have information for you both soon (and a few others!).
Kind regards,

2000-10-24, 19:32
Svar #253

Utloggad Gunnar Nässén

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 36
  • Senast inloggad: 2015-09-19, 11:39
    • Visa profil
Hi Donna,
Today I received a letter from John Uno Erickson in Lethbridge, Alberta, with some information about John Fogelberg.  
Following is from his letter :
John and Hilda Fogelberg arrived in Alberta just before Christmas in 1908. They were to have helped my mother with farming that winter while dad (Eric Erickson) was in Edmonton attending Alberta College to improve on his education and english..
After staying with mother on the homestead for a very short time, they left and spent the rest of the winter with the Larson brothers, who at that time were all single. They then moved to Daysland in the Spring of 1909 where John did carpentar work. Later they moved to Medicine Hat.
About 1912 Fogelberg decided to take up homesteading about 80 miles southwest of Medicine Hat, just a short distance north of the Montana border (Pendant d'Oreille). During the time he lived in Medicine Hat he made a good living doing carpentar work. However, some homestead land was still available and dozens of families were moving into this one area, so he decided to make the change.
In the early 1970's while I was with the Alberta Government, I made a visit to this area (Pendant d'Oreille) on an inspectation trip with the possibility of establishing a natural area Provincial Park in the vicinity of the Milk River. In 1970 a history book had been published about this area and the early homesteaders, and I was fortunately able to obtain a copy. Imagine my surprise when I discovered that Fogelberg had also homesteaded here.
When I travelled through this area on my inspection trip all or most of the early settlers had moved away or died. I saw many abandoned houses and farm buildings, all in bad condition or fallen down, complete desolation, , a sad sight. On account of many years of drought and poor crops these early settlers were forced to leave or starve to death. I located the quarter section where the Fogelberg family once lived. There was nothing there but a hole in the ground for a cellar where the house had been, some scraps of lumber, broken dishes, bottles and so on. I also found where he had broken up a few acres and tried to grew some grains and a garden.
This area where Fogelberg homesteaded is a scene of complete desolation, open prairie for miles, not a tree anywhere, and drought stricken. I felt sad when I stood there and thought about what they must have endured.
When Fogelberg got into trouble with the law he abandoned his family and joined the army in WWI. I don't think there was a divorce, she probably got a court order for a legal separation because of desertion. Later Hilda married Knut Mattson, another of the homesteaders there.
The war ended in 1918 and when he received his discharge I remember that he visited our family on the Bawlf homestead for a short time. It must have been after this visit that he went to the States.
The letter I received from Fogelberg was posted in Joliet, Illinois on May 4, 1934. He was on a holiday and was going to visit in St Louis and Boston before returning to Chicago. He had a good job doing carpenter work and appeared to be in good spitits. He mentioned that times had been quit bad during the depression but now things were beginning to improve. He promised to write again, and sent greetings to the family, but I never heard from him again.
Following is from the history book (Pendant d'Oreille) 1970:
John Fogelberg was a carpenter by trade and built houses in Medicine Hat before he decided to come homesteading in Pendant d'Oreille. It was about 1912 when he moved out here with his wife and two daughters, Thea and Helga. He built a house on his homestead, and began to break his land.
John became entangled with the law over som bad cheques, and served time in jail for this offense. His family was left out here on the homestead and he finally abandoned them. He served in the army during the First World war, but never returned to Pendant d'Oreille.
Mrs. Hilda Fogelberg worked in the cook car for Parkinson's threshing crew to support herself and her girls. She also took on the task of baking the bread for the police officers stationed at the detachment in Pendant d'Oreille. They would supply her with the flour and she would let them know when she needed more.
Later on, Hilda lived with Louis and Mike Amb because her house was too cold to stay in during the winter months.
Hilda Fogelberg was an attractive girl, and very popular in the community. She later married Knute Mattson, a bachelor in (section) 3-8, and lived with him on his homestead with her two girls (?). Thea and Helga attended school at Dow during those years.
Hilda and her daughters later returned to the United States (?). Hilda is dead now, and Thea also passed away recently. Helga occasionally visits Knute here and keeps in touch with him.
John's comments:
Helga was living with her husband Leslie Johnson in Victoria on Vancouver Island, she probably died around 1980. Thea was also living in the Vancouver area when she passed away 1970. They lost contact with the youngest sister Hilda who probably moved to the United States, before or after her marriage!
My regards

2000-11-01, 08:47
Svar #254

Utloggad Agne Adolfsson

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 198
  • Senast inloggad: 2023-07-28, 23:27
    • Visa profil
My grandmothers onkel disapeard in Kanada. Is there anyone how can give me some tip how to  
trace him?
Erik Irenius Eriksson b 1881-12-15 in Aborrkärn Karlskoga, Sweden.
Father: Erik Eriksson   1852-1925
Mother: Matilda Nilsson 1854-1933
Military service in Örebro 1902.
Moved from Utterbäck in Karlskoga and came to Quebec in Canada sept 9 or 10 1908, with RMS  
Empress of Ireland. I think he was unmarried (at that time).
May 29 1909 he lives in Winnepeg, Logan Ave 446, Manitoba, and works on a brickyard.
He is not mentioned in his fathers estate inventory.
Best regards, Agne

2000-11-07, 01:49
Svar #255

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi everyone!  I got a surprise visit (2 weeks) from my twin sister...and my father has been rather ill-therefore I have not been around here much-if at all.  
I haven't forgotten any of you that I have had contact with...but am very far behind in my searching for you all-as I have not had any time to go to either of the libraries.  My sister has now gone back home and my father is doing a little I hope that I will have some searching time(and news!)for you soon.
Kind regards,

2000-11-11, 22:42
Svar #256

Utloggad Inger Mella

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 34
  • Senast inloggad: 2010-07-20, 19:01
    • Visa profil
Can anybody help me to find two brothers who imigrate to Canada.
Erik Calixtius Eriksson born 1884 7/7, Åsele, Västerbotten, Sweden, emig. 1904
and his brother
Frans Gunnar Eriksson born 1887 4/10, Åsele, Västerbotten, Sweden. emig. 1909.
Inger Mella

2000-11-12, 06:58
Svar #257

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Inger!  I am presently working on a few requests for other people...and am looking for records both in 1903 and I will certainly keep an eye out for these two gentlemen too.
Can you please tell me...which is the correct birthdate for Frans?  Is it April 10-or November 4?
Also, do you have any other information/clues?  What time of year did each of them emigrate (a month-or season)?  Where did they land, did they change their names (Canadianize them I mean-Erikson, Ericson)...anything else you can share with me?
Well, I will try to help you too...I will wait to see your reply to this message-and we will go from there, OK?!
Yours truly,

2000-11-12, 10:31
Svar #258

Utloggad Inger Mella

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 34
  • Senast inloggad: 2010-07-20, 19:01
    • Visa profil
Hi Donna!
Frans was born 4 october 1889. I don?t know anything else about them so I realy need help.

2000-11-13, 01:27
Svar #259

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi again Inger!  Thanks for your prompt reply and the clarification on Frans's birthdate.  I accidentally wrote November (oops!) when I meant October.
One more do/did you know the years of emigration that you provided?
Well, it could take a little while as I will have to check name by name/ship by ship for the entire year-for each gentleman...but I will do what I can for you!!  As I said I am working on some requests for others that cover the same years so...we'll see what we can do!
Yours truly,

2000-11-14, 22:41
Svar #260

Utloggad Thomas Sjöndin

  • Anbytare ***
  • Antal inlägg: 170
  • Senast inloggad: 2024-06-27, 13:54
    • Visa profil
My grandfather Anton Sundin left Gothenburg, Sweden 14 july 1905 heading for Nelson, B C.  
First of all I would like to know if this can be anything else but Fort Nelson in north eastern British Columbia?
Assuming he arrived and stayed there for a while, is there any way of confirming his presence in this area?
What sources are generally available? As far as I know he did not get married or became father during his 15 years in North America after which he returned to Sweden.

2000-11-15, 04:33
Svar #261

Ishbel Cormack

  • Gäst
There is a Nelson B.C in the south east corner of British Columbia about 60km north of the American border.
I do not live in B.C. but I visit Vancouver and know the main library there has directories for most of the places in BC. The older ones are in the special collections area and some go back to 1905. If you place a request on the forum, genforum,under the section British Columbia maybe someone will search the name for you.
I will not be going there until next Feb.

2000-11-15, 22:06
Svar #262

Utloggad Inger Mella

  • Anbytare **
  • Antal inlägg: 34
  • Senast inloggad: 2010-07-20, 19:01
    • Visa profil
Hi Donna!
I find the year if emigration in churchbook.

2000-11-16, 05:28
Svar #263

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Inger!  Thanks for clarifying's good to know.
I will be back!

2000-11-16, 21:52
Svar #264

Thomas Löfgren

  • Gäst
Dear Donna
My name is Thomas Löfgren and i am looking for some of my relatives that left for Canada in the beginning of 1900. I would be greateful if you could in some way help me locate where they went further in Canada. Here are the persons i am looking for.
Anna Maria Andersdotter Åkerberg(Rosenholm), b. 1845-03-28 in Kaskö, Finland,
d. 1914-07-08 in Nyvik, Alnö parish, Sweden.
Left to Boston june 20 1906
1. Children:
Frans Ferdinand Rosenholm  
b. 1876-04-03 i Kaskö, Finland.  
Left to America september 5 1902.
Emmigrated to Quebec 1902-09-19
ticketnumber 71:147:486 from Gothenburg, Sweden
Married  1902-09-05 i Alnö parish, Sweden with  
Ida Maria Andersson, b. 1879-08-19 i Ortviken, Skön parish, Sweden.
Left to America 1904-10-14.
Emmigrated to New York 1904-10-28  
ticketnumber 77:347:411 from Gothenburg, Sweden
Anna Maria Rosenholm, b. 1902-05-29 i Nyvik, Alnö parish, Sweden.
Left to America 1904-10-14. With her mother
Emmigrated to New York 1904-10-28 med
ticketnumber 77:347:411 from Gothenburg, Sweden
2. Oskar Alexander Rosenholm, b. 1884-05-25 i Nyvik, Alnö parish, Sweden.
Left to America 1902-09-05.
Emigrated to Quebec 1902-09-19  
ticketnumber 71:147:486 from Gothenburg, Sweden
3. Gustav Adolf Rosenholm b. 1890-01-27 i Nyvik, Alnö parish, Sweden.
Left to America 1902-09-05.
Emigrated to Quebec 1902-09-19.  
ticketnumber 71:147:486 from Gothenburg, Sweden
4. Ester Elisabet Rosenholm, b. 1894-02-05 i Nyvik, Alnö parish, Sweden
Left to America 1902-09-19.
Emigrated to Quebec 1902-09-19  
ticketnumber 71:147:486 from Gothenburg, Sweden
Best Regards
Thomas Löfgren

2000-11-16, 23:03
Svar #265

Donna Corlett

  • Gäst
Hi Thomas!  I will gladly look into these and see what I can find for you.  I am working on a few right now (some stubborn ones that just don't seem as though they want to be found!) so it may take a little while -but not too long!  I'll certainly make it as soon as possible, OK?!
All the best,

2000-11-17, 20:14
Svar #266

Thomas Löfgren

  • Gäst
Hi Donna!
That?s allright with me
I wish you the same

2000-11-19, 18:39
Svar #267

Solveig Persson

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Efterlyser Roger Magnusson som förra hösten sökte uppgifter om Israel Adolf Strand och dennes son Algot som båda emigrerade till Canada. Adolf Strand var min morfars bror och jag söker därför samma uppgifter. Vad har du fått fram? Var kan jag hitta dig?
Solveig Persson

2000-11-19, 22:19
Svar #268

Utloggad Susanne Rönnberg

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  • Antal inlägg: 51
  • Senast inloggad: 2012-02-01, 22:57
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I'm trying to find some relatives in Canada. Nobody today knows so much about this, so I have go on what I have.
I have a family that emigrated to Northamerica in different times. I start with their names and birthdates.
Father: Matts Mickelsson born 1847-08-18 in Vörå, Finland
Mother: Katarina Magdalena Dahlberg born 1848-08-23 in Gideå
d. Matilda Kristina Mickelsson born 1873-06-10 in Tuna
s. Carl Johan Mickelsson born 1876-02-19 in Stöde
d. Josefina Mickelsson born 1881-02-27 in Stöde
d. Eugenia Katarina born 1887-10-15 in Sundsvall
Emigrationdates according to the churchbooks:
Matilda Kristina April or November 11 1895
Carl Johan April 13 1897
Josefina April 19 1900
Matts, Katarina Magdalena and Eugenia Katarina Marsh 28 1907
There are a couple of letters from them that where found when my grandmother died. Here's the fact from them.
A postcard to my grandmother on her birthday. Postmark Marchwell Sask February 11 1911. The wishes are from her grandparents (Matts and Katarina Magdalena), Jennie (Eugenia) and Carley (Carl Johan)
My grandmother and Uncle Charles wrote to each other, but unfortunably there are no letters from him. But I do know that he moved from Marchwell Sask but not where.
Josefina lived in Marchwell Sask, she got my grandmothers mail for Charles and wrote to my grandmother. This is what I found out about her. The letter is dated 1946. Josefina could have left Sweden one year earlier than it saids in the churcbooks. She mentions that my grandmother was 6 years when Josefina left Sundsvall. My grandmother was born 1893. I'm not sure if this is right, but it looks as if she writes that her father still lives in the house where her mother used to live. That means that Katarina Magdalena died before 1946 but Matts was still alive. Josefina had two children Elsa and Joseph, both married and had two children each, a boy and a girl. But they didn't live in Marchwell.  She writes about aunt Matilda that also lives in Marchwell. The adress she wanted my grandmother to write to was: Mrs Josephina (not sure of her spelling) Bartley, Marchwell Sask, Canada.
Another letter was from Jennie (Eugenia). She lived also in Marchwell, letter dated Feb. 3 1955. But nothing about any children or marrige or so. But they wrote to each other a lot, so she might have wrote that in earlier letter. So about Eugenia an Matilda I don't now so much.
I hope this may help a little.

2000-11-23, 10:37
Svar #269

Siv Nordlund (Siv)

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Can anybody help me to find descendants to my grandmothers Brother Anders Julius Rönnkvist born 1872/10/20 in Keupan Piteå,Sweden. He was married to Carolina Albina Dalström born 1883/05/12 in Norsjö, Sweden.
Emigrated from Göteborg 1909/07/12. Destination: Winnipeg.
Their address year 1947 was
RRI Port Kells BC
British Colombia

2000-12-01, 09:29
Svar #270

Carl G. Torstenson

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I am looking for information about my two Uncles: Torsten J. Torstenson and Carl Petter Torstenson.
Can anybody help me to make contakt with someone who knew them or lived some where near them and know anything about them?
Torsten left Sweden nov 15th 1902 from  Liverpool with the boat Ronna.He arrived later in Seattle where he was met by his Uncle and cusin,according to letters.From ca.1908 he built a small farm in Hughenden Alta.He stayed there until 1956 and later with his wife Linnea.1956 they move to Amisk Alta where they live to his death arround 1964 I think.
Carl Petter arrives in Seattle ca.april 10th 1905.Torsten and Carl work in different places, and Carl also stays by his brother some years before he becomes a trapper and maybe search for gold tempererely.The last heard from him,is from a hospital in Edinboury arround 1937.I think he dies there.
 I am grateful for any information!
 Carl G.Torstenson.

2000-12-01, 09:34
Svar #271

Annelie Carlsson

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Hello! Can anybody help me to find three brothers and a sister (theres family )who imigrate to Canada (Vancouver). The names is Mattias born 1877,Aron born 1879, Olov born 1889 and Märta Gunilla Arnesen born 1887,maybe they called Arneson.Olov have two children and there names is Ruby and Hoyd (Ruby have two children). This information came from a letter sent of Olov july 1952 to a brother here in Laxsjö,Jämtland,Swewden. Idon?t know so much where and when they came to Canada.I?m a grandchild to a sister to this ARNESEN or ARNESON people!!!(theres parents name was Arne Arnesen (from Grue, Kongsvinger, Norway)and  Maria Kristina from Finnvattnet, Jämtland, Sweden

2000-12-01, 19:23
Svar #272

Carl G. Torstenson

  • Gäst
Sorry I made some misstakes;
Torsten was born in 1884 and died in 1974.
Carl Petter Torstenson was born 1885 and died 1961.
C.P.T. was treated in hospital in Edmonton of-
course. They both emigrated from Broddetorp near
Falköping in Västergötland Sweden.There fathers name was Carl,they had three sisters and one brother named Herman who was my father.
                      Carl G Torstenson
                      S-74793 Alunda

2000-12-01, 19:46
Svar #273

Carl G. Torstenson

  • Gäst
Oops! I forgot one more thing! the state.
 Hughenden Alta in Alberta.
               Carl G.Torstenson

2000-12-05, 13:57
Svar #274

Utloggad Dag Bremberg

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  • Senast inloggad: 2015-02-11, 23:05
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Hallo out there!
I would be very happy if someone could help me with a relative who disappeared in Canada.  
Axel Rudolf Bremberg, born in Redslared Västergötland August 11, 1875. He emigrated in 1910, I think, and probably settled in Saskatchewan. He was married to an Ingrid Nelson (who might be related to the Nelson mentioned earlier here by Jens, but I think they were divorced).
I would be very gratefull for any help!!

2001-01-20, 16:22
Svar #275

Björn Nilsson

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Hallo !
Can anybody help me what happened with Oskar Viktor Strandberg (born 1888-03-11 Undersåker) who emigrated from Sweden, Mörsil via Trondheim? His brother Jöns Rickard (born 1886-05-09 Ramsjö) emigrates to, but with a false name. I fond Oskar on the ship Sigurd Jarl, Trondheim - Newcastle with Allen Line 1910-05-02 and destination Halifax. One of the brothers got an eye disease, which was treated in North America.

2001-01-21, 20:11
Svar #276

Andersson Ing-Britt

  • Gäst
Can anybody help me what happened with Andreasson Jonas
Born 1858-06-24 Ramdala, Blekinge. Who disappeared
from Sweden 1885-10-20? to Canada or USA?
I would be very gratefull for any help!

2001-02-15, 18:50
Svar #277

Lennart Johansson

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Erik Berggren, born 1909 in Mo parish, Vaesternorrlands län, Sweden, emigrated 1928 Aug-Sept to British Columbia, to get job as a woodman, lumberjack. He was accompanied by his friend Helmer Soederholm. In his first letter home his address was Adams Lake, Skulax, Nixans camp. He later sent a Cristmas card from Nelson. Since then nothing has been heard of the two boys.
Can anybody help us to get information on what happened to the two young boys?  
Best regards
Lennart Johansson

2001-03-07, 10:37
Svar #278

Utloggad Håkan Skogsjö

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  • Senast inloggad: 2013-04-24, 08:42
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Den allmänna och ganska ostrukturerade diskussionen om Canada avslutas härmed. I stället finns det nu möjlighet att skapa olika diskussioner under ämnet Canada. På så vis hoppas jag att ordningen ska bli bättre i denna avdelning samtidigt som möjligheterna till givande diskussioner blir bättre när inte alla inlägg blandas huller om buller. God fortsatt diskussion!

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