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Meddelanden - Douglas A Nelson

Sidor: [1]
I'm glad there is consensus on Marit as the bride!  Do think the boy Olof born on 6 (8?) July 1729 on the attached record also has the parents Pehr and Marit? If so, they obviously must be a different couple than the parents for Kierstin born on 21 September 1729. The location is different for Olof's birth.
Thank you.

Thank you for the follow-up.  I will try to sort this out.

Thank you very much!  I sure could not have understood that.

Could someone please help me read the attached marriage record from Örebro, Svennevad parish (C4 (1720-1751), p. 54)?  The marriage is on 4 Nov 1727 (right side of page). I believe the couple are Pehr Andersson from ?Gråbo and Pigan Gunnil ?Andersdotter. Are my questioned names correct? I can’t understand any of the last part of the record, so if you could help with that, I would appreciate it.  Thank you in advance.

Doug Nelson

Thank you Klas!  I see that Rusenberg is a town in Brålanda; I will look for her there.

(I erred in my last post: Petter's military name was Petter Johansson Lind, not Andersson Lind.)

Thank you Leif and Ulla for your help!  I too have lost track of Petter after 1805. I believe that he re-appears in 1808 at Berg Stommen in Sundals-Ryr, parish but I don't know if this is the same Petter.  He is in the military records as Petter Andersson Lind.

I wonder if someone might be able to read the farm that Petter's mother lived at when she married on 29 June 1777. I think the father is Johannes Andersson from Häljebyn. But I cannot read where Lisbeth Larsdotter lived at the time. The marriage record from Brålanda is attached.

Thank you again,
Doug Nelson

Could someone please interpret the note associated with the son Petter, in the family of Johannes Andersson at Fogelmyran?  Did he leave the farm along with a sibling in September 1805?  Does it say where he went?

Thank you,
Doug Nelson

Maud -- Thank you so much for taking the time to find that additional information for me! 

Doug N.

Thank you very much for that translation!  I am correct in thinking that I should be able to find her on p. 1762 of the 1947--  volumes? Or does that notation refer to something else?

General questions / Help with a household exam in Vänersborg
« skrivet: 2023-11-09, 10:55 »
Can someone please help me interpret the writing associated with Ida Oliva Lind’s name near the top of this page? I see that her husband Axel Andersson died in 1924, and that she must have moved sometime after 1946 (on page 1762 of the next, embargoed, volume, is that correct?) There is a reference to “Helldén” added in dark ink), and this is the name given on her gravestone in 1965. An identical notation is added on lines 15 & 16: the son and daughter of Ida and Axel. What happened on 4 February 1944? I can't find a marriage for her, at least not in Vänersborg.

Thank you for your help, Doug Nelson

Vänersborgs kyrkoarkiv, Församlingsböcker, SE/GLA/13632/A II a/9 (1914-1946), bildid: 00072758_00177, sida 223

General questions / SV: Help with household exam in Färgelanda
« skrivet: 2022-12-26, 11:52 »
Thank you very much for the help!

Doug Nelson

General questions / Help with household exam in Färgelanda
« skrivet: 2022-12-26, 10:50 »
Could someone please help me interpret one part of this household exam?  The last person on this page, Karl Johan Andersson, moved somewhere on 11 Nov 1915.  I do not understand what the abbreviations in the "Moving out" column mean.  What book does page 12 refer to?

Thank you for your help.

Doug Nelson


Thank you very much for the detailed translation. It allowed me to realize that I had the wrong birth
date and father for Ingeborg's daughter, who was my ancestor.  I found the correct information now. It is interesting that the death records in Stenbrohult back then are so lengthy (and forthright!).



I wonder if someone could please help me understand this death record for Ingeborg
Bengtsdotter (d. 18 Dec 1762) in Stenbrohult parish?  I think the first few lines say she
lived in Tångarna Smedsgård, was born in Höghult, and was married for some time to Jöns Germundsson from Höö. She had 4 children and was widowed for 14 1/2 years. I think she moved to Tångarna Smedsgård late in life. I can't make out the rest of it, other than she was 80 at her death. I'm not certain this is "my" Ingeborg, so I am hoping this record may allow me to confirm some other information I have about her.  I believe Jöns Germundsson was her second husband, but I can see no mention of anyone else in this record.

Thank you very much!
Doug Nelson

General questions / SV: Help reading two names
« skrivet: 2022-05-02, 12:53 »
Thank you very much for your help!  I could trace him back to 1761, but the records in Erikstad, and some parishes near there don't go back any further.  The Muster Roll gives his birthplace as "Dal", which doesn't help me much!  Oh well, it was worth the try.


General questions / Help reading two names
« skrivet: 2022-05-01, 19:54 »
I am trying to find the parents of Borta Torstendotter, probably in the area of Frändefors/Ör parishes. A household exam from Ör said she was born in 1738, with no parish mentioned. I did not find her birth there between 1737-1739. The first record I have is her marriage to Samuel (Mattsson) Dallof in Ör on 2 Mar 1771 at Orsberg Norra. (Ör (P) C:3 (1752-1814) Image 152 / Page 295.) Samuel lived at Orsberg Norra, and no location was given for Borta. She was listed as a widow. When she died in 1789, her estate inventory (attached here: Sundals häradsrätt (P) FIIa:25 (1789) Image 59 / Page 113) named a brother, Simon Torstensson at Göbyn in Erikstad parish. Since I can’t find anything else about Borta’s early life, I thought I would try to follow her brother Simon back in time to the birth family. There is a Simon O???  at Göbyn in the Erikstad tax records and household exams. Is it possible that Simon Torstensson changed his surname when he entered a trade, and this Simon O??? is Borta’s brother? Can someone please read this surname “O???” for me (I think it starts with an O)?

In the 1785 tax record for Erikstad (attached: Mantalslängder 1642-1820, Älvsborgs län, (1785), sida 418), there is a note opposite Simon O???’s name at Göbyn (first person on the left-hand page), which I think gives where he moved from. Could someone please confirm this and read the location?

Given how incomplete the records are in this area, trying to find Borta’s parents may be a long shot, but thought I would try this way. Thank you for your help.

Doug Nelson

Thank you so much for pointing me to the correct parish!  I sure could not make out the "S" at the beginning of Steneby.  I found Anders and his family at the farm Säbyn in Steneby before they moved to Dals-Ed.


General questions / Help with a tax record in Dals-Ed parish
« skrivet: 2021-12-19, 16:36 »
Could someone please translate the marginal note to the right of Anders Andersson at Bälnäs (in the middle of the left-hand page: Mantalslängder 1642-1820, Mantalslängder 1642-1820Älvsborgs län, SERA5520355203.15114 (1786), bildid A0003466_00315, sida 598)?  It seems to refer to the name of a parish, but I cannot match it to a parish near Dals-Ed.  This is the first year he lived there, so I would like to try to find where he moved from.

Thank you for your help,
Doug Nelson

Thank you very much for the translation of "hinderlös."  I have since found that they lived in Järbo 1785-1794 and married there in 1786.  Perhaps they lived in Högsäter only in 1795 before moving to Ödskölt in 1796.  Thank you again!

Hi, I am trying to find where and when Anders Jonsson and his wife Anna Jonsdotter were born and married.  I can’t find them in Släktdata for certain, so I am trying to work backwards through household exams. The earliest record I have for them is in Ödskölt parish (attached: Ödskölts kyrkoarkiv, Husförhörslängder, A I3 (1779-1797), sida 187).  They are on the left-hand side of the page, with a note “???? attest fr Högsäter”.  Can someone please read the first word in the note? I guess it is the name of a farm, but I can’t find one that looks like this word in Högsäter.

Thank you very much.
Doug Nelson

Thank you Ulla for looking into this further!  Yes, I see her on p. 105 with the July birthdate.  So, I can assume that is the date, and she just was left out of the birth records.  I have a number of other ancestors for whom I cannot find a birth record to match the household exams. Thanks again to all of you!

Thank you all for your great help!  I sure did not expect you to trace her forward and backwards in time for me.  Yes, she really did move around a lot.  I will try to look in the neighboring parishes for a birth record.

Would someone please be able to help me interpret this household exam (Dals-Ed-P-AI-11-1851-1855-Image-248-Page-235;  I am interested in Anna Kristina Jonasdotter, born in Ed, 1826.  In the “Inflyttad” column are some numbers I don’t understand.  I thought the “51” might refer to the year she moved in, but I can't find her there in the 1951 moving in records:
Dals-Ed (P) B:1 (1830-1860) Image 50 / Page 93

She is not at this farm in the 1846-1850 household exams.  She is still here in the 1856-1860 books, until she moved out upon her marriage.

Perhaps someone with sharper eyes can see her in the moving in records, or perhaps I am reading this wrong?  I realize moving records are far from complete. I can’t find a birth record for her in Slaktdata, nor in the Dals-Ed birth records, which is why I am trying to go back in time through the household exams.

Thank you in advance for your help,
Doug Nelson

General questions / SV: Reading help with a name
« skrivet: 2020-11-16, 03:35 »
Thank you so much for the translation!  I found Elin in the Stenbrohult AI:3/123 household exam.  There it said she was born in 1657.  If correct, she would indeed have been 93.  Maybe Ingier's birth is incorrect in the household exam?  There are no birth records back then, at least not in Stenbrohult, so I can't check.  Still, a remarkable coincidence!

Thank you again.

General questions / SV: Reading help with a name
« skrivet: 2020-11-16, 01:18 »
I think I have found this Ingier Germundsdotter's death on 10 April 1751 in Stenbrohult.  I wonder if someone could please help translate this for me?  I can understand that she was married for 19 years in Dihult, had 9 children (I have been able to find 7 born at Dihult), and died at Tångarna at 93 years of age of ålderdom.  I can't understand the rest of it.  I found her at Tångarna in the Stenbrohult AI:3 household exam.  There it said she was born in 1668; if true, she would have been 83, not 93, at her death.  Still, a long life!

Thank you for any help you can provide!

General questions / SV: Reading help with a name
« skrivet: 2020-11-15, 16:16 »
Thank you!

General questions / Reading help with a name
« skrivet: 2020-11-14, 17:59 »
Could someone please help me read the last name of the widow Ingier Gunnarsdotter? Germondsdotter?, the second to the last person listed on this household exam?  I see that her daughter Kirstin died, and Ingier moved to Agunnaryd parish (hope I got that right).

Thank you all for the help.
Doug Nelson

Still won't work.

Sorry, I can't upload the file I want to...

General questions / Help with two locations in Skaraborg län
« skrivet: 2020-10-29, 09:30 »
I'm having trouble reading two records concerning Anders Brandström, a soldier in Skaraborg län.  First is his marriage in Sal parish on 25 Jan 1776 to Carin Larsdotter.  I can see Anders is a soldier, but what are the two words after soldat?  I believe Carin lived at Bergsgården, but please correct me if I am wrong.

Second is the birth of their child Britta in Trökörna parish on 8 Nov 1777.  Was she born at Brandstorp?  It's odd that the capital "B" differs so much between Britta / Brandstorp and Brandström.

Any help you can provide is greatly appreciated!

Thank you,
Doug Nelson

Thank you both for your help!  The spelling of the places is unusual. 

General questions / Help with a birth record in Lane-Ryr parish
« skrivet: 2020-09-25, 20:00 »
In researching my ancestor Olof Wennerberg, I came across a record for a child, Lars, born out of wedlock on 17 May 1787 in Lane-Ryr parish (attached).  The transcription on Släktdata reads in part:  “Oäkta. Fadd: Dragon Olof Wenerberg på Singers ståm”… Could someone please tell me what role Olof played at this baptism?  I’m curious also what role Olof Söderbom “på Långe måssen” played.  I know both were dragoons, and assume they were sponsors of some kind, but I have never come across the terms used after their names before.  Several online dictionaries have not been able to help.  Thank you!

Doug Nelson

General questions / SV: Help with a tax record in Naglum parish
« skrivet: 2020-04-19, 20:00 »
Thanks so much!  Knowing his soldier's name, I was able to find his second marriage and then death in Väne-Ryr.

General questions / Help with a tax record in Naglum parish
« skrivet: 2020-04-19, 14:26 »

I am trying to find my ancestor Dragon Olof Andersson in Naglum parish.  He had 6 children, born at or near Hedetorp Södra between 1729 and 1749; and his wife Britta Olufsdotter died at Hedetorp in 1757.  I have been unable to find a death record for Olof anywhere, nor do I know his soldier’s name (there are a lot of Olof Anderssons listed in Central Soldiers in this area in the mid-1700’s), nor do I know when or where he was born.  Britta’s death record (below) does not mention that she was a widow, so I presume that Olof was still alive in 1757 when she died.  I thought I would try to follow him in the tax records, but I find this writing very difficult to read. 

I have reproduced my best guess from 1758: the Olof in the upper right corner, second person from the top.  Is this Hedetorp?  If so, is his soldier’s name Wennerdahl?  I think it says he is a widower in the comments.  If this is him I will try to follow him in the tax records and find him in Central Soldiers or the Muster Rolls.  If this isn’t Hedetorp, could you possibly page through the Naglum tax records and find Hedetorp Södra for me?  Here is the link:

I hope this isn’t asking too much!  I thank you for any help you can provide.

Doug Nelson

Thank you very much for looking at this.  Oh well, I thought I might get lucky, but not this time!

Could someone please help me read the attached tax record from 1756 at Hohl Larsg. in Västra Tunhem parish?  I believe Pehr Johansson moved in from Lunden, but I can't read the rest of the marginal comment opposite his name.  After posting this,  I now see that it is Lunden in Gärdhem parish.  His marriage record there in 1754 (which I just found) says the groom came from Skaraborg.  I hope this marginal comment may say where in Skaraborg he came from.

Thank you for your help,
Doug Nelson

Okay, thanks for that correction.  I guess this will remain a mystery -- it's not critical that I know where she was born!

Thank you again
Doug N.

Thank you very much for your help!  There is a location labelled "Intagan" about 5 km southwest of central Trollhättan along the Göta Canal (on a map on the Lantmäteriet website).  Their first child was born at Smedstakan, about 5 km northwest of Intagan.  Their third and fourth children were born at the farm Mr. Nordius located in the household exam (Skogsäter), a few km north of Intagan.  Perhaps Marta (the second child) was born in the  area near the canal.  There are no tax records for the years surrounding Marta's birth, so I cannot see there where they lived.  They seem to have moved several times.

Thank you very much for that explanation!

Doug N.

General questions / Help with a location in Vassända-Naglum
« skrivet: 2020-03-30, 10:35 »
Could someone please read the location where Marta Andersdotter was born?  Hers is the second birth listed on the left-hand page (4 September 1789) to Anders Bryngelsson and Catharin. Olofsdotter.  I can see that Anders was a Torpare, but I don't understand the line below that.

Thank you.

Doug N.

Thank you!  I see him now at Flicksäter Norra in 1750.

Doug N

Thank you so much for those translations.  I would not have guessed that the second word in where he moved to was "Gestad."  But now I can see better the difference between "G" and "H." Olof was indeed where Mr. Nordius suggested he was; he lived there for two years, and then moved to "Bohuslan."  Lucky for me I found his death in Slaktdata, at 93 years of age, in Uddevalla; otherwise I don't know how I could have found him again with such a vague destination.

I would like to ask for help again with two more tax records from when Olof Olofsson first moved to Frändefors.  The first is from 1751 when he lived at Flicksäter Södra (in the middle of the right-hand page).  Can some please read where he came from?

The second is from 1752 at the same location.  There is a long note which I think mentions his wife Anna, and Erik (?), but I can't be sure.  A very similar note is in the 1753 record here:

I really appreciate the help you have given me!

Doug N

General questions / Help translating two records in Frändefors
« skrivet: 2020-03-22, 12:56 »

I am having trouble reading two records from  Frändefors parish.  First is the estate inventory from 1774 for Anna Maria DeHog.  The third underlined name is her mother, Madame Britta Caisa.  What is her last name?  Sundstedt?

Anbytforum link: Sundals häradsrätt (P) FIIa:17 (1774) Image 130 / Page 255 (AID: v143089.b130.s255, NAD: SE/GLA/11112)

Next is a tax record from 1775 showing Anna Maria's widowed husband, Olof Olofsson, at Lövnäs (in the middle of the left page).  Can someone please translate the note in the margin?  Olof is not here in 1776; I am hoping the note will tell me where he moved to.

Thank you very much for your help!
Doug N

Thank you for your help!

Doug N.

Hello again,

I believe I have found an Olof Nilsson who may be the ancestor I have been looking for in Frändefors.  He is listed here in the middle of the page, below his mother, Anna Olofsdotter, b. 1757.  It appears that Anna died during the period covered, perhaps 1804.  Daughter Elin moved somewhere, but then sons Jonas and Olof (b. 1794) are crossed out.  Could someone please translate the comments to the right of Jonas and Olof?  There also appears to be a remark in the "1804" column opposite Olof.  It does not look like the comments refer to movements, but I would like to be sure.

The entire family, with father Nils Hemmingson, is listed at Gråtetorp from 1798-1801 in AI:2/33;  Nils died in 1800.  I would like to see if I can connect this Olof to a single Olof Nilsson (b. 1795) who wandered around western Frändefors in the AI:5 and AI:7 volumes before emigrating to Västra Tunhem in 1815.  I suspect he must have been an orphan, for he was alone at the age of ~14 years in 1809.

Thank you for your help!
Doug N.

Thank you so much for your prompt help!  There was indeed an Olof Bergbom in Frändefors in those years but no Nils Bergbom is listed then in the Central Soldiers' Register.  So there was no clerical mistake.  I'm now sure that the Kierstin Månsdotter I've been following in this thread is not my ancestor.  Not the first time I've gone in the wrong direction!

Well, I could not put this search aside.  I believe I have found Ellika Olofsdotter's estate inventory at Ris Stommen,  Frändefors in 1797 (Sundals häradsrätt (P) FIIa:32 (1797) Image 249 / Page 493).

The childrens' names Nils Månsson and Kierstin are consistent with what I have learned about Ellika and her late husband Måns Starling.  Could someone please read for me the last name of Kierstin's solider husband, Olof?  The fact that he is named Olof makes me worry I have been on the wrong track here.  Before I discard my work, I would like to learn what I can about this soldier to check the possibility, however remote, that they wrote "Olof" by mistake instead of "Nils."  I have been trying to find the parents of Nils Olofsson, born ~1795 in Frändefors, and thought until now that Kierstin might be his mother.  This could of course be the wrong Ellika.

Thank you for your help,
Doug N.

Thank you!  It seems his death simply wasn't recorded in the church books.


Could someone please translate the comment in the margin next to Pehr Jonsson's name in this 1785 tax record ("64...")?  He is the fifth person from the top on the right hand side at Hohl Garteg.  I have been unable to find a death record for him in Slaktdata, and I wonder if he perhaps moved to a parish that is not in that database?  The "64" could easily be his age.  I believe it is his son Jon Pehrsson listed just below him.  Jon appears to have taken over the farm as he alone is listed there in subsequent years.

Thank you very much for your help!
Doug N.

Thanks for the explanation.  I had thought that Ibm meant that she came from the same location as the person listed just above her.  Not so in this case.

I've been able to follow the girls back into the AI:2 volume, where they were still with their widowed father, who I had lost track of in 1801.  Lucky for me the scribe kept detailed notes on their movements.

Thank you again,
Doug N.

General questions / Help with a household exam in Åsbo parish
« skrivet: 2020-02-26, 10:01 »

I am having trouble interpreting the record attached here for Anna Maia Persdotter, born 1790 in Åsbo.

The moving in column contains a remark I am not familiar with.  I thought the "Ibm" might mean that she came from S. Bosmark also, but I do not see her there prior to 1813.  So I do not understand what this means, and I would like to try to find her movements prior to this date.  Her sister Greta is listed below her, and her future husband, Anders Persson, is listed in the group of young men above her.

Thank you for your help,
Doug Nelson

Thank you for all your help!  Not too surprisingly, I can't see them in the tax records at Rud in the years after 1778 (I doubt Ellika owned land anymore).  I'll put this search aside for now, as I don't think the records I need to find Kierstin's husband exist.  I am glad to have learned with your expertise about her parents.

Thank you so much for your help!  Your guess that Ellika moved to Torp was correct: I think I see her there from 1771-1774, after which she disappeared.

I did find her with her daughter Kierstin in 1778 in Frändefors AI:1, p. 3 (attached).  Again, I can't read where they moved to.  Or maybe they did not move since they aren't crossed out.  If someone can please read this, I would be grateful.  If they moved to the eastern part of the parish, I'm out of luck, as there are no household exams there prior to 1802.

I took Swedish in high school, but that was 50 years ago, and doesn't help much with reading some of the hand-writing in the old books.

Thank you again for your responses to my earlier post concerning Kierstin Månsdotter and her parents.  I would like to please ask your help with several records I have found using your responses.

Mr. Birgersson translated the notes on the household record from Frändefors AI:2/167 as “these are found in Stuveryr in the old book.”  Do you have an idea what the pastor may have meant by “the old book”?  I looked in Frändefors AI:1 but the family is not at Stuveryr then (nor could I find them there in the tax records).

I found Kierstin and her family at Stuveryr in Frändefors AI:2/147 (attached, also  Just to the right of the childrens’ names is a note I cannot interpret, but I believe it mentions the father.  Can someone please translate this for me?  I believe the father’s name was Nils and he died sometime in the early 1790’s, but I have been unable to find a record with his name.  Perhaps this note will give me some clue of where to look.  I see that the family moved to Svennungstakan, and they are there on page 43 of AI:2.

Next are several tax records where I have tried to follow Måns Starling and Ellika Olofsdotter, Kierstin’s parents.  Mr. Birgersson found Måns at Elegärde in 1757 with the note that Måns came from Bäsingebol.  The attached record from Bäsingebol in 1757 ( states that Dragon Starling moved to Elegärde, but I do not understand the rest of the note in the margin, other than (I think) the farm owner Olof was unmarried at the time.

Next is the 1762 record ( from Elegärde which notes Måns’ death.  Is that Ellika Olofsdotter listed just below him?  If so, could you please translate the marginal comment with a reference to Vänersborg?  Is this an institution of some kind?  Several other women in different years at Elegärde and Bäsingebol were associated with it.
It seems Ellika came from Bäsingebol, and that is where an Ellika Olofsdotter died in the 1771 death record Mr. Birgersson found earlier. 

Finally is the 1769 record from Elegärde (, which I think lists Ellika.  Where did she move to? 


I wish I could read this handwriting better, but none of the tools I have seem to help much.  Sorry, I can't figure out how to post images directly in the text (the insert image icon doesn't work??)  Thank you very much for your expertise!

General questions / SV: Help with a tax record in Järbo parish
« skrivet: 2020-01-10, 18:56 »
Thank you again; this has been a great help!

General questions / SV: Help with a tax record in Järbo parish
« skrivet: 2020-01-10, 16:40 »
Thank you for looking into this more!  May I ask what volume in Råggärds you found the house exam in 1742?  On the Arkiv Digital website I see that the parish records (AI:1 -) only begin in 1751.  Are there some other records known as house exams?  I would like to look at them next time I work on Arkiv Digital.

I found the death records for Swen and Kerstin in the Råggärds C:3 volume in 1742 and 1741 respectively.  There it says she was 56 years old! 

It seems pretty likely that the subject of my original request, Samuel Mattesson, was born in Järbo along with his siblings, but his birth was not recorded.  It is very useful to learn about his father's likely parents.

Thank you again for all your help,
Doug N

General questions / SV: Help with a tax record in Järbo parish
« skrivet: 2020-01-10, 14:06 »
Thank you both for your generous help!  I will look at the tax records you referenced next time I have access to ArkivDigital.  Those years don't seem to be available at the Riksarkivet.

The marginal reference to Alltorp in the tax record I posted is indeed puzzling.  I will need to look into this some more. 

Thank you again.

Doug N

General questions / SV: Help with a tax record in Järbo parish
« skrivet: 2020-01-09, 09:54 »
Thank you for the interpretation of their marriage record.  If someone could please translate the comments in the margin the tax record I posted I would be grateful.  I think I recognize the word "från," but I don't recognize the location (?) after that.

I looked in the Råggärd parish birth records for Samuel's and Mattes' births, but as was noted, they are incomplete back then.

Thank you again!
Doug N

General questions / Help with a tax record in Järbo parish
« skrivet: 2020-01-07, 14:29 »
Hello,  I am trying to find the birth record for Samuel Mattesson near Järbo parish. The attached tax record is from 1744 in Järbo (Mantalslängder 1642-1820, Jarbo (1744), sida 352).  The third person listed at Skällsäter is (I believe) Mattes Swansson, the husband of Stina Svensdotter Dallöf. They were married in Järbo on 29 June 1742 and their first child, Samuel (my ancestor), may have been born somewhere other than Järbo (their next 5 children were born there).  Do the marginal comments next to Mattes’ name give some indication of where he moved from and where Samuel might have been born?

Thank you in advance for your help,
Doug Nelson

(I posted a version of this request yesterday with 2 tax records, but I think I solved the problem I had with one of them.)

Thank you very much!

Doug Nelson

Happy New Year (almost)!

I would appreciate it if someone could please provide help reading the attached tax record from Frändefors parish in 1784.  Samuel Dahlof is listed at Liljetorpet on the lower left side of the page.  In the margin it says he came from somewhere.  Did he come from Örsberg? 

Thank you for your help.

Doug Nelson

What a fantastic resource!  Thank you so much for pointing me to it.  I found Måns Starling and several other ancestors.

Doug N.

Thank you for the caution about Ellika Olofsdotter's age.

You mentioned Släktregister Dalsland; I am not familiar with this, and could not find it in a quick Google Search.  Could you please tell me more about this source so that perhaps I can find the information on Måns Starling that you cited?

Thank you very much,
Doug N.

Thank you for sending that additional information.  I believe there may be several men named Samuel Dahllöf alive at the same time in this area, and it may be a challenge to keep them separate.

Doug N.

Thank you so much for the prompt help!  I was looking in the wrong century in the marriage books (1698 instead of 1798). 

I'm glad I asked anyway, because your translation is very helpful, and the mention of her father Samuel Dahlöf, confirms that this Maria is my ancestor.  Maria, Hans, and Samuel are present in Frandeförs some years after this marriage.  I will try to find them in Uddevalla now. 

Thank you again,
Doug N.

I have been using the excellent site Slaktdata for some time, and have never had a problem finding the original record in the church books from a Slaktdata search result.  Until now. 

I get the following marriage between Hans Stensberg and Maria Samuelsdotter in Slakdata:

Vigselregister Vänersborg-V15 (158001)
Registret är senast uppdaterat:2003-11-08
Löpnummer:   5130   
Vigseldatum:   1798-04-28   
Lysningsdatum:   1798-04-05   
Mannens titel:   TrägårdsMäst.   
Mannens förnamn:   Hans   
Mannens efternamn:   Stenberg   
Kvinnans titel:   Piga   
Kvinnans förnamn:   Maria   
Kvinnans efternamn:   Samuelsdotter   
Kvinnans adress, normaliserad:   Tegelbruket   

Information om registret
Period: 1776-1920, 6 642 poster
Reg.av: Trollhättebygdens Släktforskarförening och Vänersborgs Släktforskare Uppd.:2003-11-08

However, when I go to Vänersborg C1/278, I find only 3 marriages in all of 1798, none of them involving Hans.  I have looked in the years before and after in case there was a typo with the year.
 Obviously, I am looking in the wrong place.  Can someone please suggest where I should look instead?  Also, does someone know where Tegelbruket, Maria's locality, is located?  I cannot find it in the Rosenberg atlas.

Thank you,
Doug Nelson

Thank you very much for this additional information!  So far I have not been able to find a Måns Starling/Harling or anything similar in the Central Soldiers' Register, but I will keep looking. 

Thank you again.

Doug N.

Thank you so much for the prompt response!  I'm grateful for the correct parents' names.

Doug Nelson

General questions / Help translating two records in Frändefors
« skrivet: 2019-12-21, 19:30 »

I would like to please ask for help translating two records concerning Kierstin Månsdotter in Frändefors.  The first is her birth record on 5 Oct 1761: Frändefors C:1 (1751-1781) / 104.  Father: Måns Burling and mother: ??? Olofsdotter;  I cannot read the location.  Second is a household exam (Frändefors AI:2 (1802-1807) / 161).  At the very bottom of the page are Kierstin Månsdotter and her three children.  To the right of the names are two lines that I do not understand.  Could someone please translate them for me?  I’m assuming Kierstin died sometime in this interval, 1802-1807; does the first line concern her death?

Thank you for your help,
Doug Nelson

Thank you very much for the help, and the link to diseases.

Doug Nelson

Hello,  I would like to ask if someone could please help me translate the attached death record from Stenbrohult-G-C-2b-1751-1827/617 (at the bottom of the page).  I am having trouble with the end of the second, and beginning of the third lines in between her marriage and children.

Died on 28 June 1773 Husfru Britta Bengtsdotter in Bohult married with Sune Pehrsson in Bohult for 34 years……..had 2 sons and four daughters.  Had fever for 14 days before dying at 49 years of age.

Thank you very much,
Doug Nelson

Thank you very much! 


I have been trying to trace the movements of Jon Persson in Brålanda and Sundals_Ryr parishes  in the late 1700's.  I would like to ask someone's help in interpreting some comments made in the margin for two tax records.

The first is from Brålanda in 1786.  Jon is the second person listed at Aspebohl, in the lower right-hand corner.  Can someone please translate the comments in the right margin opposite Jon's name?  I am trying to learn where Jon was before moving here (the first household exam in this parish begins in 1789).

Mantalslängder 1642-1820, Mantalslängder 1642-1820Älvsborgs län, SE/RA/55203/55203.15/114 (1786), bildid: A0003466_00247, sida 466

Jon and family moved to Holmerud in Sundals-Ryr, where the second record in 1805 is from.  Jon is the fifth name from the top.  There is a comment just below Jon's name (in brackets), and also in the right margin, that I do not understand.  I know that Jon died here in 1809, but I am curious about these comments.

Mantalslängder 1642-1820, Mantalslängder 1642-1820Älvsborgs län, SE/RA/55203/55203.15/127 (1805), bildid: A0003479_00545, sida 1034

Thank you very much for your help.

Doug Nelson

General questions / SV: Help with a locality in Västra Torsås
« skrivet: 2019-11-12, 14:07 »
Thank you very much!

Doug Nelson

General questions / Help with a locality in Västra Torsås
« skrivet: 2019-11-12, 13:08 »
I have attached a birth record for Måns Jönsson on 27 June 1743; also the link is here:

Västra Torsås kyrkoarkiv, Födelse- och dopböcker, SE/VALA/00453/C/2 (1720-1746), bildid: C0026307_00112, sida 200

Can someone please read the name of the farm where the family lived?  I believe the parents are named Jöns Person and Kierstin Persdotter, but please correct me if I am wrong.

Thank you for your help,
Doug Nelson

General questions / SV: Reading help with Ǻsbo parish
« skrivet: 2019-03-17, 10:14 »
Thank you both very much for your help!  It is now clear that there was an Anna Stina Olofsdotter and an Anna Olofsdotter in Ǻsbo then.  I thought that Anna might have re-married after Anders Persson died, but that now appears unlikely.  The Anna Stina that married Eric Rästberg in 1764 (at the age of 44) and who died in 1803 is most likely not the Anna that married Anders Persson in the marriage record I posted. 

General questions / Reading help with Ǻsbo parish
« skrivet: 2019-03-16, 20:34 »
I would greatly appreciate it if someone could please help me interpret the two attached records from Åsbo parish.  The first is the marriage between Anders Persson and Anna Olofsdotter on 2 October 1743 (Åsbo C2/384).  I can see that Anders was from Ekebytorp in Mjölby; but I don’t understand the part pertaining to Anna.  I am also curious to know what Anders’ “title” is.  I don’t understand the first word before his name.

The second record is the death of Anna Stina Olofsdotter on 24 January 1803 (Åsbo C2/529).  I don’t understand the words before the location “Basteberg.”  I can see that she was a widow who died of old age at 84 1/3 years old.

Thank you in advance for your time.

Klas  -- Thank you very much!


General questions / Help with moving out record in Åsbo parish
« skrivet: 2019-02-27, 09:52 »
Would someone please be able to help read the attached moving out record?  On 4 March 1765 Olof Persson and Ingrid Johanesdotter moved from Södra Qvisselhult to somewhere??  I can't read the last two words.

Thank you very much.
Doug N

Thank you! 

General questions / Help reading birth record in Frändefors
« skrivet: 2019-02-22, 21:53 »
Could someone please help me read the attached birth record from Frändefors C1/p.197?  I am interested in the child born on 7 April 1774.  Is the name Anders?  I believe the father is Anders ???, and mother Maria Svensdotter i Holmen.  Witnesses: Bryngel Bryngelsson ibm and Anna Anderdotter i Holmen.  Is this close to being correct?

Thank you!

Thank you very much for the help!

General questions / Help translating birth record in Skatelöv
« skrivet: 2019-02-19, 16:46 »
Would someone please help me read the parents' names on the attached birth record from Skatelöv C2/14?  Britta Svensdotter was born in 16 March 1723.  I can't make out the father's last name nor the mother's first name.  Was the father Sven a soldier?

Thank you for your time and expertise,
Doug Nelson

Thank you all for your generous help!  I have soldiers among my ancestors named Thor, Sturk and Lindh, but Bakfot is a first!  I obviously never considered that was a name.  I have now been able to fill in many details on this family, but am still looking for Carl (Andersson) Bakfot's birth in 1723.  I'll keep looking in other parishes in the Tolg/Aneboda area.  Thank you again.

Doug Nelson

General questions / Help reading birth record in Tolgs parish
« skrivet: 2019-02-10, 11:01 »
Can someone please help me interpret the attached birth record of Brita Margreta, born 11 Sept 1766, in Tolgs parish?  I am unfamiliar with the term "Bakfots" (sp??).  In various clerical exams she is named Britta Greta Carlsdotter or Britta Greta Bakfots.  I assume it refers to a birth out of wedlock; though I have usually seen "oakta" in that circumstance.  I can't see a father's name.

Also, can you please read the mother's name and where she is from?  I can read Lisa Regina, but am unsure of her surname.  I would like to try to find the family in the Tolgs clerical exams, and knowing the location would help (although the books then have no registers).

I am also intrigued that one of the witnesses is "Mademoiselle" Cath...  That, and the mother's name Lisa Regina..., make me wonder if the family were not farmers, typical of all my ancestors (not that there is anything wrong with being a Bonde or Torpare!).

Thank you,
Doug Nelson

General questions / SV: Help translating two localities
« skrivet: 2019-01-22, 16:41 »
Klas,  Thank  you so much for sharing all that material on Bengt Lindgren's family!  I have found much of that, and it is reassuring to have you replicate it.  Your translation of the material is very useful.

I have posted my latest findings on Pehr Andersson from Säby and Åsbo parishes under the original topic.  You thought you might have some time to look into this puzzle some more.  I may have found Pehr moving in to Åsbo from Ekeby in 1783; but I can't be sure.

Thank you,
Doug Nelson

General questions / SV: Help with locality near Ǻsbo parish
« skrivet: 2019-01-22, 16:39 »
Here I summarize my work looking for Pehr Andersson's birth, and his movements into Åsbo parish.

Possible births for Pehr Andersson.  Åsbo household exams list either 2 Jan 1753 or 2 Jan 1743 as his birthdate.

I searched Säby births 1751-1760: 3 possible/certain Pehr Anderssons born, one in January. 
Säby C3/192 Oct 1753  f: Anders
Säby C3/193  2 Jan 1754  father: probably Jan/Jon
Säby C3/200 30 Apr 1757  f: Anders

I searched also Säby births in January only, 1743-1753.  Found one Pehr Andersson:
Säby C3/169 6 Jan 1744

I did a page search of Säby A2 (1769-1782).  I found two Pehr Anderssons in their families, but with the “wrong” birth years (1757, 1765).  The first (p. 27, born 1757, father: Anders Jonsson) is crossed out with an unclear destination written.  The entire family of the other Pehr (p. 143, b. 1765, father: Anders Persson) is also crossed out, perhaps because the mother died.  No destination is listed.

I searched Åsbo births 1742-1760: No Pehr Andersson born.
There are no birth records for Ekeby then. I have not checked other nearby parishes.

Moving Records

I searched Åsbo C2 & 3 moving in from 1744-1785.  1785 is when we first encounter Pehr in an Åsbo household exam.  I began in 1744 to check the possibility he moved with his family.  He would be too young to travel alone in the first two records below.  If he was born in 1743/1744, he would have been old enough to be married (to Elizabeth Månsdotter in the records below).  Had he been born in 1744, he would have been 100 years old at his death!  A more likely 1753-1757 birth date would rule out all but the last two moving records.

Åsbo C:2/99  4 May 1758 Per Andersson from Mjolby 
Åsbo C:2/103  15 Nov 1761 Per Andersson from Ekeby
Åsbo C:2/103  31 Oct 1762 Per Andersson with husfru Elizabeth Månsdotter
Åsbo C:2/103  14 Nov 1762 Per Andersson from W. Stens (?)
Åsbo C:2/116    3 June 1771 Per Andersson with husfru Elizabeth Månsdotter from Harg
Åsbo C:2/118  8 Nov 1772 Per Andersson (I can’t read)
Åsbo C:3/493 8 June 1783 Pehr Andersson from Ekeby to Timmero (?)  It appears he is with an Anna.

The last moving in record seems most promising.  If I read the destination correctly, he moved to where we first found him in Åsbo in 1785 (Timmero).  But Anna would have to have died so that Pehr could marry Helena Mansdotter (his first wife in Åsbo) in 1785.  It appears that someone named Anna did die on 4 May 1784 (Åsbo C:3/517).  32 years old?  I can’t read this record.

There are no moving records for Ekeby prior to 1807, so I cannot check if he moved from Säby to Ekeby, and there are no household exams in Ekeby before 1808. I cannot read the writing in the Säby moving records to see if he moved from there to Ekeby.

None of this is very convincing.  It could just as easily be that Pehr was born somewhere other than Säby parish.  Thank you for taking the time to read this.

General questions / SV: Help translating two localities
« skrivet: 2019-01-18, 16:10 »

Thank you very much for the photo!  In 2012 I was able to visit the farm my grandfather grew up on at Rånnum Storegården in Västra Tunhem.  It was quite similar to the photo you sent.

Luckily for me, Slaktdata is very good for Västra Tunhem.  I took a while, but I was able to find the birth for Nils Bengtsson Lindgren by searching for Nils Jonsson (the family name of his father, who I assume adopted the name Lindgren when he joined the army.  I have to verify that assumption still).  Searches for Nils Bengtsson or Nils Lindgren did not find him.  This family was not consistent in their use of a surname.

You may recall that last week you helped me with another question concerning Pehr Andersson in Ǻsbo parish who apparently was born in neighboring Säby.  I am still working on that: I have found 3 Pehr Anderssons who moved in to Ǻsbo, and still need to find if one of them is my ancestor.  I want to thank you for pointing me to using the tax records and to looking at witnesses to the birth of children.  I have since found these methods to be very useful!

Thank you again,
Doug Nelson

General questions / SV: Help translating two localities
« skrivet: 2019-01-18, 12:34 »
Thank you both for the translation help and finding the location!  I thought there were localities given for both the mother and father, but you pointed out there was only one (Baggården).  Thanks also for pointing me to the Släktdata website: I did not know of this site, and have already found it very useful!  Your help has helped me follow the family of Nils Bengtsson Lindgren (the husband in the attached record).  I have found 5 children so far, sometimes the father is Nils Bengtsson and sometimes Nils Lindgren.  A bit confusing, but I am pretty sure the father is the same individual.

Doug Nelson

General questions / Help translating two localities
« skrivet: 2019-01-17, 10:06 »
Can someone please help with reading the locations where the husband and wife were from in the attached marriage record from Västra Tunhem parish in Älvsborgs län?  It is marriage #25, between Nils and Caisa.  If you happen to know what parish these farms are located in, that would be great.  If not, I can search for them.

I try using Tyda text and lists of locations; but can't match these to anything.

Thank you for your time and expertise!
Doug Nelson

Hello,  I am looking for the birth of an ancestor named Anders Andersson born in 1774 or 1775 in Brålanda.  I have found one candidate born on 7 July 1774 (shown on the attached a page of birth records, upper left hand corner).  Could someone please confirm whether this child was named Anders?  I believe the father was a soldier, Anders Wennersdal (?) and the mother, Ingeborg or Ingrid Svensdotter.  If you agree that he is Anders, can you please read where the family lived?  I have tried to match this word against a list of farms in Brålanda, but without success.  I am also concerned that the word "dod" appears to be written above the child's name.  I did not find a death record for an infant named Anders Andersson in 1774 or 1775.

Thank you for your help.

Doug Nelson

Mystery solved!  I searched the death index for Kronobergs in ArkivDigital.  Bengt Jönsson died at Slättebacken in Skatelöv parish.  Try as I might, I cannot read "Skatelöv" in the moving record I posted.  He and Gunill apparently moved there to be near their son Jonas.  After Bengt's death, Jonas and Gunill moved to Kvenneberga parish, where she lived until her death in 1856.

Would someone please have the time to look at the attached moving record from Stenbrohult parish (Kronobergs län), AI:8, p. 440?  I am interested in line 5, which lists Bengt Jonsson and his wife Gunill Månsdotter.  I traced them here from a household exam in Västra Torsås which listed them as moving to Stenbrohult in 1820 (a fact repeated on the attached record).  This record then lists them as leaving Stenbrohult in 1821.  Can you please interpret where they moved to?  Back to Västra Torsås?  Is a farm named?  It could be useful too if you can please read the writing just to the right of their names in the box.  As background, Bengt was born in Stenbrohult, but moved in 1799 to Västra Torsås when he married Gunill.  They moved back to Stenbrohult apparently for just one year.

Thank you for your time and help,
Doug Nelson

Thank you both for your help!


I wonder if someone could please help me interpret the attached household exam from Västra Torsås AI:1 (1773-1789), p. 160?  I am interested in Elin Månsdotter, listed with her parents Måns and Anna.  Elin is crossed out, with what appears to be an abbreviation “abs. 1782” after her name.  To the right are two lines crossed out that I cannot read; there appears to be the names Anders and Lars and a location ending in “hult.”  Can someone please read these lines for me?  Can you also please read the name of the child listed below Elin?

I am curious about the abbrevation “abs.” which I took to mean “absent.”  This makes sense in Elin’s case because she is crossed out, and is not present at this location in Västra Torsås AI:2.  However, “abs. 84” follows the parent’s names, they are not crossed out; indeed they are present at this location (Olofshylte) in Västra Torsås AI:2, p. 160.  If I understand this wrong, please correct me. 

Thank you for your time and help,
Doug Nelson

General questions / SV: Help with locality near Ǻsbo parish
« skrivet: 2019-01-04, 20:57 »
Dear bmw -- Thank you for your interest!  You have made an interesting find!  On the next page (44) of the same Ekeby volume you will find Anna Stina's only full brother, Anders Pehrsson with 3 of his 4 surviving children.  Ander's wife has the same name as his sister!  Anders left Åsbo in 1817 before marrying, lived in Västra Härg for years, then settled in Ekeby.  I did not follow Anna's movements because she is not my ancestor, but was happy to see your discovery.

Dear Klas -- Thanks for suggesting to look at witnesses to the births of Pehr Andersson's  children.  The locations I can recognize immediately are either  Basteberg or Norra Timmero, both in Åsbo.  There are a few others I will have to research.  Interestingly, Caisa Carlsdotter (Pehr's second wife and the only one he had children with) gave birth to an illegitimate child on 11 May 1790.  A "Pehr" from Basteberg is a witness.  Pehr married her in October.
I will see if I can identify any witnesses who came from Säby.  And I will look in the death and marriage records as you suggest.

Thanks again for everyone's help!

General questions / SV: Help with locality near Ǻsbo parish
« skrivet: 2019-01-04, 14:54 »
Thank you very much for your kind help!  Pehr Andersson's son, Anders Pehrsson (b. 20 Apr 1792; Caisa Carlsdotter, mother) is my great-great-great grandfather.  I know Caisa's parents, her birth, marriage and death.  I know a great deal about Pehr's life in Ǻsbo (thanks in no small part to you all), but I hope to find his parents to add one last generation to that lineage.  I guess I will try searching Säby AI:2 (1769-1782) page by page, he may still be with his parents then.  This has rarely worked in other situations but those Säby records are easy to read.  I don't know how to link a marriage record alone to a birth.  Either the birth year or parish (or both) is wrong in the Ǻsbo household exams.  Perhaps I will look in Ǻsbo and Ekeby around 1753 for Pehr's birth.

Thank you, and I'll post if I find anything!

General questions / SV: Help with locality near Ǻsbo parish
« skrivet: 2019-01-03, 20:39 »
Thank you all for your help!  The detailed records that Britt-Marie are very useful.  I lost track of Pehr around 1816; thank you for finding the rest of his life!  In two of the later household exams that Britt-Marie found, his birth is given as 5 January 1743, not 1753.  I looked in Säby C3, p. 167 and there appears to be a Pehr born in early January, but again I cannot decipher the father's name (these Säby records are among the most difficult I have ever found).  His death record again gives the 1753 birth year.

I wonder if someone could please have a look a this and tell me the father's name.

Thank you again,

General questions / SV: Help with locality near Ǻsbo parish
« skrivet: 2019-01-03, 17:34 »
Dear Ulla and Klas,

Many thanks to you both for the prompt help!  I looked in the Säby birth records for Pehr Andersson's birth on 2 Jan 1753; but I could not find a Pehr born in 1753.  However, there appears to be a boy named Pehr born on 2 Jan 1754 (in the middle of the left-hand page), but the record is very difficult for me to read (see attached).  I believe the mother's name is Maria Månsdotter, but I cannot read the father's name, or what farm they may have lived on.  I wonder if someone might be able to read this birth record for me and confirm if the father's name is Anders?

Thank you again,

General questions / Help with locality near Ǻsbo parish
« skrivet: 2019-01-03, 13:42 »
Hello,  Can someone please help me with translating the birth Ort for Pehr Andersson, born 2 January 1753 (line 14 from the bottom in the attached clerical exam from Ǻsbo AI:1, p. 103)? 

Thank you,
Doug Nelson

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